
Friends turned foes.

"Babe, are you alright?" I heard Elena's voice. I heard you got injured!…" 

"What!!" I exclaimed, Elena turned she was just noticing my presence. "What is she doing here? She could get us killed or exposed." I couldn't understand why she was saying something graphical like that. I was ignorant of the situation not knowing what exactly she was rambling about, and why would anybody want to kill them? none of it makes sense. "She was attacked first, Sabastian was only trying to save her." I was just noticing the blood on his arm. There was fresh blood, but no wounds or scars.

He looks very fine except for the bloods, I wonder whose blood are those, "I know she's not supposed to be here, but here she is besides we can't let those pariahs get away with this." Someone among the itty-bitty group said. "Your brother is asking for war," Lilly said looking at Sabastian who had been silent for a while, He looked confused or betrayed. "Was that thing your brother?... I stammered.

"Yes. Sabastian said coming closer to me, the rage on his face disappeared as he looked at me trying to assure me I'll be fine. "I know you have lots of questions but, now is not the right time my pack and I Will protect you."

"W-what wait, what do you mean your pack?" Elena whipped. "Are you insane? She's a human Sab." Elena's blue eyes bulged out. 

"What do you mean I'm a human? Do I look like a cyborg? I got pissed off by everything happening at the moment. "Why do I need protection and from whom? And what do you guys mean by 'pack?". I wondered if I was dreaming, maybe I would wake up next to my popkin, popkin is the name of my doll we sleep together.

"Hey look… I know it may seem lame to you but it's the truth, what you saw earlier was a wolf, I mean we're werewolves." He paused to examine my expression, and I burst out laughing. "Yeah that's so lame, and I'm Dracula." 

I groaned trying to leave, but he grabbed my hands.

"It's not safe out there all alone."

"No you don't get it, I need to go home, I don't need my mother worrying about me, well I don't expect you to get it. You have everything at your call." The truth is that I was just scared at that moment, why would anybody want to kill me? I've done nothing wrong!...

I pushed the exit door open and the party was still lively. The music was so loud you would have to scream to be heard. I heard Sabastian calling me, but I feigned ignorance. I've had enough bullshit for one day already. He ran after me "lemme take you home please," 

I turned to face him. "Why don't you go stay with your girlfriend? And stop following me like a lost Poppy, because we both know I'm not your girlfriend. If I needed someone to take me home It should be you." I poured all my anger on him. But he just giggled like those words didn't hurt him.

"Ok let's say I'm not taking you home, Josh will."

"No Blake should," I retorted.

"But why Blake? You like him already!"

I whipped. "Should that be your prob?" The truth is Blake is also hot, but I don't feel anything for him I just think of him as a brother. Besides, he takes it upon himself to protect me at school. "Ok.. fine, but you text me when you get home and if anything goes wrong you call me first pls." I just whipped while he fumes.

"And who the hell are you again? You're not some kinda FBI or are you? I don't don't owe you anything, I never asked for any of this, so, just leave me the hell alone." Blake came out and saw us arguing, "Are you guys cool?". 

"Yes. I just want to go home" Sabastian nodded at him to signal that he consented.


I can't believe I kept everything that happened a secret from my Mom. Normally, I do tell her everything but this one is so hard to swallow. What should I tell her that my friends at school are werewolves? That sounds lame.

I made it to school early today. Students were busy rushing to their various classes, it's usually like that on Mondays. I stopped by my locker to pick up some stuff, twisting the knob that squeaked at every turn… I groan. It was then I saw Blake walking through the hallway, then I walked up to him. "Hey, what's Poppin".

"Thank you," I replied instead and smiled at him, and he smiled back showing his dimples. "And good morning by the way," I said and we both laughed, his dimples got broader this time, and I like dimples, I wonder why I didn't get one! We chatted as we walked through the hallway to Mr. Brooks's class.

I took my usual seat next to Amber "Good morning luv," she smirked. She likes calling people "luv".

"Good morning" I replied.

"To be honest, I don't fancy Mr. Brooks's classes." She said and I grimaced and let out a laugh.

The door opened, and Mr. Brooks walked in. "Good morning y'all. Open to page 141 of your textbook."

I turned to Sabastian, he was staring at me with his arm folded and leaning against his chair. He wasn't looking at his textbook, I groaned at him "Brat". I Didn't want to give him the satisfaction he craved, so I quickly turned my gaze away.