
From Fallen to Rising

One a 30 million pirate with a big crew, Taiyou, lost everything on a seemingly good day. His crew, money, and even his freedom was lost to a single marine. A marine captain called Slasher. Taken to the East Blue and jailed. Taiyou has vowed to get revenge and become the strongest pirate within the seas. Notes: There will be brutal moments (I hope I can make them brutal like I intent it to) that will show up. Also, no 18+ stuff bc ew. I am also still bad oki. This is NOT a isekai

SeanBrikeyAgain · Anime & Comics
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Going back to sea

1st P.O.V

I run up to the ship and push it into the water and jump onto it. While it was unstable, only the bottom of the ship had holes in it, so I just simply cut off the bottom half of it which allowed the rest of the ship to easily float. While looking through a barrel that the lower half had, I find a map of the East Blue and some bounty posters.

"What the heck? Were these people bounty hunters or pirates?!"

Confused but not complaining I look through the map and bounties, I spot something interesting.

"Arlong? Someone with a 20 million bounty inside the East Blue? How interesting,"

Knowing that I would have to eventually regain my treasure and bounty I set out to defeat Arlong. Deciding to let the sea float me to an island, I fall asleep on the boat.

3rd P.O.V

A few hours later,

Taiyou wakes up when his boat bumps into an island and sees a huge town. Walking around confusingly he looks at the map and see's it is a place called Logue Town. Not Caring about it, Taiyou looks around to find directions for where Arlong is. Eventually he finds somebody who told him in what direction he is. Taiyou quickly left and began going towards Conomi Islands. Looking through more barrels that the previous pirates left behind. Surprisingly he sees a sword.

"Why on Earth did a pirate crew leave behind a weapon?"

While looking at the sword he sees something interesting on the blade. Letters spelled out Norowa. Feeling overwhelming power from the sword he kept it. With nothing else to do, he just slept away.

An hour later he felt a large disturbance around him and sees a gigantic sea creature that was ready to quickly destroy his ship and eat him. Pulling out his newly acquired sword he decides to quickly finish the Sea Beast off.

"Cursed Sword Style: Forever Death!"

Quickly slashing at the Sea Beasts over and over before slashing him once last time, the Sea Beast fall back into the Ocean. Sheathing his sword, he went back to sleep hoping for no more interruptions.

2 day later he finally landed on the island he wanted to be on. Conomi Islands. Hungry for any food that isn't Sea Beast he soon sees Tangerines and quickly swipe some before eating them whole. Noticing a woman and a long-nosed person he quickly hides and run away. After running for a few minutes, he sees a gate with a large building behind it. He breaks through to see a bunch of fishmen including Arlong. Taiyou quickly charges at them and kill all fishmen charging towards him.

1st P.O.V

"Ha! I thought that a 20 million bounty pirate would have a good enough crew to defeat one sole man. But all of you are nothing but rubbish!"

Suddenly one of the fishman charges at Taiyou and launches a strong punch that pushes him back. Sliding back, I quickly jump back forward try to slash him with Norowa. He clashed the blade with his Thousand Brick Fist whuich completely left the two in a stalemate. The fishman then launched a powerful Hundred Brick Fist towards Taiyou which launched him back.

"Kuroobi is it? You'll be a great opponent for me, Cursed Sword Style: Cursed Slashes!"

Taiyou began launching a bunch of slashes in a peculiar way, Kuroobi began punching back against the slashes successfully blocking the blade from actually hitting him. Kuroobi then launched his Thousand Brick Fist, but Taiyou this time easily blocked it. Kuroobi realized that all of his muscles became way to tense and that it's hard to move them now.

"What's wrong? That punch this time was very weak! If you won't attack me then I will attack you! Cursed Sword Style: Cursed Imbued Slice!"

With one single slash he single Handly knocked Kuroobi out.

"3 more little fishes to go, I expec-"

Instantly Arlong charged in and launched Taiyou into the ground before pummeling him into the ground

"You're annoying you know? Pathetic beings of your race fighting back is useless,"

"YOU! Cursed Imbued Slice!"

Arlong backed off and Taiyou charged at him again

"Cursed Raging Fury!"

By slashing forward multiple times at a fast speed he created the illusion that his blade was invisible. Arlong saw through this and with a simple punch he stopped the blade. Twirling the blade around his fist he then sliced up slicing the cheek of Arlong's face. Arlong threw another punch that Taiyou blocked by planting his sword down. This still pushed him back surprisingly enough. Taiyou jumped towards Arlong but right before directly towards getting directly to Arlong, Taiyou began quickly moving back and forwards creating afterimages then jumped forwards and launched a cursed imbued slice at Arlong's neck. Arlong quickly ducked and began punching Taiyou right when Arlong was going to finish Taiyou off. Taioyu heard the voice of his savior.


Arlong was sent flying away giving Taiyou just enough space and room to stand back up exhausted. Sanji interrupted Taiyou from going back into the battle.

"Stand Back, we got this,"

"You think that you can hold back him who has a 30 million bounty while you guys have none?! You guys are absolute fools!"

"Our captain saved you, you can't talk,"

"So? It is my decision to go or not, and I am saying I should go,"

Sanji throws a kick at his neck which Taiyou blocks.

"You should go help your fellow crewmates before they get bitten by the sharks,"

Sanji scowls at him and began running to help Luffy with Arlong. Taiyou also began running towards Arlong but was interrupted by the person he was fighting earlier.

"Don't think that you have won yet! I have been healing while you were getting beaten by Captain Arlong! If I use just one Thousand Tile Punch, you'll be finished!"

"Then hit me with it, if you can"

Kuroobi charged towards Taiyou and launched a Thousand Tile Punch, Taiyou blocked it and Kuroobi launched a barrage of punches that Taiyou responded with a barrage of slices. Middle of the barrage clash Taiyou launched towards Kuroobi's face which knocked him off guard and made him freak out and back up and slightly trip.

"When you are fighting an enemy never let your guard off, and if they do you should finish them off... like this! Cursed Raging Fury!"

Slashing at Kuroobi at fast speeds with each one hitting with a final slash knocking him out for good. After finishing Kuroobi off Taiyou charged towards Arlong who defeat Sanji earlier and was fighting Luffy currently but was interrupted by Hatchan after defeating a weakened Zoro from battling Mihawk and Arlong earlier.

Sorry for this having less words, I would like any feedback. :)

SeanBrikeyAgaincreators' thoughts