
From A Young Successor To Chief Book 2

Five years after Hiccup unified dragons and Vikings with his friends and Team Prime, they're all growing up but sometimes things never change no matter the age they are in. But a madman by the name of Drago Bludvist wanted a war to rule the world with a four members who Team Prime knows joining his army. Secrets will be discovered and sacrifices will strike those close to be hurt but it won't stop them from protecting those they love. Will Hiccup have what it takes to protect his home and family? Creation date (July 25, 2021)

Daoist9aRwJg · Movies
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15 Chs

Chapter 10: Spending Time with Valka

Outside the sanctuary Team Prime and their dragons were out and flying above the clouds. Hiccup turned around and saw that they were being followed by all the resident dragons from the sanctuary.

"Hey, I thought we were going to eat!" Hiccup called out to his mother in confusion.

"Oh, we are!" Valka said with a mischievous grin.

She motioned for them to stop flying as they hovered above the waters below. Valka just grinned and looked down and caused everyone to look down curiously and were surprised. Below them, they watched with curiosity as Seashockers were herding a school of fish before they separated as something big was swimming up towards the surface. Then from the depths of the water, Valka's Bewilderbeast jumps out of the water and catches all of the fish in his mouth with a mighty roar before spitting them into the air for the dragons to eat. The dragons were in a frenzy at the treats and were quick to catch them. Hiccup just looked around in shock and surprise and his mother started to laugh in delight at his expression.

Emily laughed as Arcee raced to grab some with Smokescreen hot on her tail with Jack holding on. Toothless was so excited as he looked at Hiccup who gestured for him to go and catch some fish. Toothless dove down and caught as many fish that his mouth could carry and he had a cheeky look on his face.

Emily jumped off Optimus' and was able to catch some fish for him as he caught her before she fell into the waters below. Valka watched her curiously as she whooped in delight while Raf burst out laughing as Bulkhead had his mouth full with the fish.

At the icy shore, Hiccup was showing his mother his map of his and his friends' discovery.

"And from Dragon Island, I found this archipelago…" Hiccup started before he looked up and was even more surprised.

Valka drew a map of the world in the snow. Hiccup looked at his mother in wonder and she seemed to have gone around the world by now. Toothless draws over it with an icicle as the others watch him in amusement. He drew around Cloudjumper as the Stormcutter just watched him curiously. When Toothless tried to drop the icicle, it appeared that it got stuck to his tongue and made everyone laugh.

They then went to a cliff where the dragons are hovering in an updraft. Everyone was having the time of their lives. Even Optimus who was enjoying their time. Valka then dances from one dragon to another until she reaches Hiccup. She ruffled his hair before falling off on the other side of Toothless' wing where Cloudjumper caught her from below.

"When I'm up here, I don't even feel the cold. I just feel…" Valka said as she was much more relaxed feeling the cold and gentle breeze blow against her skin.

"Free." Both Hiccup and Emily said at the same time.

Valka looked towards the two as they smiled at each other. Valka then spreads her arms out wide.

"This is what it is to be a dragon, Hiccup." Valka said and she saw a mischievous glint in her son's eyes.

"It's all well and good to call yourself a dragon." Hiccup said as he unattached himself from the saddle and locked the tailfin and prepared to jump.

"But can you fly?" He asked her cheekily before jumping off and causing both Valka and Cloudjumper's eyes to widen in shock. What is that boy doing?!

Her eyes widened in amazement as Hiccup seemed to have flown up and was gliding in the air. Emily just chuckled at Valka's reaction. Cloudjumper looks at Toothless who has a smug smirk on his face before he realizes that Hiccup was gliding and flies after him.

Hiccup flipped over but didn't see his mother before he looked to the side to see her and Cloudjumper flying beside him. He whooped in joy and flipped back over and his face fell as a small mountain appeared in front of Hiccup.

"Hiccup!" Emily cried out worriedly as Hiccup tried to steer.

"Oh no. Toothless!" Hiccup cried out as he prepared for impact.

Toothless was quick to grab him and crashed through the snow covering the mountain. They then landed on the snow covered ground as Toothless lifted his wing to check Hiccup only to see he was gone. He panicked before the rider popped out of the snow, cheering and covering Toothless with more snow.

"Man! Almost! We just about had it that time!" Hiccup said excitedly as he started to fix his flight suit.

Toothless lets out a sneeze before glaring at Hiccup in annoyance before knocking his feet out from under him with a swipe of his tail as he lands on the snow with a groan.

The others finally caught up to them and Valka starts to examine his flight suit in amazement.

"Incredible." Valka breathed in amazement.

"Well, not bad yourself." Hiccup said.

Then Valka looked Hiccup in the eyes and hesitated on putting a hand on his cheek. Hiccup leaned against his mother's touch and it felt so comforting. Valka felt the tears well up again but she stopped it and smiled softly. All these years... He took after her...

"All this time, you took after me. And where was I?" Valka said sadly as she felt guilty but most of all sad. She missed her son's childhood.

Emily walks up to Valka and puts a hand on her shoulder as the older woman looks towards her.

"It's not your fault, Valka. You did what you thought was right. I know what it feels like not having a mother but you can't keep blaming yourself for what happened. It was the war's fault and it cost you on missing out on your son's childhood." Emily told her with a soft and understanding smile.

Valka blinked the tears away and returned the smile.

"I know..." She muttered before turning back to Hiccup.

"I'm so sorry, Hiccup. Can we start over? Will you give me another chance?" Valka said as she ran her fingers through his son's hair and looked at him hopefully.

Hiccup answered her with a hopeful smile which she returned.

"I can teach you all that I've learned these past twenty years. Like…" Valka said as she went over to Toothless.

She then massaged a joint on the back of the Night Fury's neck and it caused the spines along his back to reveal their splitting effects. Ultra Magnus was a little surprised and Emily did the same and he shook himself and looked at his back and was really surprised by it as well.

"So cool!" Miko said as she admired that.

"That's amazing." Raf agreed.

"Now you can make those tight turns." Valka said proudly.

Toothless looked at his fins and was excited as he jumped towards Hiccup who was amazed by the discovery.

"Did YOU know about this?" Hiccup asked him and the excited dragon just clapped his fins together excitedly.

"Every dragon has its secrets. And I'll show them all to you. We'll unlock every mystery, find every last species, together, as mother and son along with your friends." Valka said as she went to his side.

Toothless was really excited as he jumped around before burrowing under the snow. Cloudjumper watches him curiously before the Night Fury pops out of the snow and dumping more snow on Cloudjumper's head who let out a small roar in surprise. Hiccup and the gang laugh in amusement as an annoyed Cloudjumper dumps the snow right back on Toothless. The Night Fury just shook the snow off him before showing his fins to Cloudjumper who wasn't really impressed and causing the kids to laugh in amusement.

"This gift we share, Hiccup... it bonds us. This is who you are, son. Who we are. We will change the world for all dragons! We will make it a better, safer place!" Valka told him and Hiccup smiled even wider.

"Yeah! I mean...that...sounds... amazing!" Hiccup said before he was pulled into a hug by his mother.

He was taken by surprise but he hugged her back as she smiled happily and gave him a small squeeze before Hiccup pulled away with a plan in mind.

"This is so great! Now you and I can go talk to Drago - together." Hiccup said and Valka looks at him in shock and surprise.

"What? There's no talking to Drago." Valka said as Cloudjumper went to her side as Hiccup pouted a little.

"But we have to-" Hiccup said but Valka shook her head.

"No. We must protect our own." Valka said before giving Cloudjumper a rub under his chin which he liked.

"They are right, Hiccup. From what the chief and Valka says, Drago isn't the type of person who would change their minds easily." Jack said as Arcee gave a squawk in agreement.

"Especially now that he has an addition to his army." Silvia said as she looked towards Emily who went silent.

The blonde has her arms holding herself as Optimus nuzzles her gently. Valka saw the reaction and couldn't help but pity her but was a little confused on who was the addition Silvia was talking about. She just shook her head and maybe she'll get an answer later before turning to all of them.

"Now come on, we should be getting back." She said as she mounted Cloudjumper.

Hiccup was a little disappointed. He then heard clapping and turned to Toothless who had a grin while examining his fins again like a kid and causing everyone to laugh while they went back inside the sanctuary.

(AN: I honestly almost cried at the part with Valka and Hiccup. Anyway, next chapter would take time so please wait)