
From A Young Successor To Chief Book 2

Five years after Hiccup unified dragons and Vikings with his friends and Team Prime, they're all growing up but sometimes things never change no matter the age they are in. But a madman by the name of Drago Bludvist wanted a war to rule the world with a four members who Team Prime knows joining his army. Secrets will be discovered and sacrifices will strike those close to be hurt but it won't stop them from protecting those they love. Will Hiccup have what it takes to protect his home and family? Creation date (July 25, 2021)

Daoist9aRwJg · Movies
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: A mother never forgets

At the cloudy sky, Optimus flies above the clouds so Emily could calm down. Normally they would talk and enjoy each other's company while on a flight but this time it was different. Emily's mind was still filled with fear and anger but most of all frustration and she couldn't think straight. She is scared of facing the ghost of the one who keeps haunting her since her first possession against the Dark Energon and she was sure that Megatron is with Unicra. Emily could still feel the darkness that once took control of her body before she was able to expel it only for the darkness to take form. She was about to yell out in frustration when she heard someone calling out to her.


Emily turned around and saw the other members of Team Prime flying towards her.

"What are you guys doing here...?" She asked softly and they could sense that something was troubling her.

"Look, we know you're scared of facing Unicra again after the Dark Energon took control of you but you can't face her and Megatron alone with Optimus." Jack said as Arcee squawked in agreement.

"I-I know. I don't know what came over me but it's just..." Emily said but trailer off with a sigh before Optimus spoke to her through their sparkbond.

"Emily, you heard what Chief Stoick Haddock has told us. Drago Bludvist has a dragon army and he won't hesitate to capture and kill you. I do not wish to feel that pain when you protect me from getting shot by Megatron back in our world." Optimus said as Emily looked at Optimus who looked back at her with a small smile.

She didn't say anything but nodded to what Optimus said. He did have a point. She risked her life for him and almost joined the Allspark one time. There was a complete silence between them before Katie broke it.

"So what are we gonna do?" She asked as Jack sighs.

"Stoick said that we should head back to the village but I'm getting a feeling that we should find Hiccup and Toothless before they get themselves hurt." Jack said as the others looked at him.

"And how are we gonna do that, Darby?" Vince asked.

Silvia just smirked and turned on her tracking watch as it started to beep.

"You put a tracker on Hiccup, didn't you?" Emily said with a raised brow.

"It wasn't easy but it's a good thing too since it will help us find them faster." Silvia said.

The tracker then pointed in a direction and they started to follow Silvia who took the lead in the direction Hiccup and Toothless took.

Meanwhile, Hiccup stares ahead, frustrated as Toothless glides over a bed of clouds, glowing in the low, Arctic sun. Hiccup screams in frustration before he slumps back onto the saddle while Toothless recoils, sensitive to Hiccup's upset as he croons in concern for him before Hiccup sighs heavily.

"Don't worry, bud. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I promise." Hiccup said as he patted him by the wing.

'Though I wonder what that sound Emily was making earlier.' Hiccup thought.

Toothless ears perked a little when he sensed something beside him and looked towards it. The clouds start to tear from something and then a mysterious person appears to be flying in thin air. Hiccup thought it was his dad and was really annoyed. Can't his dad leave him alone for one moment?!

"AW, COME ON, DAD! REALLY?!" Hiccup complained but gasped as Toothless flew back a little in surprise.

The figure was not his father and they seemed to be wearing some type of armor made out of dragon scales. Hiccup continued to stare at the stranger just before they disappeared below the clouds.

"Okay. No sudden moves." Hiccup said slowly as he tensed up.

Then out of nowhere, a Stormcutter flies from below with a roar and it causes Toothless to hover as Hiccup just gaped in shock and nervousness at the dragon and it's rider. The dragon stopped circling them as the two dragons gave each other a stare down in their own language.

"Hold on, hold on." Hiccup said as the warrior pointed a staff that looked similar to Emily's at him.

Toothless sensed something was going towards them and Hiccup gets snatched by a dragon and Toothless falls down towards the waters below.

"Toothless!" Hiccup screamed in worry while Toothless roared out towards him.

Toothless fell through ice but he quickly resurfaced and while taking deep breaths and grabbed on a piece of floating ice to stay above the surface. Toothless could only watch helplessly as his friend was being carried away from farther away and he struggled to get out of the water. As he splashes helplessly, a trio of Seashockers carry him away. Toothless roars out in shock and surprise before getting pulled under. All that was left was Hiccup's flight helmet as it floated to the surface.

Hiccup felt fear gripped his heart when he saw Toothless disappear from the ice and struggled to break free from the dragon carrying him. He needs to get back to Toothless! His best friend needs him right now! He looked at the mysterious warrior for help.

"HEY! YOU LEFT MY DRAGON BACK THERE! HE CAN'T FLY ON HIS OWN! HE'LL DROWN!" Hiccup yelled at the warrior but the warrior didn't even give him a glance.

Hiccup noticed something up ahead and narrowed his eyes and to his shock, it was another ice structure but this time only bigger. He gaped in shocked silence while he was carried inside. The dragon carrying him dropped him down after entering a large chamber with a lot of new species of dragons as they woke up to see the newcomer. Hiccup quickly was on the defense while looking around for the warrior.

"We have to head back for my dragon!" Hiccup exclaimed but backed up a little as dragons started to surround him.

Hiccup then pulled out Inferno and activated the blade while lighting it up on fire to show the reptiles that he's with them. The dragons just watch in fascination and curiosity while calming down as the mysterious warrior just watches from the shadows at the display. A dragon approaches Hiccup from behind and he quickly turns to it while retracting his blade. He switched the empty small canister of Zippleback gas with a new one and drew a circle of gas before he ignited it and caused the dragons to back away in surprise but surprisingly they were all calm now after realizing he was no threat. Hiccup slowly walked  towards a dragon with an extended arm as the warrior watched before they decided to walk forward . Hiccup and the dragon were about to bond until the warrior steps forward causing Hiccup to recoil back a little and stare at the warrior.

"Who are you? The Dragon Thief? Drago Bludvist?" Hiccup asked in confusion but the warrior just remained silent and moving slowly almost like a dragon would and it was confusing him.

"Do you even understand what I'm saying?" Hiccup asked again.

Surely this stranger is a person unless they're part dragon like Revna.

The warrior didn't say anything before they made a motion with their staff and slammed it on the ground and it started to make sounds and after that, a dragon brought an unconscious Toothless and he was put down much to Hiccup's relief.

"Toothless! It's okay." Hiccup quickly rushed towards his friend while checking him over.

The warrior watches them curiously at the sight of display as the Night Fury just licked Hiccup on the face with a nuzzle while crooning in relief.

"I'm glad to see you, too, bud. You really made me worried there." Hiccup said with a relieved smile.

The mysterious warrior continues to watch them before they motioned with their staff for the dragons to light the place up with fire. The dragons did so and the whole place was lit up. Toothless immediately took on a defensive stance around Hiccup as the warrior approached Toothless after dropping their shield and staff.

Toothless curls his tail around Hiccup's legs while the warrior continues to approach. Hiccup eyed the warrior nervously as Toothless hissed warningly. He was about to attack when the warrior got too close until they did a hand motion and easily put Toothless in a trance causing the Night Fury to roll over on his back with a content warble.

The warrior then approached Hiccup to examine him but Hiccup gets extremely nervous and turns his head a little, revealing the scar on his chin, which the warrior recognizes instantly. The warrior gasps softly while backing away slowly while Hiccup was confused.

"Hiccup?" The warrior asked and Hiccup blinked at that. How did they know his name? Have he met this warrior before?

The warrior then took off their helmet to reveal a middle aged woman as she continued to stare at him in shock and surprise.

"Could it be? After all these years? How is this possible?" She asked as she stared at him with a soft smile and with eyes that looked similar to his.

"Uh, should I... should I know you?" Hiccup stuttered in confusion as the smile from the woman's face turned into a sad one.

"No. You were only a babe..." She told him sadly as Hiccup looked at her.

She then looked at him with a motherly gaze and said something that shocked him to his core.

"But a mother never forgets." She said softly and this caused Hiccup to gasp and stammered back in shock.

Wait,w hat now?! His mother?! But how?! From what he was told, his mother died when he was just a baby! So how could the woman in front of him be his mother?! As he continued to look at her more, he realized that she really was his mother. The skin tone, hair color and eyes... He has the same things as she does.

The woman, Valka, shushed him gently before having an excited glint in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Come..." She motioned for him to follow.

She then ran off in amazing speed and agility which surprised him more. He quickly woke Toothless up from his trance and they followed her quickly. He had so many questions to ask her but the main thing was; how was she alive after all these years?