
From below the fates [ Summoner ]

This book has been discontinue Hans is a young adult just enjoying life after getting his first apartment and car. One night he came back from work, he lays down on the sofa before taking a nap,little does he know he will never be enjoying life on earth again. Seem like fates spares no one. [Note: this was made by me because I for the life of me can't find a good summoner story that i enjoy, a little warning before you read I wouldn't be focus on romance at all ( maybe in the future) and also this will have gore and same sex couples. hope you enjoy this as much as you ignore my grammar]

WELL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 2: I am a baby?

The man huffed as he forcefully take Hans out the woman hand, the woman didn't dare to fight back at all, she just keep her head down.

Hans feel a rough hand pull him, it hurt and he let out a cry ' This bastard-!' the man take a look at hans, a baby boy with black hair and brown eyes " Let hope fade give a damn about him"the man take one look at both the woman before walking out.

Hans feel extremely uncomfort, the man had put him in some old towel but that not what he was worried about, it more of the fact that he feel pain.

' Shit shit, what the hell is going on? why the fuck do I feel pain?! isn't this supposed to be a dream??' hans begin to cry, the man who was holding hans slap the baby on the leg.

" shut the fuck up you bastard" Hans of course didn't know what the man said but he could have guess, he stopped crying and just try to look up at the man but some towel was covering his face, it smelled like piss.

As the man walked he can hear sound of man laughing, woman moaning and some were crying. ' where the hell am I? a brothel? a bar?' but he know this is definitely isn't where baby supposed to be.

Han was panicking inside, he feel like crying but he was also kind of afraid that the man would hit him again. soon he feel a cold breeze ' I am outside?' he can hear some kind of wood on a pavement.

he snap out of his panick mode and begin to listen"- take him to the one of the hill" the man was talking to someone, he felt himself being getting grabbed by another person. the next thing he knew, he feel like he was in a car but not quite as he can feel the strong wind hit some part of his body that was exposed out of the towel.

he was afraid, he didn't know what fade have for him, he started to cry again after not being to hold back, this time who ever is holding him didn't even try to hit him or check on him.

Hans just cry like no tomorrow, after about 30 minutes,Hans cry untill he couldn't anymore. he felt that the thing stop moving, the next thing he knew he was being carry again

' please don't take me to die' Hans was sacred that he probably piss himself already if he have any water in him left from crying. the person who was carrying him stopped,he heard 2 person talked and at that point he just pass out.





5 month has pass, It seem he didn't die after all, his eye was develop enough for him to understand stuff. He was in an orphanage with other kids, but this isn't a normal one, he saw people dress up like solders pass a few time as he was drinking milk that he has been fed with.

Person who fed him seem to be like a nun in a church but it not the same, instead they have a cloth that was covered on theirs faces with a picture on it, The picture was a circle with 3 line in the middle, he was shocked the first time he saw them.

many of these nun would take care of the kids, they would talk to the kids and make sure that are all here, 'the weird thing is there is no kid here that is past the age of 5', He saw them being taken by the soldiers into a room but that all he know.

He also noticed that this is definitely not earth, he remembers crying all night because he was afraid, this world seem to be in the 17th centuries or 18th but he wasn't sure.

in the meantime he focused on learning the language, his leg is still too weak to walk so the only thing he can do is listen to the nun.





'another 5 month have passed' Hans think to himself as he look to at a calendar, he doesn't understand what it said but he can guess the number. Hans have learned how to walk and how to talk and understand the language, the nuns were a little shocked when they learn that he can walk but he never talks to them.

his days considered of walking, trying to understand books but they are all books for kids and listening to gossips.

he was laying near a window looking outside at the kids playing when he heards the nun

" in 3 months they will do another core checks" The tall nun said ,he was immediately interested, " I wonder if anyone here have a good Core like the last time" the shorter nun sighed after she said that " likely many kids are going to that military camp" the shorter nun add.

In here nobody have names,they were only called by numbers, he was number 115 and the nuns never use each other name here too so he can only remember them by their body types.

" imagine being able to use a Rank D magic at 5,that kids was nothing but a genius-" the taller nun slap the shorter nun to stop her from talking

'Magic?, wait hold up what' yes for the 10 months he was here, he never heard anything about this, ' Wait what-' he was shocked, he then begin to piece everything together.