
Frosty Love

A special force officer Leo Miles was living a normal and joyful life, chasing criminals with his other friends and putting them behind the bars. But when Iclyn Frostine, The queen of witches and Ice came crashing down in his world, making him feel and witness mind-blowing elements of her world, Leo found himself getting forfeited in the magic of esoteric girl. Soon he realized that he was just a way to her throne. Torn between magic and logic, love and fears, the two souls fell for each other. Will the love between the man of logic and the woman of magic bloom? Or the storms destroy them? Disclaimer: All the characters, events, names, places, and incidents are fictional and my imagination. I don't own any pictures used in the book including the cover. But the cover was edited by me. Note: Plagiarism is something I hate and won't support. I will take legal action if found any piece of my story being used without my permission. Warning: Contains strong language and sexual scenes. All rights are reserved to Copyright © 2021 Amaya Scar

Amaya_Scar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter: 13




I pushed Leo, aside.

How dare he make a Queen bow to this lowly creature.

I grabbed his ear and twist it.

"Oww..ouch...Iclyn sorry!" He immediately muttered.

Other people went back to their business except for a girl, who was looking at me and Leo with wide eyes.


He said, Mina

So she is his girlfriend.

I let go of his ear, and he rubbed it and glanced at me before looking at Mina.

She is beautiful, to be honest. Slender figure, good height, fair complexion, short black hair. She was clad in short jeans and a very tight blouse, her cleavage was on display.

Now, won't this boy shove his jacket or something to cover his girlfriend's exposed leg and boobs?

He does it when I wear something revealing.

"Well, who is she?" She crossed her arm and looked back and forth between me and Leo.

"I am Queen of witches and Snow, Iclyn Frostine," I told her. She gaped at me blankly.

"You are a what?" She asked annoyingly.

"Are you deaf?" I asked frowning.


So she is deaf.

Poor girl.

"Leo, explain?!" She spat at Leo, he nervously looks at me and her.

Why he is letting her talk to him like that?

"What's happening?" Logan, Ian, and Owen walked over us. They look at Mina and their eyes widened.

"Oh, Hi Mina?"  Owen said awkwardly.

"Who's this girl?" She asked Owen and others.

"She is older than you, talk to her with respect," Ian said.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes and links her arm with Leo.

"Leo, let's go somewhere else. We should talk," she glanced at me then back at Leo.

Leo looks at Logan then at other members. They nod at him. Leo took his phone and wallet out from his pocket and shoved them in my hands.

"Keep it with you and pay for the clothes," he said and walked away with the girl.

I frown. What should I do with this box?

"Umm.. let's go Iclyn," Ian linked his arm with me and we both stumble.

Logan and Owen laughed at us picking us up from the floor.

"Let me take my clothes!" I told them. I walk back into the dressing room and took the armful of clothes in ny hands. Ian paid from Leo's wallet for my clothes. He also helped me pick each fabric. He has a great sense of fashion.

"Well, Leo will pay for his girlfriend? His wallet is with me" I asked.

"He must have another card with him," Owen told me.

I saw some people playing a shooting game, I watch them.

"Want to play?" Logan asked keeping his hand on my lower back. He flinched away from me.

"God why your skin is so cold. It's so cold as if it can freeze a person on the spot," he said shaking his head.

Then how Leo touched me? Without flinching?

"I am Ice queen. I am supposed to be cool," I rolled my eyes.

"Leo like winter season you know! He loves cool and Icy things!" Ian smirked at me, I shove all shopping bags in his hand and drag Owen and Logan along with me.  

"What do you want? I will get it for you!" Logan smiled at me.

"I just want to shoot. I hate those toys!" I pointed at the cute things. There was a Lion though. It reminded me of Leo. I smiled.

I shouldn't think of him in that way.

I need him but I can't use him for myself. He has his world, his own life, his purpose for existence.

"Here you go," Logan gave me the gun, and I aim it at the pyramid of paper cups.

I shoot 5 shots. It hits perfectly.

"God you are even better than us!" Owen said.

"Let me have the last shot!" Ian said tugging my arm.




He started to snatch it away from me, I snatch it back. While our snatching game the plastic bullet plunged out of the gun and hits a woman.

She screams, rubbing her butt and glared at us, making her way to probably crush us.

Oh fuck. She is like a sumo wrestler.

"I guess we should-

"Run," Logan clutched me and Ian, Owen grabbed our bags and we started running.

"Yah! Yah! Stop, you piece of shit!" The women yelled behind us, but we already cross the game zone.

Did she call me a piece of shit? I would have frozen her ass right away if these boys weren't with me.

We stop in the corridors and laugh looking at each other.

"Gosh, that was scary," Owen said panting slightly.

"If she had caught us we would be crushed under her!" Ian said with wide eyes.

"Yah! You shouldn't comment like that on someone's body!" Logan smacked Ian.

Poor kid.

"Good that I came with you kids. Now let's head home. Aiden will scold us if we are late," Logan said and we nod.

"Leo? What about him?" I asked.

"He will probably be late today," Owen said helping me walk downstairs.


We walk out of the mall and I climb in Logan's car. Owen and Ian were having some plans so they drove away before us.

What he is doing?

Will he be staying over at her house?

Will he come back?

"I hope you enjoyed today?" Logan asked, making me snap out of ny thoughts.

"Yeah, thanks for today," I told him. He smiles. Witchywitch his smile is so precious.

"You want to eat something?" He asked.

"No, let just go home," I told him.


I tear my gaze from him and look at the passing view.

I once had a home.

When we reached the house, it was nearly twilight. We walk inside the house, the boys were conversing. I wave at them.

"You both are back, it's late. Where are they?"  Aiden asked looking at Logan.

"Leo is with his girlfriend, Owen went to a book store, and Ian...um...I don't know where he went...but he will be back," Logan said.

"Why did I sent you with them? I should have sent Austin instead! You know Ian has no sense of direction, be left his phone home and it's almost night. If Ian gets lost you are not getting dinner," Aiden glared at Logan.

He is like their older brother, taking care of each one of them.

"I will just go sleep," I told them and walk upstairs.

I was feeling dizzy again. I lay on the floor for a while but still, I was feeling weak. I jumped in the shower immediately. The cool water splash over me and I closed my eyes. I should be near ice soon or else I won't be able to get my powers back.

"Iclyn? You are in there?"

Leo knocked on the door twice.

"Yeah. I will be out in a minute," I replied.


After a while, I walk out of the bathroom. Leo was sitting on the edge of the bed. He looks at me, but this time he doesn't blush when he see I was just in a towel.

I walk over to his wardrobe and look for something comfortable.

"You brought your clothes, right?" He asked.

"Yeah. But your clothes are soft and nice," I slipped his green hoodie on.

"Look away," I command him. He closed his eyes and I let the towel fall. I wear one of the shorts we purchased earlier.

"I am done," I told him drying my hair with the towel.

"I peeped you," he smirked

"As if. You don't have that much courage," I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please, sweetheart. My courage has no boundaries," he continued to smirk.

He is just hot. A little too much.

"I will put a truth spell on you and will ask if you peeped at me or not," I shrugged.

His smirk fell and he groans. He took the towel and stomped his feet walking into the bathroom.

I just knew he didn't peek.

After a while, he came out wearing a white t-shirt and sweat pants. He climbed into the bed after switching the lights off. The room was still dim, due to dim light and the soft glow of the moon. We stay quiet. Not saying a word. I lay on the floor staring at the ceiling thinking about him even though he is less than a foot apart.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor?" He asked quietly.

"Your body radiates heat so the floor is better," I replied, keeping my eyes close.

"You don't like my heat?"

He is cute but dumb.

"What type of question is that Leo?" I question back and look at him, he was peeing at me like a kid from the bed.

"Umm..why don't you answer my question?"

"Why do you ask a dumb question?" I rolled my eyes.

There was a silence.

"I told you to ride with me, why did you ride with Logan?" He asked.

"Again why are you asking me this? Should I keep reminding you about your girlfriend"

"Dont think about her. I am asking because I felt something I shouldn't feel," he retorted. I felt my heart racing when I look at him.


"Jealousy," he replied.