
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Movies
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91 Chs

You wouldn't understand

P@treon shoutouts - Devor 👑👑(Thank you for being the first member king)

Chris chalich, Danny york, Hastien056.

-Billie POV-

I shouldn't have done this, I shouldn't have but I have no choice, if I don't confront him now he'll stop being spiderman as it will become a hassle for him but stopping spiderman will also stop him from being the person I loved.

He will stop being a good man and be like everyone else who couldn't be bothered to adopt the two troublesome kids.

But this is not what I wanted, this is definitely not what I wanted, I wanted him to distract the rhino, divert his attention somewhere else or I don't know push him or something but definitely not this.

Not him standing infront of me ready to take on the world with his hand held high as the rhino charges us, I understood him a little bit but not enough to agree with fucking putting the life of everyone behind him at risk, I wait as rhino collides with peters hand and a cloud of dust and wind passes around us.

I couldn't see what happened as the dust was still settling and what I saw shocked me to my core.

-POV news-

"The rhino is an abomination made from oscorps newest play at God, judge hansbergs decision to send the rhino to a high security facility for research has backfired as the escaped rhino/man hybrid is now loose on the city, wreaking havoc, causing thousands of dollars in property damage, putting the lives of citizens at risk and Who is saving the people?"

The reporter smirked as she continued while the video of spiderman saving the people from rhino "Not the police because they are busy protecting the corporation who created rhino in the first place. Spiderman is the one saving the people and all we can hope for is that he doesn't leave new york anytime soon.."

She suddenly stopped talking as the screen shifted to spiderman standing infront of the police with a girl right behind him as the rhino charges into spiderman's outstretched hand.

All the people watching the video were stunned at the cloud of dust that kicked up from the impact, the cloud reached as high as the 4th floor of nearby buildings, the dust took a couple of minutes to clear but when it cleared it revealed the mutated rhino laying in a crater right in front of spiderman, with spidermans hand holding the rhinos horn.

The same rhino which has been causing destruction left and right, making cars fly and buildings collapse was stopped by a single man standing infront of it, said man fired a few webs at the rhino before promptly leaving with the girl behind him.

-Peters POV-

That should do it, I think that its enough to keep them off of me for a while, let's see where we can land *swip* *swip* I hold billie closer before we land on a rooftop, the same rooftop where we kissed by the way, I let her down and remove my mask before turning to her with a smile only to stop because of the frown I saw on her face.

"What now?" She looks at me with an angry face as she says "what do you mean what now?" I frown as I ask in a clipped tone "well what other minor thing are you angry with me about" she bristles at that as she says "what-what the fuck? Minor? You think not helping people in need is minor".

My mind was about to explode from the amount of rage I felt at her words but on the outside I was calm as I told her in a cold tone "I helped all those that needed help" Billie asked me as she pointed towards oscorp "what about the cops?" I replied with sarcasm dripping in my tone "I didn't think people willing to shoot my head off would be soo inclined to recieve my help".

She screamed as she yelled at me "again with the bullet, are you going to judge an entire group based on one cop, on one fucking corrupt cop" I breathe in and explain as calmly as I can appear "I judge them based on the fact that the guy that shot at me got away with it".

She tapped my head three times as she said with frustation "if the good people had the power to stop corruption then the world wouldn't be as fucked up as it is right now".

I spread my arms as I said exasperatedly "so now what, I saved the day, they are fine and they can go back to kiss their wife, all happy and fine knowing they were saved by the villian of this city spiderman"

She sighed as she told me in a pained voice "it took me standing infront of them to make you move..." the way she said it broke my heart, did she not believe that I would save them, did she think I have so little heart but what she said next broke the lid I kept on the rage until now "...all for your goddamn ego".

"What was that about ego?" My voice lost all reason, the dam that contained all the rage I have been building up on this city, on its people, on all the ungrateful people, so that I could be reasonable, so that I can deal with all the criticism as fairly as possible, so that I don't become an egotistcal hyprocrite broke at her words and all that rage was directed at one person.

The person I loved with all I had trembled at my tone as she said "what else would it be that is stopping you from saving lives other than your damn ego" I grit my teeth as I said "I thought you knew me" she looked into my eyes and said "the person I knew wouldn't be scared to help 3 criminal children escape from thugs with guns".

I pointed at her and she flinched as it said "You definitely don't know me, how could I expect you to know me well when half of my life..." I gesture to the suit I'm wearing as I continued "...was hidden to you all along".

She sobbed as she said "I knew it was you the moment I told you about liking a boy called Peter, you think I'd share that with a stranger you think I would".

I slammed my leg down on the roof cracking it a bit as I yelled "then why can't you understand what I'm going through"

She stopped sobbing as she stepped back and said "Peter you are scaring me" I laughed out before I bit out "ofcourse the villian of the city spiderman would scare all damsels in the city who knew".

She sighed as she looked angry and said "I can't be with you if you talk like that anymore" I got close to her and asked her angryly "are you threatening me with a breakup?" She looked defiant as she said "maybe I am"

I challenged her as I said "you wouldn't" she bit out "don't push me" I could see she wasn't kidding but I was too angry to care "you can't do you wanna know why because you love m-" "I'm breaking up with you" I stopped talking and took a deep breathe before I looked her in the eye and asked "say it again" she looked into my eyes and said "I'm breaking up with you".

I walked away to the edge of the roof and fired a web but before I left i told her without looking back "You hold your breath after you lie"

-Officer Jefferson POV-

Jefferson was about to go home after filling out all the paperwork for the rhino and dealing with the aftermath, the higherups will take care of the rest so he was about to leave when his boss George Stacy asked "hey Davis can you handle the evidence of the bank heist case from last month" I looked at the time and told him "My shift is over" he looked up at the clock and told me "I'll do it then".

I wanted to let it be but the father in me made me say "George" he turned back and raised his eyebrows I took a deep breathe before i said "after what happened today, I think we should all go home and hold our loved ones, I'll come early tomorrow and do it" he looked at me with respect and nodded I nodded back as I smiled at him.

I got back home to miles and rio watching a Mexican soap opera, I yell out "honey I'm home" she looks up and runs to hug me as she says "you are supposed to say it at the door" in my ear I laugh at that and look at miles looking at me with a complicated look, I raise my eyebrows in a questioning way but he shakes his head and moves back into his room.

Rio looks back at miles so I ask in a whisper "what happened?" She only hugs me back as she whispers into my ear "miles is conflicted about spiderman" I frown and ask "what is he conflicted about?" She hits my chest as she says "you know it" I nod and move to take a refreshing bath, the shower makes my mind cool down and as I think about miles I considered if I should tell him what happened.

That no one is happy with the cop who shot at Spidey, that the only reason we couldn't suspend him was because Spidey is technically a criminal, we could only file a case of excessive use of force that fell apart as soon as he said that it was just a warning shot which was also technically true because of legal mumbo jumbo.