
From below the fates [ Summoner ]

This book has been discontinue Hans is a young adult just enjoying life after getting his first apartment and car. One night he came back from work, he lays down on the sofa before taking a nap,little does he know he will never be enjoying life on earth again. Seem like fates spares no one. [Note: this was made by me because I for the life of me can't find a good summoner story that i enjoy, a little warning before you read I wouldn't be focus on romance at all ( maybe in the future) and also this will have gore and same sex couples. hope you enjoy this as much as you ignore my grammar]

WELL · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Core test

Some time has pass, 2 year and 7 month to be precisely, Hans finally have a decent knowledge of this orphanage,They had move him to another room, this room consists of 3 to 5 year old.

Hans was getting bored with staying with 1 to 2 year old and looking at boring pictures books. now he could go play outside, eat in the cafeteria and do other stuff.

After finishing his food,he went to sit under a tree in the field, the cool breeze fly pass him, just as he closed his eye.

'Ok from what I knew this is a miliary faculties for children who father or mother is a soldier, at the end of the year they will do core test for the children who are age 5 to determined their worth to the miliary'

' I haven't seem anyone use magic yet, it seem the nuns are hiding information when talking around children' he open his eye and look up at the sky

' I don't know what happened to the children with weak core from what I know they use the FFF to SSS system to measure things in this world'

One of the kid approached him, he has blonde hair and brown eye and he just sit down near him, eating an apple. Hans pay no mind to him.

After night fall hans was on his bed when he noticed the kid from this afternoon is next to him, it turn out that kid bed was right beside him. he then noticed the kid looking at him

" Is something the matter?" Hans glance at him, the kid look shocked at first to get catch looking. he look down and say shyly " I was wondering if you wanna play with me tomorrow"

Hans lift his eyebrows up, 'what?' Soon a new firendship begin to bloom





Hans is now 5 and his friend also 5, since his friend have no name Hans have no idea what to call the dude so he just give him a name.

Hans call him Mark, and the blond kid have no idea what name is and Hans have to explain it to him, when Hans finished Mark eye light up.

Mark thank him profusely and hug him so tightly that Hans question if he made the right choice in giving Mark a name.

" tomorrow is the core test Hanssss" Mark look at him in his bed,Hans sighed, ever since they were firend Hans had to explained to Mark about a lot of thing, Mark's actually very happy to talk with Hans even if Hans is anonnyed sometime.

Next morning after breakfast Hans and the ofter kids who were 5 year old was escorted by the soldiers into the room Hans saw when he was younger.

The soldiers were dress in a black uniform, there were 2 that were escorting them and there were around 15 kids.

When Hans and the other kids were in the room, he can see a machine with a man dress like a scientist but instead of white the scientist was in black.

" Come up when I call your number, 100" the scientist said looking at us, A kid walk up he was a little nervous, the scientist just glance at him " put your hand in here kid", the kid look at where the scientist tell him to put his hand in.

It was a small compartment the kid put one of his hand in "2 hand kid" the scientist said while he press some thing. Soon the mechanic on the machine roar to life.

after sometime The scientist write something down "core rank E" the soldier nodded and escorted the kid somewhere.

after sometime it was Mark turn " 114" Mark walked and look back at Hans, Hans give him a thumb up, yes Hans also teach Mark that.

Mark put his hand in and after the scientist write something , the scientists stop and write the thing again before saying " Core rank A" he sound surprised

the soldiers were shocked, they treated Mark like a prince, Mark was about to be taken away when he tell the soldiers he wanted to wait for Hans

' this goddamn kids' Hans shake his head but smiled, the soldiers look at each other then at the scientist, the scientist nodded.

Hans then walk up and put his hand in,he was the last person left after all, the scientist did the same thing, he paused ' Is something wrong?' Hans thought " Core rank FFF" the scientist just glanced at hans

' wait what-' the soldier look at Hans and Mark look confused, the other soldier grabbed Hans roughly by the arm, while Mark was just push lightly to walk

" HANS!" Mark yell because they were going the opposite way, Mark started to Cry "I wanna go with Hans!" the soldiers didn't say anything and lead Mark to the opposite way.

Hans give one glance back at Mark and giving him a smile " we will see each other again Mark" he give thumb up even though he was holding back tears.

' Fuck a rank FFF is fucking useless' after Mark was out of his view Hans cry,not because he miss Mark that was part of it but it also because he was afraid of what is going to happen next.