
From fiction to reality

Lamine lives on a normal modern world, while he was playing on his old PlayStation four, something happened and from there his world view changed drastically. He gained the ability to bring fiction into reality! What will he do? Conquering his home world obviously. .... I'm writing this for myself but i decided to post it here since I don't lose anything and I'm sure there are readers that wants a fic about a guy who can bring things or beings on the real world but without the overly horny bullshit this sites always offer, so here. Like a said I'm writing this for myself since i didn't find something i liked, so if you have suggestions for world or technologies you would like to suggest, feel free to do so but keep in mind that I might not accept them. and if i find some hate comments I'mma remove them without esitation, so if you don't like the novel you're free to comment it but without insulting me or other readers, you can say why you don't like it or what i wrote wrong. Just like my other stories, this will have irregular updates since i have other things to do. The mc is not the dark or evil type, he smiles and enjoys life but on the serious moments he will be serious, he likes Katanas just like me and even more technology. The story will have super powered people, and battles, the mc is not the only person with an op power or something. He is an antihero but he will be extremely kind to children and tolerant to women (Not a simp) but don't mistake, he doesn't have problems killing anyone if it benefits him or he is in danger. Mc is intelligent and a genius. He will become extremely overpowered really fast, i mean it, since this is what happens when an mc receives an op power and doesn't get nerfed by the author. he will visit the omniverse so he will obviously find other op characters like him, so he isn't invincible. And i will already say it, i will bullshit no jutsu many things since this is fiction, and some things might change since this is my novel. If there will be romance it won't be of focus. Tags: No: LGBT packet, Ntr or horny packet, (Magic probably) No nerf bullshit. Yes: Technology, really fast growth to overpowered , fictional items into the real world, Extremely talented Mc, super powers. well i might add some tags in future. Good read.

Kqro · Video Games
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22 Chs

Chapter 9: Curtain

On the streets of the city of Alessandria, we can see a young man speeding along the road, his powerful legs strength allowed him to go at high speeds, the people looked at him in surprise and curiosity, it was a rare sight to see a young man riding a strange bicycle.

No, it never happened, but they didn't put much thought into it since it wasn't new for someone to personalize their bicycle, and i was going at a fast pace but inside the normal human standard, but it was enough for me since i just enjoyed the ride and wind on my face.


I took a narrow turn while inclining the bike, making the pedals touch the asphalt causing sparks on my way, what an exhilarating experience!

"Hahaha" I'm enjoying these simple moments, and since everything was in slow motion for me, the margin of error was small. I took my time to try many tricks and moves, i enjoyed taking unconventional roads and ways too.

Going through the bridge on top of the railways i looked at the city, what an....

Average sight, what did i expect? I've lived on this city ever since i came on this country so I've practically seen everything noteworthy, and on this city there are not many.

"Hm?" I felt a big amount of energy similar to mine gathering somewhere, i turn my head with a frown and looked at the center of the city, from there i saw an enormous dome being created!


It's similar to the curtain of Jujutsu Kaisen! But it's size is more than two hundred meters, i looked at the civilians and noticed that they behaved like that curtain didn't even exist.

With my years of experience about novels and manga, and by using common sense, it's highly probable that only supernatural beings can see or feel it.

I better take a look, so i immediately pushed the pedal with force and speeded without esitation, my destination clear, to arrive more quickly i decided to go slightly faster than normal.


I pedaled along the cars and buildings, knowing the city i took some less popular roads to arrive at the shortest time possible, and after five minutes i reached my destination, it was a neighborhood.

I looked around and got off the bicycle, i walked slowly towards the Curtain or barrier, whatever they call it, i observed the behavior of the civilians who continued with their daily life like usual, except some who looked at my bike in curiosity but then forgot about it and continued with their own business.


A woman was walking with her stroller where her son layed quietly inside, sound asleep with a serene face, the mother continued on her way and trepassed the barrier without strange reactions, as if it wasn't even there.

This piqued even more my curiosity so i followed her and trepassed the barrier without doing nothing, i didn't even feel it and if it wasn't for my ability to see it along the energy i felt from it i would be oblivious too.

After i trepassed the barrier i saw the continuing of the neighborhood and the woman still on her way, i inspected the area but didn't notice anything apart from the energy all over inside the big barrier.

I walked outside again and deeply looked at the barrier, it's color was black but with a purple outline, i was still able to see the woman like before if i wanted to but an idea came on my mind, no, more like i searched for a response and subconsciously my mind gave it to me.

My energy!

So i came near the barrier and touched it, but this time, different from before, it rippled like water, i was consciously coating my hand with a thin layer of my energy, i applied some force and...

I passed through, but this time i felt the barrier while walking through it, and when i was able to see what was in front of me, my brows raised in curiosity.

What was in front of me was the same neighborhood that i saw before, but now it had many buildings broken and i could feel loud fighting sounds with screams.

It sounded like someone was fighting against an insurmountable boss, how do i know? Well, it's thanks to something that i noticed after creating my sixth sense, the perception.

After creating my own perception i became more adept and sensitive at sensing my and others energy, and from that moment, i am capable of seeing the essence of humans, their life force.

And with some practice while enjoying my ride on the roads of the city, after seeing the energy of plants, humans and animals, i begun to number it.

The normal humans have an amount of energy around the tens, the maximum i saw was from a man who had a good phisique and a body trained for martial arts, his energy was on the 14, so I'm theorizing that the normal human peak is 20.

A little child that i saw playing on the grass had 4, the mother of before had 9, so the average human has 10.

Turning back to whoever is fighting, I'm able to sense why they are fighting someone out of their league, well...

From the humans side we have:

63 - 45 - 91 - 56 - 54 - 34 and various numbers, with the highest being 128 but his life force is faltering showing that he is probably in extreme danger, but since I'm not close enough I'm not able to sense how much or where he is injured.

While the human side has this power level, the other being.. whatever that is, it's not good.

It's energy is soo dark and dirty, full of impurities but it seems they are giving it strength, the energy is so revolting and disgusting that i can feel it from here, it power level is 200.

It doesn't seem much but you need to realize that a child has 5 and a full grown adult 10, and we know how easily a man can overpower a child, and the increase of power level is exponential, this means that a 11 would win with little difficulty against a 10, but it can vary since weapons and martial arts exists.

And the strongest human there has 72 points of strength difference from the abomination, my mood turned more serious and i immediately disappeared from my place.

My power level? Well, my energy is on the universal scale but I'm only able to use a fraction of that energy since my body is not strong enough, but I'm continuously growing.