
Fusion System in a fantasy world

Charles a 20 year old young was shot and killed because he refused to cooperate when he was being robbed. He now finds himself in a fantasy world with a fusion system watch as he grows to be the strongest in his world.

immortalnecromance · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Fight rework

~It's been 3 days since the fight with crystal and now i am required to head back to training because I have gotten back all my stamina. I was tired for 3 days straight because I overworked myself in the fight and now I have to go back? It's gonna be a long day~

"Are you ready again Charles"? {Crystal}

"Yes, I am Crystal". {Charles}

Then here I come. {Crystal}

Crystal dashes at me even faster than last time almost instantly. She is in front of me. I try to dodge but it is futile so I just take the hit and I get sent flying away.

I hit the ground and it hurts like hell, I quickly shrug off the pain as I can see crystal coming towards me I get up and move towards her as well. I know I am going to lose but I am at least going to do some damage before I go down.

I only have one sword this time and it is not one of the fused ones, I swing it at crystal as fast as I can she blocks it but I send a kick straight to her face, she backs off and looks at me before she charges at me in a zigzag way it's not the best of strategies but she is fast and I am slow so it's working for her.

I turn around and start to flee I know can't handle her head on so i must trick her, i full sprint to where the practice swords are and quickly grab multiple of them and throw them behind, me I grab 2 more to use for myself so now I have 3 swords one in my right hand, one in my left and another one in my mouth.

I turn around to see Crystal right behind me swinging her sword downwards. I block it with the swords in my hand and hit her in the stomach. She seems to not feel it though as she kicks me in the side.

My eyes go wide from the pain it felt like hitting your toe except a 100 times worse. I look up to see Crystal with a shocked face judging by the pain she seemed to have used more force than necessary, the last words I hear before I pass out is:


I will fix my grammar mistakes later

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