
From Shadows To The DC Universe

Title: Transmigrated Warrior: From Shadows To DC Universe Synopsis: In "Transmigrated Warrior: From Shadows to DC Universe," we follow the thrilling journey of Jacob Turner, an experienced marine with a distinguished military career. One fateful day, during a top-secret mission, Jacob finds himself inexplicably transported to the vibrant and dangerous world of the DC Universe. As Jacob adjusts to his new surroundings, he quickly realizes that his survival will depend on more than just his combat skills. Fortunately, along with the transmigration, he acquires extraordinary powers that enhance his physical abilities and grant him unique abilities. Empowered by this newfound strength, Jacob sets out to navigate the treacherous streets of Gotham City, where he finds himself surrounded by superheroes, supervillains, and everything in between. In his quest to adapt and thrive in this new reality, John encounters iconic characters from the DC Universe. From Batman to Superman, Wonder Woman to the Flash, he becomes entangled in the conflicts and battles that shape the fate of the world. As he fights alongside the heroes and confronts the villains, Jacob must confront his own inner demons and make difficult choices that will determine his place in this extraordinary universe. With his military training, strategic thinking, and newfound powers, Jacob becomes a force to be reckoned with. But as he delves deeper into the DC Universe's dark underbelly, he discovers sinister forces at work, conspiracies that threaten to tear apart the fabric of reality itself. Jacob must harness his skills, powers, and the relationships he forms to confront these nefarious threats and protect the people and world he has come to call home. "Transmigrated Warrior: From Shadows to DC Universe" is an action-packed adventure that combines the best of military expertise and superhero prowess. It explores themes of resilience,Anti-heroism, and self-discovery as an ordinary marine transforms into an extraordinary defender in a universe teeming with superhuman abilities and epic battles.

Vekay_Legend · Movies
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32 Chs

Chapter 19

Surprised by the reveal Barry asked "You're like me, what are you doing here?" Looking at the the poor speedster who was currently paraplegic in Pitt, Jacob answered "Like i said, I'm a speedster just like you, I'm a hero where I'm from." Barry was listening to him silently before asking "So you are from a different Earth?" Making Jacob chuckle before replying "Nope, different universe all together... You did not have your speed yet, as for how i know? Well let's just say back on my Earth you have been struck by lightning three months ago, so after dealing with the Alien Invaders i was bored. I then realized that I was able to not just travel through time but earths and dimensions, so.... that's what I just did the rest you know."

Barry then unable to keep his curiousity asked "Who were the invaders" having already fighting speedsters and the meta humans Barry was sure he had more experience than Jacob, only to be shocked by the answer of Jacob who said "Well on my Earth the Kryptonians tried to capture and kill Superman, but the worse part of it was they were going to Terra form Earth into Krypton. So me and my good friend Solaris teamed up to put a stop to them, we had help from Superman of course."

Barry having met Supergirl was horrified, he witnessed the abilities of both Kryptonian cousins who had multitude of abilities. So he could imagine the picture of the invasion of not one but an army of them, he asked "How did you guys managed to defeat them? What about Supergirl? Where was she?" Jacob only shrugged and said "I don't want to brag but me and the boys handled ourselves quite well, through Superman's connection we managed to send the armada to the phantom zone. The one we had to face was Zod, who was their General so after our tag team battle against him we managed to beat him. As for Supergirl? I don't know... Never met her, we only had Superman."

So after much sharing of experiences of battles on both sides, Barry was told by Caitlin that he was getting healed. Soon he'll be back on his feat but after the fight he had with Zoom, he knew he was sure to have nightmares. So after a day they had gotten a situation about an attack on a laboratory, a scientist stole a cannister of a serum before being killed outside of it. After the team investigation of the incident, they started to cross reference all the attacks which seemed to be connected somehow.

Turns out the Serums stolen where connected with brain enhancement, not to mention the evidence found at the scenes of the multiple murders found some hairs all over leading the forensic scientists to research when the results came back they where shocked. A detective called Joe informing him that the hairs found was not human but an ape's, leading him to run back to S.T.A.R. Labs to inform them of the return of Grodd.

Jacob knew that he was not going to stay on this Earth for long so, he started to explore the city as a civilian wanting to see the difference between the two cities that he resided. He later got contacted by the team about the kidnapping of Caitlin, leading him to blitz back to the Lab.

"So, you got a giant mind controlling ape on the loose here? Damn, wish I've had my own fun." Said Jacob walking in to the team meeting, causing everyone to give him the annoyed looks making him to shrug. So after they made a plan to involve Jacob their resident speedster, to wear The Reverse Flash costume with Cisco developing a tech to make his lightning red in colour they then started to try to get Jacob to be able to act like The Reverse Flash.

"Okay Jacob, one more time just increase the creep factor by times ten. Make it seem like you love me but you will still need to kill me." Said Cisco, Jacob now wearing The Reverse Flash's suit looked at Cisco before he began vibrating making his eyes glow malevolently red as he began speaking "Cisco the truth is....i have grown quite fond of you. And in many ways, you have shown me.... what's it like to have a son." Cisco who witnessed this was petrified in fear, making him hyperventilate before Jacob stopped immediately trying to calm Cisco down. " Whoa whoa whoa, easy easy, breath Cisco breathe bro, he's not here. You are okay, you are safe." Said Jacob calmly to Cisco with his hand behind, with Cisco now calm he said " Yeah, you nailed it. Now I'm gonna be having nightmares again, but with your acting you could convince Grodd of who you are." With them agreeing they went along with the plan.

They later managed to triangulate the location of Grodd to three possible location, each of them a bell tower so after checking the other two they got ready to begin. Walking in Jacob started vibrating with his eyes glowing red while wearing his mask, as he got closer he could hear Caitlin trying to explain how she could help him before he sped inside covered in red lightning.

"Hey buddy, guess who's back?" Said The (fake) Reverse Flash with his voice imitating Wells, Caitlin was struck with disbelief and fear while Grodd was incredibly surprised asking "Father? But.You. Dead. How. Still. Alive?!!" Jacob getting into the act said "Well you know, I'm near impossible to kill so i went away for a while. Had to improve my plans to destroy Flash, but before i continue. What is she doing here?" Grodd looked between before he said "Want. More. Like. Grodd. You. Left. Grodd. Grodd. All. Alone." Trying to explain himself to his father, making The Reverse Flash laugh "Hahahahaha, ahh foolish child, did i never teach you about patience? Huh?" The Reverse Flash asked looking at Grodd making him face away from him, acting like he did not like Grodd's response he roared "LOOK AT ME!!!!" Making Grodd look back at him begrudgingly "I promised you this city, and I'll keep my word." Then looking at Caitlin he started to walk around her with her frozen stiff in fear he continued "As for Caitlin, hehehehe, well she will be my bait to get the Flash." He said sinisterly, while walking towards Caitlin as she was trying to back up with each step. Until the wall was pressed against her, Grodd then said "Father. Grodd. Alone. Want. More. Like. Grodd." Making Jacob look at him, he then pretended to think then he answered "If you want, i could send you to an Ape Utopia, a world full of apes just like you. How would you like that?"

Grodd then started to get excited, grunting with joy as he responded "Yes. More. Like. Grodd." Making Jacob nod his head before saying "Then i will get you home tonight, wait till this evening. And i will come to take you home." Turning towards Caitlin he sped off with her, before appearing back at S.T.A.R. Labs. The whole team was petrified looking towards Jacob, while Barry tried to attack him but found himself bound by lightning before the speedster revealed himself as Jacob who said "Well what do you know, i guess i could make a good improv actor huh?"