
Frosty Love

A special force officer Leo Miles was living a normal and joyful life, chasing criminals with his other friends and putting them behind the bars. But when Iclyn Frostine, The queen of witches and Ice came crashing down in his world, making him feel and witness mind-blowing elements of her world, Leo found himself getting forfeited in the magic of esoteric girl. Soon he realized that he was just a way to her throne. Torn between magic and logic, love and fears, the two souls fell for each other. Will the love between the man of logic and the woman of magic bloom? Or the storms destroy them? Disclaimer: All the characters, events, names, places, and incidents are fictional and my imagination. I don't own any pictures used in the book including the cover. But the cover was edited by me. Note: Plagiarism is something I hate and won't support. I will take legal action if found any piece of my story being used without my permission. Warning: Contains strong language and sexual scenes. All rights are reserved to Copyright © 2021 Amaya Scar

Amaya_Scar · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter: 14


I steer in my sleep when I felt him picking me up in his arms, then laying me on the bed. My eyes flew open when his fingers brushed against my forehead.

His deep brown eyes met mine. Those eyes brown eyes were as polished amber in first rays, they resemble the passion of the sun, the robust dark soils fertile with life, and irresistible like a bear drawn to honey. My eyes slowly trail on his sharp nose which was slightly red, his jaw is the most prominent feature, sharp as my ice spikes. His thin upper lip but lush lower lip, giving him a juvenile look.

"Iclyn," my name rolled off his tongue, in a raspy and hushed voice.

I realized what's happening. His elbow pressed in the mattress was on the right side of my face, his upper body was hovering over me.

I hastily arose, my head hits his nose and he lets out a groan.

I don't say anything and just climbed off the bed, watching him. His eyes were slightly watery, and his face was red. He rubbed his nose like a newborn baby.

I find that adorable. Even though I hate children.

"You will kill me someday," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes ignoring his comment and grabbed the folded towel.

"Hey, what happened?" he asked, following me to his wardrobe.

I silently take my jeans, blouse and walk to the bathroom.

He caught my wrist, stopping me.

I sighed, turning around.

"Tell me," he urged quietly.

"Nothing Leo. Leave my hand, we will be late for work," I told him.

He clenched his jaw, abruptly pulling me into his chest. My eyes widen in surprise when his hand rests on my waist.

"Iclyn, we have a lot to talk about," he said, his piercing gaze stare at mine.

Fine then.

I close my eyes, then again open them. Leo's face scrunched in pain and he immediately pushed me away from him clutching his chest.

"Fuck...why it's hurting!" He stooped on his knees and grunts loudly in pain.

His furry eyes look at me in anger and confusion.

"Now you know, what happens if you blur the line between us," I told him, in my icy cold voice. He should acknowledge the fact that he is human, and I am not.

The annoying voice of a crow made us tear our gaze apart from each other.

I stare at the crow and it burst into sprinkles of snow.

"What the fuck Iclyn?!" Leo screamed, his expression was frightening.

"It was bothering me," I said and turn around.

"Guys....is everything okay?"

We look at Ian who was adorned in dark blue jeans and a black buttoned-up, looking back and forth between me and Leo.

Leo scoffed, "You are a witch," dismissing Ian's presence.

"I am. A terrible one," I replied, walking inside the bathroom. I shut the door close, breathing out heavily. I feel weak.

I want ice witchdamit.

I hear the bedroom door slamming.


Ian called out for him, seems like he left the room.

I leaned on the door, feeling weaker and weaker.

There was a soft knock.

"Iclyn, you are okay?" Ian asked from across the door.

No. I am not.

I stay quiet crumbling on the floor.

"I am stepping in, you are scaring me," he said.

I breathe hard as the door slightly opens.

"Oh, God. Shit. What happened?" Ian walked in, inclining beside my fragile body. He touched my arm and jerked away.

"Damn you are body is burning cool, " he pointed out.

"Iclyn, what should I do? I will call Logan. He must know what to do!"

My body needs Leo.

But my mind doesn't.

"Ice...I want ice Ian," my voice was so shaky, that I felt pathetic and mortified of calling myself a monarch of witch's world and Snow Queen.

"I will get the whole damn Antarctica for you!" He said and galloped out of the bathroom.

Come on Iclyn, stay calm. You need ice and you will be okay love.

I kept confiding myself.

Wild steps whisked inside the bathroom. Logan and Aiden scrambled close to my hazardous frame.

"Don't touch me!" I howled.

They will injure their hands, the temperature of my skin is probably in the negatives.

Logan's eyes dilated as his gaze trailed from my face to down my body.

"Iclyn, let us help you please," Owen said with pleading eyes.

"Witchdammit! Just get me ICE. Your hands will burn if you touch me!" I yelled, feeling the pain getting awful, my body becoming more fragile.

"Doesn't matter to me!" Logan spat and grabbed the towel on the floor.


My words were ruthlessly cut off when Logan wrapped the towel around my shaky body and picked me up.

He walked me to the bathtub and plopped me down softly. The towel burns away with the temperature the cold temperature of my body. To put it in simple words, my body is like dry ice to a human. But more dangerous than it. He turned on the faucet and chilled moisture began stuffing in the tub.

"WE GOT IT!" Ian, Jack, and Austin came flying inside with huge vessels in their hands.

They poured tons of ice into the tub, my body soon felt at peace. The frosty waves rose, I panted hard, sniffing the icy breeze.


"Jeez where you all got so much ice?" Logan asked them.

"We got them from neighbors. Owen and Aiden are getting more," Austin replied.

I can imagine them banging on the door of people at freaking 6 am, asking for ice.

I felt the tendrils of a warm feeling building inside me.

They care for me.

For the first time in centuries, I felt this.

"Thank you," I said with a faint smile.

"Gosh, I was so scared," Ian said with teary eyes.

He is crying for me?

"Ian, don't cry," I told him softly.

"It's fine Ian. She is good," Jack said.

Owen, Leo, and Aiden bragged in with more ice. They poured the thick cubes into the tub.

"Y-you can eat this," Leo gave me crushed ice in a large bowl.

That's all I need.

I immediately dug in, shoving the ice in my mouth with a spoon.

Pure serenity.

I sigh in relief.

"Feeling good?" Leo asked, I nod absentmindedly, concentrating on my meal. I peep at Leo through my eyelashes, his shaking fingers run through his opaque silk locks.

"Let's give her privacy," Aiden told them.

"I will stay here," Leo quietly said.


"Let him," I told them.

They nodded, Logan patted my head then let me put a grunt.

"Don't touch me for a while. Your skin will burn. Just think I am dry ice for a while," I told them. They nod before walking out leaving us alone.

Thank God, I was dressed and not naked when my body reacted out of my control.

I felt his eyes boring in my head, I quietly stuffed my mouth. He closed the distance between us, taking a seat at the edge of the bathtub.

I felt his warmth and my weakness faded away like a storm. He reached his hand on my hair tie and swiftly takes it off.

"What are you doing Leo?" I asked him, as he picked one of the shampoo bottles.

"Just relax and stuff your face with ice. I will get you more later," he mumbled and drenched my hair. I clumsily put the bowl away, when his fingers massaged my scale forming bubbles of form. Each cell of my body calms down, as he worked his fingers softly.

How he is okay with my body this cold?

I closed my eyes shut absorbing his warmth. None of us spoke a word, only voices were heard of water splashing against my skin, the sound of bubbles, our breathes in sync, and the pounding of our hearts.

"Don't show up at work," he finally said.

"I am fine now. It's a normal thing to happen since I am in your world for a long time," I told him.

"Still. Just stay home Iclyn," he said sternly.

"Leo," I sighed, "I understand you don't want to be around me. But just bear with this. It's your fate," I said.

And also my fate.

He retrieved his hands back, I feel a little weird at the loss of his touch and warmth. He rinsed his hand clean.

"Well then, I am certainly unfortunate," he comments before walking out of the bathroom.

Leaving me alone with my thought. I gaze at the melting ice.

"Asshole, why did you shampoo my hair if you weren't gonna wash it properly," I said.

I dwelled in frosty water for a couple of minutes, then I get dressed immediately. I walk downstairs, Austin and Ian were waiting for me.

"Where are others?" I asked them.

"They went ahead for work," Ian said.

I saw a freezing bottle in Austin's hand.

"That's for you. Leo ordered five more since it would have taken time getting it all to freeze," he told me with a faint smile.

"Thanks...guys," I said with a grateful smile.

"Aww your smile is cute Iclyn," Ian flashed his boxy smile.

"Oh please have you seen the mirror. Your smile is cute, so is your Austin," I complimented them both.

Ian giggled as we waddled out of the house and Austin's pale cheeks turned rosy




"Guys we have a case. It's a suicide case," Leo told us, his eyes flicker to mine then he looked away.

I don't mind his behavior. It's good he doesn't like me, I don't want more intricacies in my life. My motive is simple, protect Leo, so I can hold the crown on my head.

"It's a celebrity suicide," Leo said.

We saunter to the cars, I followed Jin to his car and slide into the passenger seat.

" You okay Iclyn? You should have stayed home," Aiden gave me an anxious glance.

"I am fine," I assured him.

"You can tell me if something is bothering you. I will try to help you," he told me.

He is such a sweet guy.

"Thanks. But don't worry really," I smile.

We soon reach the crime scene. I tug on the gloves as stride into the huge luxurious mansion. I saw the boys in one of the bedrooms where a teenage kid's corpse was laying on the floor.


He is so young.

I kneel beside his body and check his pulse.

"Benzodiazepines," I said shortly.

"Pretty fast," Aiden commented.

"What's that?" Jack asked.

"It's anti-anxiety mediations. It increased the risk of deadly respiratory depression. It's ban though, how this kid had them," Aiden sighed rubbing his temple

"Let's wait for the postmortem report," Owen said.

We drive back to the headquarters and worked till almost midnight. We couldn't find any clues except the name of the doctor who was providing him the drugs. We decided to leave the rest of the work for the next day.

Exhausted we walk to the cars. I was leaning on Aiden and he was walking our tired bodies.

Abruptly, someone clasped my wrist. I felt a rush of emotions and I knew it's him.

"You are coming with me Iclyn," Leo said in an authoritative voice, that send shivers down my spine.