
Fusion System in a fantasy world

Charles a 20 year old young was shot and killed because he refused to cooperate when he was being robbed. He now finds himself in a fantasy world with a fusion system watch as he grows to be the strongest in his world.

immortalnecromance · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Update schedule

This would be about my update schedule when i first decided to write a novel i didn't think i would get a lot of views but on this novel i noticed that i seem to get close to a 100 views a day [it could also be bots but idk] and i try to get 1 chapter out everyday but even though i have a lot of material its hard for me to put it into words so i can only do short chapters and i struggle to write a decent chapter for people to read so i wanna say this will only be updated on either thursdays or fridays but there will also be some weeks where i upload almost every day. I don't know if anyone truly enjoys this or even finds it decent but if you do you can comment to let me know so i at least don't lose motivation, but even if i do i won't drop it will at most be on hiatus also one more think i am still in school and english is my first language so drop this if you can't wait for me to be able to write a proper chapter, dont expect a update today or tomorrow either that's all i wanted to say so bye until next week i guess.