
From A Young Successor To Chief Book 2

Five years after Hiccup unified dragons and Vikings with his friends and Team Prime, they're all growing up but sometimes things never change no matter the age they are in. But a madman by the name of Drago Bludvist wanted a war to rule the world with a four members who Team Prime knows joining his army. Secrets will be discovered and sacrifices will strike those close to be hurt but it won't stop them from protecting those they love. Will Hiccup have what it takes to protect his home and family? Creation date (July 25, 2021)

Daoist9aRwJg · Movies
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: Enter Drago and Meeting Unicra

WARNING: Minor character death of one of Drago's men.

After a rather interesting way of persuading Eret, meaning making Stormfly drop him out of the sky and scaring him half to death, to take them to Drago, The rest of the gang with Revna finally arrive at the hideout and Drago's camp. Stormfly then drops Eret in the snow. He quickly gets up and tries to run away but Stormfly lands atop Eret and prevents him from getting away.

"Agghh! Okay! I got you here, now get this thing off me!" He said in annoyance towards Astrid who had a smug look on her face.

"Never take a toy from a dragon. Don't you know anything?" Astrid taunted him as Eret groaned in annoyance as Stormfly broods over Eret like a mother hen on an egg would do.

"Gah! Why does this keep happening to me?" Eret groaned before he was shut up by Stormfly wrapping her wings around him and seemed to have taken a nap and muffled Eret's complaints with the snow.

Revna who had landed transformed into her human form and joined her friends

The gang were unaware that they were being watched by a Smothering Smokebreath before it flew away to warn their master. The gang climbed up a slope and made sure to stay low as they observed the whole army. In the very middle of it all, a large set of bubbles were bubbling up in the very center of the army and whatever it is down there, is big.

"What's down there?" Astrid asked in confusion as Fishlegs sat up and took out his cards to try and see which dragon class it belonged to.

"Large diameter bubbles, massive lungs, cold water deep dweller. I'm thinking class five leviathan, maybe six." Fishlegs said as Astrid rolled her eyes.

Revna seemed a bit uneasy as she looked at the center.

"I don't know, guys. Whatever dragon is down there in the water is something bigger than anything that we faced before." Revna said.

"How big?"Astrid asked since she was concerned.

"No idea." Revna said.

Stormfly woke up after she sensed something and that alerted the riders and Revna. She flew off quickly and Eret got his sword ready as Drago's men came out and tranquilized the dragons quickly which put them to sleep.

The riders became worried for their dragons and rushed in to help and protect their friends.

"Meatlug!" Fishlegs exclaimed worriedly.

"Hookfang!" Snotlout cried out in worry.

"What's wrong, girl?" He asked

"Don't move!" One of Drago's men ordered.

Fishlegs quickly put his hands up in the air as a sign of surrender. Seeing that they were outnumbered, they reluctantly gave up and were tied up by their wrists and were taken to where Drago is with their dragons tied and chained up.

On the main and lead ship, a sinister looking man watched the bubbles from below. His face was almost covered in scars as someone was watching silently in the shadows before the person opened their eyes to reveal purple colored eyes that seemed to glow eerily.


Drago sneered a little before he turned around and saw his men with Eret and some youngsters tied up with dragons.

"Get off me!" Eret grunted as he pulled away from one of the men as Drago slowly approached.

"Always great to see you, my friend! Keeping warm up here?" Eret said as he became a little nervous as Drago walked towards them slowly but kept his cool.

"Well, as you can see, I'm right on time with a new batch of dragons, just like I promised." Eret said as he gestured to the tied up dragons.

Hookfang started to wake up after shaking the effects of the tranquilizer and started to attack the soldiers as they tried to make him stop and keep him still.

"He's waking up!" One of the soldiers shouted in alarm as Hookfang hit one of them with his tail.

One was brave enough and was struggling to hold him down.

"Give me some backup here!" He shouted as Drago started to approach.

"Drop the ropes." Drago ordered and was rather calm.

The riders were starting to relax as Hookfang glared at the man before he breathed fire on him. But what happened next shocked and scared them. After the fiery stream stopped, it was revealed that Drago had shielded himself with a dragon skin cloak that smelled oddly familiar to Revna. Seeing that the man isn't down, Hookfang tried to scare him off but Drago started to scream and yell loudly while swinging his bullhook. The scream and yell combined was enough to scare Hookfang. Drago sneered and seemed to growl and Hookfang fearfully lowered his head to the ground in the sign of submission. Drago smirked evilly and stepped on poor Hookfang's snout much to the outrage and anger of the riders.

"Hookfang!" Snotlout cried out worriedly.

"Hey!" Ruffnut exclaimed in anger.

"What are you doing?!" Astrid sneers at him angrily as the figure in the shadows continues to hide and chuckle silently.

"You belong to me now." Drago said to Hookfang who uttered a small whine in fear and submission.

Drago then noticed something and looked up to see what appeared to be saddles on the other dragons before turning to Eret.

"And as an added bonus, I also caught you their riders. No extra charge." Eret said proudly as the riders were in shock. What the what?!

"What?!" Revna cried out in shock.

"Are you kidding me?!" Astrid asked in anger.

"But you were so perfect!" Ruffnut whined.

"Turns out, there's a whole bunch of them out there. They-" Eret started as Drago walked towards him menacingly and it caused Eret to back away.

Drago grabbed Eret by the throat and started to choke him as the poor guy was terrified and tried to breathe and answer.

"How many?" He growled as his eyes narrowed as Astrid and Revna realized that Hiccup wasn't here yet.

"Drago doesn't have them after all." Astrid whispered for her friends to hear.

"HOW MANY?!" Drago asked Eret again as the guy was trying to breathe and Revna decided to speak up to save him.

"Hundreds, a whole island full!" She said loudly as Drago seemed to have loosened his grip just a little.

"I wouldn't worry about it." Eret said and started to gasp for breath when Drago tightened his hold around his neck and glared.

"My men are hunting them down as we speak. They won't know where you're hiding. I promise you that." Eret corrected himself but Astrid spoke up next.

"Oh, yes they will!" She said proudly as Drago dropped Eret down to the floor as he listened.

"They know we're missing and they have tracking dragons. And if you so much as touch us, Hiccup is gonna-" Astrid continued while ignoring Eret's motions to stop talking.

"Hiccup?" Drago questioned in slight confusion.

"He's not a problem. Really. Trust me." Eret rasped as he rubbed his sore throat.

"He's only the son of Stoick the Vast... his heir to the throne of Berk... and the greatest Dragon Master this world has ever seen!" Astrid said as she boasted and that angered Drago.

"Dragon Master? I ALONE control the dragons!" He sneered at her and the others just laughed a little.

"Nope." Tuffnut said.

"Sorry!" Fishlegs snickered but Revna shut them up.

"And unless you let us go, right now, he will blast through here on his Night Fury and blow your entire fleet of ships to splinters!" Astrid said as the others agreed but Drago was reaching his limits.

"Then they'll be crying like babies!" Ruffnut taunted the men and caused Snotlout and Fishlegs to laugh.

"Funny and beautiful." Snotlout said.

"Good one, babe!" Fishlegs laugh in amusement while Ruffnut groans. She wasn't talking to them for Thor sake!

"Yeah. Like babies. They always cry. Real tiny ones." Tuffnut agreed.

Angry at this, Drago grabbed Eret again by his neck.

"First there was one rider. And now all of Berk. And YOU lead them to me." He sneered angrily before throwing Eret to the ground, much to the shock of the riders.

"Drago!" Eret exclaimed with a strain but Drago wasn't listening.

"STOP ALL PREPARATIONS!!! WE MUST ATTACK THE DRAGON RIDER'S NEST AT ONCE!!! WE WILL TAKE DOWN THEIR ALPHA... AND THEN WE WILL TAKE BERK!!!" Drago declared and got a roar of his men in agreement while the Dragon Riders looked around in fear for their home and dragon friends.

"You're overreacting!" Eret exclaimed as Drago turned towards him with a glare.

"And get rid of him." He ordered and caused Eret to start backing away in fear as the men compiled while aiming their weapons at him.

"Drago, please..." Eret pleaded but it was no use.

One of Drago's men throws a weapon at Eret who ducked and braced himself but was saved by something that shocked him. Stormfly, who has been watching the whole scene, arrives just in time and protects Eret from weapons. But it wasn't enough as she was soon tranquilized as well.

"STORMFLY!" Astrid exclaimed in worry and fear as she tried to get to her dragon but was held back.

"NO!" Tears started to well up in her eyes as Eret was unharmed.

He looked at himself in shock before looking down at the downed dragon in amazement. The dragon tried to protect him even though their first impression wasn't a good one. Astrid calmed down before sneering angrily at Drago.

"Why, you-?!" Astrid started angrily but was cut off by someone.

"Do yourselves a favor and stand down. It wouldn't be wise to revolt against us. Imagine if your dragons got hurt because of you. I know deep down. You do not want that." An evil yet very familiar voice said.

The person whose face was similar to their friend Emily, who has been hiding in the shadows started to approach. Everyone quickly made way for her while bowing their heads. It seemed that she was very scary to others due to how she carries herself with authority. She seemed like someone with a dark reputation. Right beside her was a Skrill and a medium size yet very big Screaming Death. Both Dragons were different. But the one that got quite the attention was the Screaming Death. It's skin was Silver and Purple, which was very rare for Screaming Deaths and Drago was very pleased to see her for some reasons.

"Ah, my most loyal commander. Unicra." Drago said while bowing.

The person in front of them all and standing beside Drago is someone from Emily's past and she goes by the name Unicra, who looked like Emily was his commanding officer as the riders were all shocked by this.

"By Thor's beard..." Astrid breathed with an uneasy tone and shocked expression.

"It cannot be..." Revna said in shock while her eyes widened.

"No way..." Fishlegs managed to squeak out.

"Wow, awesome." Both of the Thorston twins breathe in dumb amazement.

"Yeah. I really don't know what we're looking at." Snotlout said who was amazed as well but as usual, had no idea of what he was looking at or what was going on.

Unicra observed their expressions and basked in delight in their shock and dumbfounded expression with a small and evil smile.

"From the looks on your faces, I would say that you've seen me before." Unicra said as she was curious as to why the riders looked at her that way.

She thought that they knew where her enemies were at but she didn't want Drago to find out too much about her and her dragons origins.

"You look so much like her. But... you're so different." Astrid said as she was still in shock.

"Very clever, little one. I see now who's the brain in this group considering that most of your friends look dumb." Unicra said with a small smirk.

"Uh, is anyone here confused too? Because I'm totally lost here." Snotlout asked cluelessly as he had no idea what's going on.

"How is it that you look so much like our friend Emily?" Fishlegs was able to gather up some courage to ask as Unicra just glanced at him.

"Well, to put it on simple terms. I'm her twin sister." Unicra said and that shocked the riders even more.

"Her twin sister?" They asked in shock and confusion.

The riders were very confused and shocked at that answer. They just had never known anything about her since Emily never said anything about having a twin sister before the Screaming Death and Dragon's Edge five years ago.

"So you are friends with her, I see. I was wondering where she was all this time. I should've known she was staying with a bunch of heroic and brave foolish kids like you." Unicra sàid with an unimpressed tone.

She wasn't very impressed by Emily's choice of friends. But that's just who she is. Siding with the good guys with the Predabots helping them with the two Primes. That made Astrid mad as she glared at her. She wasn't gonna let someone underestimate her.

"Oh yeah? How about you untie us and you'll see who's the foolish one around here." Astrid said as she really didn't like being underestimated by someone especially this look alike.

"Tempting, but no. I'm not one to waste my time with amateurs." Unicra said with a small scoff and a smirk on her face as she crossed her arms.

"Amateur, us?" Snotlout asked as he was surprised and shocked to be called an amateur by her.

"The only amateur here is Ruffnut." Tuffnut said with Ruffnut agreeing.

"Yeah." She said dumbly.

"The other amateur is Hiccup who's not here. Such a loser. If I was the leader, you guys would be so sorry right now." Snotlout said with lots of confidence.

His comments had made Unicra's dragons get very angry easily and growled and hissed at them and was about to attack but she calmed them down by speaking a foreign language that the riders didn't quite understand but only heard Emily speaking it before a few times. Not even Drago or his men could understand it.

"How do you..." Astrid started to ask but didn't finish her sentence because she was cut off by Unicra who gave a rather calm look as she pet the Screaming Death.

"Control them? Let's say that these dragons come from the same land I came from. They've been by my side for a long time. And only I can control them. With only the snap of a finger, I can make them do what they want." Unicra explained with an evil smile.

What she said had made some riders get a bit nervous and scared at the thought.

"I must say that even though you guys seem like amateurs, I didn't expect for you to get caught that easily. I was under the impression that the riders of Berk were the best dragon riders around. Then again, appearances can be deceiving. You see I always told Drago that sooner or later some would rise to face us. And today as we learn that there's someone who can stop us. We realize that we have nothing to fear." Unicra said and it made everyone around them laugh at the riders who glared at them.

"You better not underestimate us. Just because you captured us, doesn't mean that we don't stand a chance against you. You may not know that but we Dragon riders are resilient. You're not the first threat that we had faced before." Revna warned her as she glared at her with hate.

"Yeah what she said." Tuffnut said as he tried to look cool but it was deflating as the Screaming Death and Skrill just silently glared at them.

"Take that, grape hair." Ruffnut insulted her but that didn't faze her.

Her insult had made some of the riders laugh. Even one of Drago's men started to laugh at it. Unicra heard him and went to ask him what was so funny with a deadly and calm tone but her eyes glowed with nothing but evil and her whole body language spells 'be careful what you do or your punishment will be deadly'.

"Is something funny?" Unicra asked with a small frown and looked at the guy as if she didn't like his reaction since it wasn't very funny and it wasn't very funny at all.

"Uh... no, sir-ma'am." He said and was trembling in deep fear.

Unicra was very respected among Drago's army and she wasn't one to get humiliated that easily without suffering any consequences. To remind the others what happens when they cross her, she wanted to show them a lesson. She snapped her fingers and the Skrill that was with her started to growl loudly. It used the claws of its paw to grab the one who laughed at her. It had a very tight grip on him and the guy couldn't get out of it no matter how much he struggled to get the dragon to let go. Unicra faced the riders as she started to explain.

"You guys used to fight dragons, right? Then tell me, ever wondered how it would feel to get killed by one of them? Just imagine, in just a moment, a dragon acts as your friend and all of the sudden it turns on you. Showing it's savage nature. Shaping its claw, showing its raging fire. Showing the killer inside him. Dragons may look like sweet creatures, but on the inside, they remain creatures that could kill you just like that. That's their purpose, their instinct. You can control a dragon's nature, it's behaviour. But no matter how much you try. You shall never control their killing instincts." Unicra said with an evil look before she snapped her fingers.

The Skrill that was holding the used it's lightning firepower to kill him and making everyone gasp in shock and fear. The riders were very shocked too and even Eret was a bit shocked and scared. Normally, a Skrill's lightning firepower can either render the one that was hit silent for a certain amount of time or stun them or cause them to talk in gibberish until it wears off. However Drago found it amusing. She strikes fear into the hearts of those that try to underestimate her too quickly and they suffer quite painful deaths by her hands or by her dragons. Ever since she joined his army, there was nothing he could do to stop her dragons when they were being underestimated and it's like they could understand each other.

"Such great words. Very well spoken, Unicra." Drago said as the Skrill walked up to Unicra who pets him gently to show a good job.

"Indeed... You spoke well, Unicra, it's such a pleasure to see you again. Did you... do something new to your... armor?" Eret said and was very nervous.

He knew what Unicra could do to him if he got on her bad side as Unicra faced him.

"Eret, Son of Eret. I would say that the pleasure is reciprocal but no. You've brought some great specimens of Dragons along with their riders. And yet those riders were able to get the best of you. For a Dragon hunter you're a fool. Pretending to be the best there is when it comes to Dragon hunt and so far those riders were able to beat you." Unicra said and was circling around like a predator to their prey as Eret tried to explain himself.

"Please... let me explain." Eret stuttered and stammered due to his nervousness.

"What makes you think we care to hear your pathetic excuses?" Unicra asked as she sent him a stern glare.

"Well, I mean... I'm the one who has brought you many dragons for your army... and true the Dragon Riders gave me and my men a bit of a hard time but since I've brought them to you as prisoners. You'll be able to interrogate them so they can give you any information you need to take down Berk, hahaha. Right?" Eret laughed nervously as he tried to hide how nervous he was.

Unicra stopped walking for a moment. She didn't say anything that was a bit scary to him while the Screaming Death and Skrill watched.

"Hmm, you're right. You did bring them to us. And with them as our prisoners. But then again..." Unicra said before she raised her arm in the air.

All of the sudden, a Smothering Smokebreath came out of nowhere and it almost hit Eret on the back. He had to duck down to avoid getting hit. The mysterious Smothering Smokebreath flew around Unicra two or three times before landing on her front arm as it glared at Eret and the Riders.

"Certain people would beg to differ." Unicra said.

She then started to listen to what the Smothering Smokebreath was telling her. She began speaking that weird language she spoke earlier with her two dragons before she settled her eyes on Eret who became uneasy.

"You said that the only reason those riders are now our prisoners is because you brought them here. And my friend here has confirmed what you just said. But from what, I can tell, these riders are here because you got captured!" Unicra said angrily as she raised her voice and it made everyone, minus Drago, to step back in slight fear.

"Well, I, uh... uh..." Eret tried to speak up and come up with an excuse but he couldn't as Unicra's glare intensified while the glow in her eyes became more prominent.

"Silence, worm, you let them capture you so easily! You brought them here. If it weren't for you, they wouldn't be here. It's your fault those riders are here. If their fellow comrades start searching for them and find out they're gone, they will do everything to protect themselves. If one of them escapes and warns them of our forces. Our surprise attack might fail." She growled angrily towards him.

This just reminds her of the time when Starscream tried to claim victory only to fail to return with the Apex Armor before and this guy is no better when trying to make excuses.

"I highly doubt one of them could escape. I mean, their dragons are out and they have no way out." Eret said as he tried to reassure Unicra.

"That may be so. But we cannot take that risk. And because of that we will have to take drastic measures." Unicra said as she started to calm down.

What she had said about taking drastic measures had scared some of the riders and Eret. Only Revna and Astrid didn't seem to be too scared of her.

"Drastic measure?" Fish legs squeaked out in fright with fear in his voice.

"You're thinking what I'm thinking?" Ruffnut asked as she turned to her brother.

"Yeah." Tuffnut agreed with a grin.

"Torture!" The twins exclaimed excitedly as Astrid glared at the purple haired rider.

"Torture us all you want, Unicra. We will never tell you anything." Astrid said bravely as she wanted to make it clear that she and her friends are not scared of her.

"Make no mistake, dear. We do not plan to torture you to get answers. Unicra said in a calm tone.

What she had said had made Fishlegs to sigh in relief however the twins didn't sensed in deception in it because they were really expecting to get tortured.

"I wouldn't get too excited if I were you. We won't torture you because it would be a waste of time our time which sadly we do not have. And of course we can't take the risk of having you as our prisoners and escape. So I guess what I'm trying to say is-" Unicra said but was interrupted by Astrid who knew what she was going to say.

"You're gonna get rid of us." Astrid said as Unicra smirked.

"Indeed. You're very perspective. I'm impressed." Unicra said as she got very close to Astrid who glared in return.

"Why won't you let us go? Why are you doing this?" Revna asked her as Unicra turned towards the dragon shifter.

"Why are we doing this, you ask? Hahaha! You're so funny. Isn't she funny, guys?" Unicra asked and started to laugh at the bluenette.

Drago's men started to laugh too with her even Eret started to fake laugh. The twins joined the laughter too but stopped when Astrid glared at them to shut up as Unicra sighed.

"Ah, It's so good to laugh. Well I thought the reason we're doing this was obvious. Isn't it?" Unicra said while looking at the riders with an evil glint in her eyes before she scoffed.

"Ha, who am I asking? The same people who just asked the question. Guess I'll have to answer. It's quite simple in fact. We wanna use our dragon army to conquer the world. Expand our territory and get rid of all the goody dragon riders like you. Starting with your beloved Berk. We will make sure that every man and woman gets crushed under our feet and all of your dragons shall join our armies and help us in our conquest." Unicra said as Astrid and Revna glared at her.

"This will never happen. You will never get away with this." Astrid said as Revna agreed.

"She's right. Go ahead and get rid of us. Attack Berk if you want. You shall never win. Our friend, Hiccup, will stop you. It's no wonder he's the best Dragon rider." Revna said and what she had said didn't please Drago. Not one bit.

"You really think that this Hiccup can defeat me and my powerful army of dragons? Well do you, little girl?" Drago asked as he pointed his bullhook at Revna.

There was fear In her eyes and yet inside she wasn't scared at all.

"Yes... I do. You control your dragons with fear. Hiccup does it by trusting his heart. And that's why you can't win against him." Revna answered with no fear in her tone as Drago glared.

"Make no mistake, little girl. Your friend is no match for me." Drago said but he didn't know that he was about to see Revna's true nature.

Her ties were almost cut and she would soon be free. All she needed to do was to distract him a bit more.

"The only one making a mistake here is you Drago. You have no idea of who you are going up against. But you will soon enough. Starting with me!" Revna exclaimed and was able to get her hands free much to everyone's shock minus the riders and Eret.

She attacked Drago and pushed him away. His men got shocked at what they saw and were about to attack when suddenly Revna did something that shocked everyone around. She transformed into her Night Fury form as she let out a mighty roar and used her fire to attack everyone. She pushed them back with her tail and claws. Her friends were tied down and yet they were able to push back some of Drago's men even if they were detained. Astrid turned to Revna who looked back.

"Get out, Revna!!! Go find Hiccup!!!" Astrid exclaimed.

She wanted Revna to escape and find Hiccup to warn him and Emily about what was coming. Revna didn't want to leave her friends but she didn't have any much of a choice. She started to fly but unknown to her Unicra had grabbed an axe that she suddenly threw at. It wasn't enough to kill her yet the axe had hurt her a lot on her left forearm. The Screaming Death and Skrill started to attack her but she was able to push them back with her Plasma Blast. Unicra was about to throw another one when Eret stopped her and allowed Revna to get away. She escaped and was on her way to go warn Hiccup and the others.

"She got away!" Drago yelled angrily but Unicra calmed down and looked towards him.

"Let her go. This Hiccup won't be able to stop us now." Unicra said before she grabbed Eret by the neck and threatened to crush his vocal cords with a glare.

"And as for you. I should kill you right here and now. But I prefer to let others do the honors." Unicra said before she threw Eret towards the riders as he tried to gasp for breath and rubbed his sore neck.

"Take him away and kill him with the others." Unicra ordered.

Two of Drago's men grabbed and tied his hands so he wouldn't get away as he and the riders got taken away so they could be disposed of before Drago turned to the dragons that were tied down.

"Lock away those dragons! We'll be departing now!" Drago yelled and raised his arm in the air.

And by doing so, he made his men scream and roar to show that they were ready for the incoming battle that was soon to come at the Dragon Sanctuary as Unicra watched it all before she let out an evil laugh while the Screaming Death, Skrill and Smothering Smokebreath just growled deeply and dangerously while their eyes glowed eerily.