
From below the fates [ Summoner ]

This book has been discontinue Hans is a young adult just enjoying life after getting his first apartment and car. One night he came back from work, he lays down on the sofa before taking a nap,little does he know he will never be enjoying life on earth again. Seem like fates spares no one. [Note: this was made by me because I for the life of me can't find a good summoner story that i enjoy, a little warning before you read I wouldn't be focus on romance at all ( maybe in the future) and also this will have gore and same sex couples. hope you enjoy this as much as you ignore my grammar]

WELL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 5: Hunger

8 year has passed, Hans is now 13 year old, He was sitting on a tree looking down at the old wooden orphanage, it was run down, it barely look like it will survive a storm.

Hans then lead back at the tree, 8 year has pass now, he hold his growling stomach but he didn't mind it, he just close his eye and recalls the memories of his young self.

He remembers the wagon pulling in,He remember how shock he was when he saw the orphanage, it look super old, Hans question if it can even protect him from heavy rain.

An old nun walk to get them, he and the girl got out, he took once glance at the wagon as it leave as soon as they got off.

The old nun lead them inside, the nun didn't even talked or glanced, he got in the big 2 old wooden door, feeling the wood creek when as he step.

right near the front door there was the stair, the old nun took them up and there were 2 small double door on the right side and a few small door on the left.

" you kid, just pick an empty bed in this room" The old nun said pointing at one of the double door, she as she look at Hans.

Hans glance at black hair girl, a pair of black eye stare back at him, Hans give a small smile and push the door with his small 5 year old body, barely making it in.

The Nun walked with the black hair girl to the other doors while Hans avoided having his arm trap between the door.

when he was in, there were rows of small bed, they were old, only 1/4 of the beds had things on them so Hans just choose a random one at the back that doesn't have any belongings.

he put his bag under the beds, he then looked around, there wasn't anyone except for a person who was under the old blanket,Hans didn't wanted to bother them so he just get out the door, pushing the old wooden door ' I better grow up fast, I can barely open a door'





Hans then walked around,the orphanage had 2 floors, ' the second floor only have bedrooms if my guess is right' Hans sighed and the first floor had an old library, cafeteria, a kitchen, a room that looked like he was supposed to be a playroom but was in bad shape.

lastly there was a small door that he didn't want to open because he saw a few kids, age between 8 to 15 talking together in front of it and he just decided to skip that part.

Soon a small bell was heard, alerting the evening, He went to the cafeteria, no one was there,he was concerned ' isn't it time to eat?'

A kid that looked like he is 16 year old walked in and grabbed some stuff on a shelf in the cafeteria, Hans was just staying there looking confused

The 16 year old glance at him " ah you are the new kid" he put something in his bag before starting to walk out " just so you know food come every 3 day in the afternoon" he give a smirk, Hans feel like he is looking at a devil for a moment.

" W-wait what" Hans asked but it was too late, the 16 year old was already gone,Hans didn't know what to do,he then just notice how thirsty he is.

Hans was freaking out, how was he going to survive? He walked out the back door he saw the other kids use, the other children seem to pay no mind to him.

He then saw a well, it had a bucket attached to it with a rope next to it, Hans glanced down the well but he can't see anything, he then throw the bucket down, he can feel a small Splash.

When he pull the bucket out, there was barely any water but he drink it anyway, he wanted more water and did the process again but he can barely get any water, but it was enough for the night.

soon he went up back to the room, seeing there a few more people now,Hans just went to his bed, there wasn't any blanket on the bed he was using so he look around,there wasn't any blanket he could use that didn't belong to anyone

' another cold night, shit why the fuck can't anyone leave a banket out'Hans just lay on it, even if the bed is cold he didn't have anything to warm himself with, he was angry, he let some tear fall out as he sleep





After 2 day has past,Hans learned that the kids made group to go out hunting, that how they are still alive, he then realizes that behind the small orphanage field was a whole forest and that where they went out.

Hans ate his bread on the morning of the second day, he followed a few kids and found that there was a river near by and that where they drink water, He also found out there were only 1 Nuns and 1 father.

On the third day everyone was there at the afternoon,.Hans was hungry, but he didn't saw the black hair girl, he didn't question it as the Nuns put down a pot of soup,the soup had a bad smell to it.

hans had a small broken pot that he found, it had a hole in the middle but he use a big leaf he find,clean it and put it over. the soup was pour in the pot and the leaf worked.

when he try the soup he was so hungry he didn't mind the bad taste of rotten meat and vegetables. after that he needed to find a way to get food, he think of making a trap.

hans keep a small piece of meat that was left from the soup he decided to go next morning.

He wake up early, he got out of the room quietly as most of them are still asleep, he can hear yelling in the father room when he was getting down the stair,the father was an 40 year something man.

he then heard what sounded like the black hair girl, he can feel tear in his eye but force it down as he heard a loud banging sound on the floor, he then just walked out. he know full well he can't do shit

After walking sometime in the forset, bear foot as he walked far enough,he made a small pit fall trap, using a rock and a wood piece that he found to dig.

he didn't know if this will work, at the evening he go back after he finished, cleaning himself in the river 'right now the weather is probably near fall' Hans thought as he clean himself

the next afternoons Hans when to check it, the pit fall trap he made was set off. for the moment of truth, he peaked down.

a mouse look back up at him, it had 3 eye instead of 2, Hans waste no time, he took a rock, raise it and hit it on the head.

Hans had tears in his eye,he grabbed the mouse, put it in his bag and walked home, he didn't know what luck he had that made the mouse fall down.

He now must count on his luck again,he had a plan which can either go very wrong or go very well.





when he arrived he walked to the 16 year old he saw the first time, he saw that if he wanted to get through this he must have a group, the 16 year old had a messy blonde hair with blue eye, the dude was with 3 more people.

A kid around 8 year old, he had black hair and black eyes. A girl that look 15, she had blonde hair and black eye and finally a kid that look like a 14 year old, he hand brown hair and eye.

Hans walked up to them which made them stop talking " I want to join your group", they pause for a bit before laughing, " what can you do kid to help us?" the brown hair boy asked holding this stomach

Hans pull out the mouse and show it to them "I can hunt"they stopped,even if it was a mouse,it was still food. the 16 year old smirked this time more wide then before.

" how do we know you actually hunt it and didn't just get lucky"the brown hair asks again, Hans sighed,he throw a bloody rock on the floor " i kill it with this but if you really want to know I can show you the trap if you let me join"

the brown hair kid stare for a moment before looking at the 16 year old " sure why not?" the blonde hair dude said still keeping that smirk