
From below the fates [ Summoner ]

This book has been discontinue Hans is a young adult just enjoying life after getting his first apartment and car. One night he came back from work, he lays down on the sofa before taking a nap,little does he know he will never be enjoying life on earth again. Seem like fates spares no one. [Note: this was made by me because I for the life of me can't find a good summoner story that i enjoy, a little warning before you read I wouldn't be focus on romance at all ( maybe in the future) and also this will have gore and same sex couples. hope you enjoy this as much as you ignore my grammar]

WELL · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: beast

"Hey hans!" Hans thought interrupted, He peek down from the tree " what is it River" he hang on the branch like a lazy monkey. "Come down ! we got to go hunt!".

River was no other then the 8 year old boy from before, the other people he join when he was 5 was no longer here,they are pass the age of 18 which made them leave the orphanage.

" i am coming i am coming" Hans climbed down, jumping at the last few branch, River give him a bow and arrow " Who coming?" Hans asked.

" me, you and the other 2 in our group, the newbie stay here" Hans sighed as he walked with River, Hans was hungry and he didn't want to move, soon they met up with the other.

the 2 other are Leaf and Tree, they are twin that are 15 year old,they join the orphanage 2 year after Hans join and the newbie is a 8 year old girl that they let join a few week ago.

" Everyone ready? " all in Hans group nodded including Hans, soon they begin to walked into the forest, Hans went into his own thought again.

Remember that black hair girl? yeah she is dead, Hans remember after a few months after he join, he wake up in the morning to get something, he walked out of the room but stopped when he saw the lifeless and naked body of the black hair girl beinging drag by the man down the stair.

Hans just went back to bed and try to forget what he saw but it never left his mind,even tho he didn't saw more then the bruise on her body he was afraid of the father.

He shake in his bed, this is the first time he saw a body that is probably dead and he can't help but be scared.

Hans sighed again and look around, Hans have a small bone knife, a bow with 4 arrow and a small pouch, he was wearing fur that was hunted by the blonde dude, the dude was named hunter, it more like Hunter pick the name as nobody is going to give you names here.

When Hans told them he already pick a name, they ask him what it was, he of course he just say Hans and they were weirded out at first since the Name sound alien to them but they soon call him that.

after hour of walking Hans and the group is finally here, they are in deer hunting ground, the deer isn't ready a deer, it had horns like demon and white fur, but since it look more like a deer Hans just call it that.

" Leaf and Tree go check for tracks, Hans scout the area" the 2 twin boys did as order while Hans walk around.

after sometime Leaf speak up " River the track are weird" Tree go check what is brother was looking at and river go to see too.

Hans didn't go look,he just do what be was told, that when he noticed a white fur that had some rock on them. ' what the hell is that' he noticed it was making it way closer to Hans group.

" WATCH OUT!" Hans yelled, that couldn't be a deer, the deer would never approach them, right when Hans yell something jump out and grabbed Leaf with it jaw.

it was a big white wolf with rock on it back that look like crystal, Leaf head was between it jaw, it sharp teeth sinking in leaf head " brother help-" leaf ask while looking at Tree.

splat follow by the sound of something breaking, Leaf brain and blood flow out of his nose, eye and mouth as the wolf crunch down.

the pieces of Tree brother now lay on the grass below as the wolf let go of Leaf body, ' FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK' Han wanted to vomit, his leg is shaking and won't move.

River too froze, Tree tear flow out of his eye as he look at the beast that kill his brother, he was angry but he was too afraid to move.

the wolf was massive now that Hans can see it,it as big as a cow, it teeth is probably bigger then a can of Soda.

Tree with his shaking hand grabbed his knife as the wolf come at him, it red eyes seem to glow brightly even in the day,River and Hans knew damn well they needed to move.

Hans run,he wasn't stupid he wasn't going to fight that thing, River also run with him, ' i am sorry tree' Hans tear flow out as he heard the screaming of Tree.

Soon the scream stop, Hans was out of breath already but he continued runing with River as the adrenaline mix with his panic push him.Then he can hear it sound of grass moving behind him.

He know damn well it was the wolf he put his hand on his bow and loaded it just to be ready to shoot the damn thing before it can eat him

BOOM ,the ground shake making river and Hans trip, when Hans look back he can see the wolf with the crystal glowing on it back, it seem to stop to use it power.

Hans quickly shot an arrow at the beast as he roll on his back to face it. the shot hit the beast on the chest but the arrow barely go in.

' i am fucking screwed'Hans had tear in his eye he look at River, River was on his feet with his knife in his hand facing the beast, river must have drop his bow as he was running.

" Go Hans!" Hans just look at river unsure. " Go you fucking bastard! this isn't some noble sacrifice, my foot is busted, if i am going to fucking die i am taking at least one of it eye with me"

The wolf crystal stop glowing, it now runing full speed toward them, Han got up grabbing his bow, he saw that River foot look is super bruise but he got no time.

" Hunter will be proud of you" Hans then run away as he said one last thing while making eye contact with River.

River got tears as he looked at the beast in front of him, " Thanks Hans-" Sound of the wolf roaring can be heard as Hans run away, he was trying to get away why using the more difficult path.

' i am sorry i am so so sorry' He cried as he run in another direction away from the orphanage and the wolf, His lung burns from runing and crying.

He found himself at a small but deep ravine out of the tree line ,it had a big tree fallen over it, He glanced back behind him,thinking he been free from the wolf, just as he did, there it was.

it white fur and that crystal on it back, Hans jump the tree trying to cross it as fast as he could while not falling down.

Then the same BOOM shakes the ground and he lost his footing,time seem to slow, he glanced at the thing before he fall but it was just a blur.

' i swear fates hate me' he thought as he fall down and black out as he hit his head on something