
From Darkness to Admiral

Percy Arius never thought that he would be reincarnated. Truck-sama hit him one day and then BAM, he was vaulted into another world. This is a story about a marine who stumbled upon the most evil devil fruit and his path to getting to the top of the World Government. First fanfic, let me know what you think!!! *Disclaimer: I don't own any of the IP for One Piece. All credit goes to Oda-sama. Neither do I own the front cover design.

pieinskie · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Famous Last Words


Author here

Turns out I don't have covid and just suffered from a very bad flu. Should be recovered in a couple of days. Until then, I'm going to write when I comfortable, like now. Here is another chapter for you


Percy arrived back at Marineford to find his home devastated.

[Oh sh*t, that's right] Percy thought as he remembered that Shiki would storm into Marineford to try release Roger. He never realized that he would be gone during that time.

He found some workers trying to repair the damage around the headquarters, it was a lot. Percy had no idea that Shiki was this strong as he stared at the devastation caused between him, Sengoku, and Garp.

[Damn. I really missed a lot].

"What happened here?" Percy asked the nearest marine as he tried to make it sound like he was confused.

"Admiral Kurosai!" the soldier saluted. "Reporting sir, when you left Golden Lion Shiki stormed into Marineford demanding that he kill Roger instead of us. When admiral Sengoku said no; he, Shiki, and vice admiral Garp fought. We managed to capture Shiki though."

"How many injured and deceased?" Percy asked curiously

"There are about 2000 dead, among them were 5 vice admirals and 20 rear admirals" the soldier reported.

"Is Orange okay?" Percy asked in concern. He didn't want his future wife to be injured in any way. He never even got to tell her about his real identity yet.

"I don't know sir, you would have to speak with the doctors."

Percy nodded and headed off, he was not in the mood to talk to anyone but the doctors at the moment. After about 5 minutes of walking, he approached the infirmary and pulled the nearest doctor to him.

"Is Orange okay?" he asked without any context

"A-admiral Kurosai" the doctor sounded surprised, "y-yes she is stable for now. She was heavily injured during the battle, but fortunately she did not suffer any lasting damage. She just needs to recuperate for the next couple weeks and she should be fine by then."

Percy released a heavy sigh of relief, he never knew he was so tense until just then.

"Can I see her?"

"She's still unconscious, I will send someone to inform you when she is awake and able to meet people" the doctor replied.

Percy nodded towards the doctor in appreciation and headed straight towards the fleet admiral's office. As he approached, he noticed that there were many broken buildings around him and workers were everywhere trying to do quick repairs where necessary. Percy got to the door and opened it before knocking.

"I'm back" Percy said as he looked around at the people in the room. Of course Sengoku and Garp were there, but surprisingly Zed and Tsuru were missing.

"Where's Zed and Tsuru?" questioned Percy

"Oh Kurosai, you're back" Kong nodded towards his admiral. "Zed is taking care of his family, his houses were one of the ones who collapsed during the battle. As for Tsuru, she was out searching for some pirate named Doflamingo or something like that" Kong said as he waved his hand dismissively.

"Is Zed's wife and two children okay?" Percy continued to question

"They're fine. A little traumatized, but overall okay" Sengoku answered for his superior. "I think that Zed is considering retiring for real this time. I mean, his family is constantly being endangered by pirates."

"Probably" Kong sighed in resignation. "He is a valuable asset to have, but he already mentioned that his family comes first and foremost now that he stepped down."

"Indeed" Percy agreed secretly happy. He would hate to face his former teacher when he eventually broke away from the navy and joined the revolutionary army. Having to fight Zed would not be an easy battle to begin with; plus, he still treated the former admiral as his teacher.

"So what now?" Percy asked as if he didn't know already.

"Well, Shiki is being transported by vice admiral Sakazuki and Borsalino to Impel down as we speak" Sengoku said as he started to get up. "And we need to set a date for Roger's execution. What did he want to talk to you about anyways?" Sengoku asked curiously.

"He wanted to tell me in person the changes that are going to happen after his death" Percy lied. "He mentioned how only Garp could catch him and I was still too green, HAHAHAHAHA, he was part right."

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA that's for sure" Garp laughed as a strange glint entered his eye as he stared at Percy.

The admiral felt a shiver run down his spine as he saw Garp giving him a strange look. It was if a predator caught on to his scent and was suddenly interested.

[He probably knows] Percy guessed as the glint disappeared, [I mean, Garp is whimsical, but he is anything but an idiot. He knows].

"We already decided to execute him at Loguetown, his birthplace" Kong informed Percy. "It will send a message around the world that the marines are the most powerful and not to be trifled with."

Percy shrugged his shoulders not stating his opinion. In his mind, this was a foregone conclusion, so why argue for any changes.

"I'm going though" Percy said as he too started to stand, "It's about time I see the territories I'm tasked with guarding anyways."

"We'll take my ship then" Garp said as he started to laugh, "BWAHAHAHAHA, kid it's been a while since we drank together. You, me, and Orange have some catching up to do. When are you going to seal the knot with her anyways?"

"When I'm ready!" Percy said as a blush started to cover his face and started to storm out of the office. As he left, he heard all three of those old men laughing at his childness.

[Stupid old geezers] Percy thought as he realized that he was only 26.


[Oh, so much potential stars] Percy thought as he sat on one of the roofs in Loguetown. He looked around and saw many future big names such as Gecko Moria, Shanks, Mihawk, Doflamingo, and Buggy.

"Smoker is here too" whispered Percy as he saw the future logia user standing in the crowd. It was packed as many people came to witness the death of the first pirate king.

[Doflamingo is with Trebol] Percy observed as he stared at the revolutionary business partner. He got word from Dragon that the Doflamingo family has quietly been making waves in the underworld. He was using his status as a celestial dragon to establish vast networks and connections making him one of the up and coming big wigs.

[As long as he continues to work with us, I'll allow him to do what he wants, for now] Percy stared at the pink jacket wearing pirate. [And it seems like Dragon is here as well] noticing a strong presence in a dark corner of the clearing. Dragon noticed Percy as well as subtly nodded his head in understanding. Percy repeated the gesture and looked around some more.

[Should Shanks and Buggy witness their captain's death?] Percy questioned as he saw the two staring somberly at the platform that was built in the middle of town.

As the minutes ticked by, the tension was constantly rising, as if they were waiting for an explosion or something.

All conversations stopped however, as the crowd started to part and marines were present. Everyone stared at the man in the middle; his hands were handcuffed by wood and he looked down at the ground. No one made a sound as the man in the red jacket slowly walked by them.

Even though the man was in shackles, a smile was seen on his face which made the marines around him confused. Percy understood though,

[You won] he thought as he stared at Gol D. Roger, the pirate king.

He was brought up to the platform and forced onto his knees, he said nothing as he looked out into the audience in front of him. A wide grin was on his face as he saw many aspiring pirates: rookies such as Shanks and Buggy, Doflamingo, and Gecko Moria. He saw powerful swordsmen such as Mihawk and others in the crowd. He looked at the corner of the crowd and saw Dragon standing there

[Old friend] Roger thought as he looked into his rival son's eyes. He then looked at the rooftop and saw a young man standing. He had a marine's uniform on, but he was anything but that. Roger knew that one day, that man would overthrow the world government.

Of course this person was Percy who stared back at the pirate and very subtly, nodded his head as if saying "It's done".

Roger smiled even wider as the announcer started to list his crimes in front of the whole world to see. His execution was being broadcasted to the entire world, and not one person dared to miss that fateful moment where Roger's head would fall to the ground for the last time.

"Is there anything you would like to say?" The announcer asked Roger as the executioners were preparing for his sentence.

Silence fell throughout the crowd as they waited for his final words, but nothing came out. Finally, one pirate got impatient as asked him,

"Where is your treasure?"

Silence once again claimed the town as everyone was waiting with bated breath for Roger's response. A few seconds later, Roger had the biggest grin on his face as he looked out towards the crowd and said

"My treasure? If you want it, I'll grant it! Search on! All the world had to offer, I left in that place!"

probably the only upload for today. will try to make another chapter tomorrow. After I recover, should resume to regular chapter releases.

Hope you had fun with this chapter

pieinskiecreators' thoughts