
From Fallen to Rising

One a 30 million pirate with a big crew, Taiyou, lost everything on a seemingly good day. His crew, money, and even his freedom was lost to a single marine. A marine captain called Slasher. Taken to the East Blue and jailed. Taiyou has vowed to get revenge and become the strongest pirate within the seas. Notes: There will be brutal moments (I hope I can make them brutal like I intent it to) that will show up. Also, no 18+ stuff bc ew. I am also still bad oki. This is NOT a isekai

SeanBrikeyAgain · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The Falling Sun

It was a long stormy night inside the North Blue, a notorious pirate captain known as Taiyou is over seeing his crew while writing in his journal. As a 30 million bounty pirate with a 50 million berry pirate crew. Suddenly he hears a shout from his crew, "Captain! A ship is coming at us!"

"How many people are on there?"

"Only one!"

"Well then just blow him up you dimwits!"

"Right Captain! Cannoneers Ready up the cannons!"

"Right Commander! Suppliers bring the cannon ba- GAHH!"

The boat that was near the ship suddenly sinks and at once 3 cannoneers all fall onto the ground with their heads flying off. A person appears on the ship with two swords in his hand

"So, this is what the other marines lost to? I'll make sure that they all get demoted," The person says, the other pirates began charging at the unknown man, however as fast as they charged, they all died instantly. The person sheathed his swords. The commander realized how hugely they messed up.

"It... it can't be! You're the marine captain that killed 100 pirate crews all at once at the famed Golden Cove! You're... Torima! This is truly your biggest mistake! I the 20 million berry worth pirate called Snapper will finish you off, take this! 10 surrounding iron snap!"

The commander throws up 10 irons spiked ropes with rings that he holds them with and throws them at the marine captain making sure to have the spiked robes to surround Torima all around before he pulls them all together.

"My ropes with spike and stick to your body and I'll snap your body all directions!"


Torima grabs his sword and slashed all the ropes into tiny pieces charges towards the commander before slashing him multiple times. The commander falls to the ground without any life inside his eyes.

"Speeding Styles, Double Continuous Slashes"

"What? This should... be impossible, you monster,"

Snapper falls onto the ground bleeding to death.

"Come out, I know you are here,"

Taiyou walks up to Torima's sight, at the speed that they saw each other, Torima charged at Taiyou while he blocks it with his sword.

"So, you are the captain, I recommend you give up before you die like the rest of your crew."

"I recommend you shut up before the predator becomes the prey,"

"A snappy one, aren't you? Looks like I'll just do this the hard way,"

Torima launches Taiyou's sword away and slashed at Taiyou who holds the sword in place with his hands. Torima kicks him and and slashes him with his other sword and kicked him on to the ground. Helpless, Taiyou gives up. Torima looks at him pathetically and kicks him in the neck which knocks him out.

5 hours later, Taiyou wakes up on a ship handcuffed. He saw pirates he never seen before. He had a lot of knowledge about pirates inside the North Blue, so he knew almost every relevant pirate, yet he never seen those pirates. He suddenly heard a shout from marines,

"It's time to go to where you belong you pathetic worthless pirates!"

We were put into a marine prison locked away from the rest of the Marine base. He knew that at the night that the Marines would likely have less defenses and he would be able to escape the marines.

A few hours later it was 1:00 and it was time for him to break out. He tried to break out of his handcuffs, but he underestimated how strong the iron that they used were. He began smashing his head against the chain that connected the hand cuffs, eventually he weakened it enough to break the handcuffs in half. He began punching the normal steel bars that took only a few seconds for him to break them. He jumped through it and began running to the exits. He knocked all those who opposed him out of the way. While knocking them away he picked up two swords so it would be easier to do so. Once he was at the exit, he quickly slashed it to pieces and left the prison. This alerted the Marine Base on the island, and they quickly sent out multiple Chief Petty Officers and an Ensign

Meanwhile a conversation was going on over the Den Den Mushi

"Is this Captain Torima?"

"Yes, why did you call me Fleet Admiral?"

"We are promoting you to Commodore becau-"

"That's it? You can notify me once I get to Rear Admiral or above,"

Back at where Taiyou is...

Taiyou has now been discovered by the marines. He gets ready for battle charges in. Some basic marines began shooting at him which he easily blocked by slashing around him.

"It's worthless using guns, just charge in with your swords! It's just one man, it shouldn't be hard,"

Taiyou began charging and attacking even faster after he was insulted. 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘯?! 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘯! The marines began charging in and he easily slashed them away, a 30 million bounty is nothing to scoff at inside the East Blue or any blue. Annoyed by the soldier's failure the ensign called out to the Chief Petty Officers.

"Flanc, Prund, Onilg! Beat this man to a pulp and show the soldiers how it's done!"


The Chief Petty Officers charge in and they slash towards Taiyou all at once. He blocked the attacks but was still overwhelmed and could only defend. He began looking for any weaknesses he could exploit so that he could defeat them. Suddenly they all attack at different sides. He knew he could exploit this and block the side hits while holding the sword coming at his face with his teeth. He then launched the blades of the people at his side into the air and slashed the person in front of him making him loose the grip of his sword. He quickly slashed in a tornado with a finishing double slash to the person in front of him taking all of them out.

"So, you were strong enough to take out those trash, too bad you are against me. I am the Lieutenant known as Lieutenant Strong Blade! I will be the one cutting you down for justice!"

"You think that just because you are a Lieutenant that you can be all cocky? I have already been defeated once, and I won't be defeated by someone trash like you!"

Lieutenant Strong Blade grabs a giant blade out from his back and smashes it against the ground. Cracking the ground around them.

"I am someone that was almost promoted to Captain! Don't underestimate me!"

Taiyou smiles and gets ready to attack.

"Well, show me then! As a former 30 million bounty Pirate I would surely promote you to Captain if you beat me! If you can that is!"

With that final sentence they both charge forward ready to clash their swords. Taiyou thrusts a sword which Lieutenant Strong Blade blocking it with his gigantic sword. Taiyou then slashes at Lieutenant Strong Blade's head. He quickly spins his blade around forced Taiyou to back up.

"What's wrong? I thought you were a 30 million bounty pirate?"

Taiyou moves his sword in a cross and charges at Lieutenant Strong Blade and slashes in a X. Lieutenant Strong Blade blocked it again and punched Taiyou in the face. He then lifted his blade and slashed at Taiyou who blocked it. The blade was pushing him down. Taiyou knew that rather he would have to try to dodge the blade or attack back.

He breathed in and moved as fast as he could. He was just fast enough to dodge back however Lieutenant Strong Blade anticipated this and charged forward while slashing his sword towards Taiyou. Taiyou jumped back again but was caught off guard when Lieutenant Strong Blade changed the sword direction to the ground which cracks the ground. Lieutenant Strong Blade then jumps towards Taiyou and slashed at his side. Taiyou blocked his blade with his two swords. Lieutenant Strong Blade then slashed at Taiyou from above which forced Taiyou to block again because of the groundbreaking apart making his footing on the ground way to loose to jump away. With the blade pushing him further and further down. Taiyou had to do something once again. However, this time, it was forced for him to fight back as he couldn't easily get away. He stopped defending himself and went all out, moving his sword towards his target he launches his most important attack he had to do so far.

"2 Sword Style: 50 50 Slashes!" While doing the move Taiyou thought to himself, 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘰𝘧, 2 𝘴𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘺𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘰 𝘶𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭

And with that final move Taiyou quickly began running away towards the shore to not be involved in any more combat. While running he sees a torn down ship with a ripped-up pirate symbol. Taiyou had one thought in mind. Being that he could finally began back on his journey, to become even stronger than Kaido or Whitebeard and defeat the person who ruined his pirate voyage.

For thought, I decided on using Italics as I don't like doing 1st person P.O.V

Also I am a relatively new writer and is no where good enough as other writers so I apologize in advance for problems that I may have.

This is currently taking place while Luffy is kicking a certain clown in the nuts. I hope that I can connect the Main Character to Luffy as a original enemy to a rival to a reluctant ally to a friend. Hopefully I can give the main character a character change arc to make him a better person in a natural way.

That's all, hope you enjoyed my terrible writing!

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