
New friend

The final bell rang for the day, and I sighed because my energy had waned. I gathered my belongings, weaving through the crowd.

Just like any other teenager's stuff, the hallway was filled with horseplay. As I stepped outside, the crispy air kissed my skin.

The journey home should be peaceful but lengthy, especially on foot. Most of the students drove home in their cars.

Tucked away in a more remote part of Silverpalm, I would have trekked it without complaint, but today my feet felt heavy with fatigue.

I ground my teeth in discomfort when I remembered how far my house was from the school.

I began my leisure stroll with my backpack slung over one shoulder and my thoughts drifting. It was then that I heard the screeching of car tires.

"Hey, it looks like you need a ride home."

It was Sabastian. He was in a brand new black Range Rover. "My house is just up ahead; no trouble at all." He reassured me with a warm smile like he knew I was going to decline.

"Hop in; I've got room in the car," he said, almost in command. My tired eyes lit up with gratitude, but only if he could see that.

He opened the door and ushered me in like I was the owner of the car and him my driver. I couldn't look him in the eyes. His eyes had this charming look, so I avoided them. I don't want any trouble.

I was shocked when he called my name "Isabella." My heart raced.

"How did he get to know my name? He never asked when he was sitting next to me at the cafeteria." I turned in surprise just to meet those blue eyes I'd been avoiding all along. "Don't be scared; I don't bite." He said it sarcastically, and I smirked.

We drove in silence for a long before He broke the silence.

"I'll come pick you up for the party; you should come." Was that an order? I said to myself.

He didn't even ask; I searched for the guts in me to decline, yet I couldn't. I couldn't say no since it was coming from him. Why do I get this uneasy feeling whenever I'm around him? Did he cast a spell on me? I pondered.

I already said no to Amber; why did I consent to go with him? I don't even know this guy that much; I only saw him today.

"Don't worry, I'll send someone to come pick you up. I may get busy with other schedules." He tossed his hand inside his pocket and brought out a cell phone. "Call me when you're ready; Blake will come to pick you up".

"I didn't ask for your charity", 

I replied to him, trying to decline his gesture. But how did he know I didn't have a cellphone? "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone I gave it to you," he said, smirking, and I snorted, but deep inside of me, I was extremely happy about it—finally, I was going to have my cell phone. We only had one at home, which my mother used to contact her customers.

I said "Thank you" while collecting the phone from him. As our fingers brushed, I felt a shock wave running through my body. I took my eyes up to look at those charming eyes of his. He chuckled.

"Do you have a girlfriend?

"Oh, no, did I just ask him that? I mean, why would I ask him that? He should have them in thousands craving to have him. But why does he want to go out with me? Why is he interested in me?

"I'm sorry, but let's not talk about that now, please," he replied, facing the wheel screen. I couldn't stop punishing myself for asking such a stupid question.


"I'll drop here."

I said this when we got closer to my house. He glanced at the area in surprise; it was full of woods with no houses.

"I don't see any buildings here," he retorted.

"Yes, my house is just a stone thrown from here." I didn't want him to know where I was. I quickly opened the door to come down before he grabbed my hands and said, "Don't forget to call me; I'll be expecting your call". I nodded in agreement.

My mom was busy in her garden when I got home. "You came back early."

"Yes, Mom. I had help; actually, a friend dropped me off." I don't hide things from her; she's the only family I have.

"I'll give you money tomorrow for the bus; you don't have to trek it, sweetheart," she said, caressing my face.

"Why don't you go inside and shower? I'll be with you in a minute.