
Unpleasant surprise

I was in the bathroom trying to scrub off the dirt that sat on my skin before I heard the pop sound from the phone Sabashad given me earlier. I hurried forward to inspect; taking a glance at the phone, I saw '1 new message from Wills.


"Wills!" I exclaimed, trying to figure out who it was!


"Don't forget about the party," it read. It was then that I realized it was Sabastian. His last name is Wills.


I'm ready. I replied.


It didn't take long before I heard a horn outside the house. I looked from my window to confirm that it was Blake; Sabastian must have sent him. He ushered me in like a princess after the exchange of greetings, then he drove off to the main road.


"You're not looking bad," he complimented. Was he teasing me? Because I wasn't wearing anything special, just any regular outfit and a little makeup. He was singing and humming along with the song on the stereo. He was wearing a black suit with the same unique necklace I saw the other dayally looked like a gentleman.


"So, how long have you known Sabastian?" I finally asked.


"From childhood, actually," he replied with a smile, showing his dimples. He's really cute, though, but not my type anyway.


"He can be a brat, but surely he has some good in him. I respect him, and I love him like a brother.


"Is that why he sent you to pick me up?"

"Yeah, he's busy with meetings; his mother wouldn't let him out till the meeting was over."


"What kind of meeting? I asked suspiciously.

"Family meeting; you know stuff like that, eh?"



We got to the party, and the sight that greeted me was nothing short of enchanting. A symphony of laughter and music filled the air, and I felt excited that I didn't reject Sabastian's offer anyway. I recognized some of the students from school as I walked in.


"This way, ma'am," Blake gestured, pointing at an entrance that said 'VIP' at the entrance door. I whipped at the thought of being in the VIP section.


The room seemed like a different world entirely, and I couldn't help but admire the care and attention given to the preparation of the party. Just as I was about to approach the refreshment table, I heard a familiar voice; it was Lilly.


"You made it!" She said she was hugging me.


I felt agitated as I scanned the small crowd in search of Sabastian. I haven't seen him since I got here. "Where the f**k could he be? He invited me here; now he's nowhere to be found." I whipped, biting my lower lips. It's something I do whenever I get angry. I left my refreshments to cool off at the restroom when I saw what made me groan in anger. I wished I could just disappear into nowhere at that moment.


Sabastian was passionately kissing Elena. I couldn't help the surge of anger running through my tiny veins. I couldn't relate to what exactly it was I was angry at. He's not even my boyfriend. But I still need to cool my head off. "Oh f**k, I need dress air.


I was about to go out when I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulders. It was Amber.


"Those two look good together. You know they're going to marry very soon." Now she just made the matter worse, but I tried to hide my expression and just wore a fake smile.


I went outside to get some fresh air. The air was frigid, which made my skin grow goosebumps. I stood there all alone, like I was waiting for someone before I heard some noise in the woods. I didn't pay much attention to it, speaking from my mood. The rustling of leaves increased so much that I couldn't ignore it anymore. It was then that I saw something that brought horror to my face. It was a giant dog, or maybe something else.


I looked again to satisfy my curiosity; everywhere was just blurry, just the trees and fog. I wondered if I was hallucinating. I was about to get my sh*t back together when I heard a loud growl. I panicked in fear. I couldn't scream, and even if I did, the music wouldn't let anyone hear my tiny voice. My whole body was frozen. I was about to pass out when a hand grabbed me. I looked before dimming my eyes; it was Sabastian. He was holding me tight so I wouldn't fall. I wanted to ask him to let go of me. I didn't want him around me, but I couldn't find the strength to. I just relaxed on his strong arms like Superman, Louis's fate seemed to hate me at this point.


"Hey. Isa, please wake up. Isa, wake up."

I recognized the voice as I tried opening my eyes. I saw him with those piercing eyes staring at me. He was almost leaning on me, which made me want to have him at the same time. He was making it uncomfortable to breathe.


"Can you get it?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, standing up before I could finish the sentence. It was then that I realized we were alone; it was a big room with little light. I stood up from the couch, staggering, trying to balance my feet.


"Where are we?" I asked. He whipped, trying to assure me nothing happened.


"We're still at the hotel. I'll take you home when you feel better".


I wanted to ask him what was going on between him and Elena, but I couldn't find the courage to. "I'm fine," I replied, trying to remember why I passed out.


"What happened?" I asked for details. "I saw something, and then, did you see it too?" I lament, trying not to sound crazy. "We have to go now, Sabastian," Blake said as he walked in with some other guys.


"We need to be Sure, she's safe first; we need to take her home." He replied almost in a panic.


"Am I in some kind of trouble? I retorted. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. It's my first novel, lemme know if you like it or not. Pls like and comment thanks...

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