
Fusion System in a fantasy world

Charles a 20 year old young was shot and killed because he refused to cooperate when he was being robbed. He now finds himself in a fantasy world with a fusion system watch as he grows to be the strongest in his world.

immortalnecromance · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Where i have been

To the person/persons who are reading this no this story is not dropped but i needed a break, to be honest i was contemplating dropping this but i decided not to. Originally i had no hope for this as everytime i wrote a chapter for this novel i made it up on the spot so it was very stressful, but i decided to write a new story now it will just be ideas that i have for new stories but will only last 1 chapter they will range from about 500 words to 700 words so they will be a bit short also i wont have a specific update schedule so i will think of one where i have the most free time and inform you guys so yeah be safe and take care of yourself goodbye