
The Party

The party was already in full swing by the time mason and his sister got there. Loud music was playing and everywhere was rowdy with combinations of the drunks, half drunks and the 'I just got here' group of people. Some from their school and probably a few other schools.

Margret immediately disappeared to find her friends Alice and Jenny as soon as they got to the party leaving to mason to find a way to fit into the uncomfortablely rowdy scene.

The scene was really grousing him out so much that he lost sight of his sister for a few seconds, before he eventually found her amongst other raunchy hormonal kids and her two best friends. He honestly have a hard time understanding why anyone would be interested in such farce; but what does he know, he is just a boring nerd.

Mason's opinion of the two girls is not too good cause he always felt like they were the ones that's really been influencing his sister to the wild side; but he can't exactly tell her to stop being friends with them without creating problems for himself. So he just let it be.

Since his presence at his party was more for a chaperone duties rather than for the party itself, he decided to find a fairly quiet corner where he can somehow be by himself and still keep his sister in sight.

The house where the party is being held is quiet big and beautiful, and the owners must be loaded as evident from the rich furnishings and the general outlook. But despite it's spacious attributes, finding a queit place that gives him a good vantage point to his sister's location is really proving to be a difficult task. There're simply too many party crazed kid in every corner of the room.

He eventually found a place that's not exactly a quiet corner like he would've preferred but at least he could see his sister well from that position. He brought out his phone and pull up a reading app he had discovered earlier in morning and tried to pass time browsing the books in his library.

He was so absorbed with his phone that he missed the approach of Beth, one of the most popular girl in school who has been hell bent on getting with him since the day they set eyes on each; but Mason had never really been interested in having a relationship with her or any other girl for that matter. After his family, his only other love were his books and the precious time he spends reading them.

Bethany Ross is a gorgeous, desirable and very popular girl in school. She's every girl's dream 'idol friend' and every guy's dream 'idol girlfriend'. She is bold and beautiful but a little too abrasive for his taste. He has never thought about a dream girlfriend but if he had, she'd never be a candidate.

"Hi Mason, Bethany crooned to him while he barely nods his head in acknowledgement to her greetings as he isn't really in the mood to deal with her." Aside from the few times she'd managed to corner him during lunch breaks in school, he always tried to steer clear of her."

She is by far not the kind of crowd he wants around him but no matter how hard he had tried to desuade her or how many times he turned her down, she just wouldn't leave him alone. Though, he suspected that her persistence with him now is more about her bruised ego rather than actual affection."

"I didn't know you were attending the party; she was saying while stealthily showing him her cleavage by bending towards him and invading his personal space."

He's trying his best to tune her out but it's really hard, since she was wearing a strong perfume and a very tight short gown that's hugging her body in all the right places. He's not even a bit attracted to her but he is still a guy; and somethings are difficult to ignore, especially when they are on full display.

He knew that she had been with Henry several times, because his friend never kept secrets about his conquests; he enjoy talking about them and claiming the glory and admiration of his friends and other guys.

The only difference was, he never talked about Bethany out loud like he did other, only his closest friends knows and he never talked about why he didn't brag about her to his usual audience. But Mason suspected it had something to do with Bethany's status as the most popular girl in school and they must have had some sort of 'honors amongst thiefs' pact.

Henry doesn't do seconds but Mason knows for a fact that he had already hooked up with her with her several times already. That's why he doesn't understand why she is still after him after having hooked up and still hooking up with his friend; the thought alone disgusts him.

A girl with no moral and loose lifestyle is not the kind of girl he wants to date, no matter how popular she is. But perhaps she never suspected that he knew about her sleeping with one of his best friend and other guys in school.

She loves dominating the gossip stream in school, and being the highlight of every social event and talks; it gives her power and fed her ego. Her lifestyle is totally removed from his personal believes and likes and he just wish that she would leave him alone.

He is very uncomfortable with the way she kept touching him inappropriately but he is too polite to just remove her hands off him. No matter how repulsive her attitude is, she is still a girl that deserves his respect like any other girl.

He was still battling with how he was going to get her off him without being offensive, when Henry made an insinuating comment about taking her back home to relive their sexual escapades. And though he doesn't approve of the way he spoke to her, he was kinda glad for his intervention because it took her attention off him.

And If looks could kill, the look on her face after Henry's statement would've eviscerated him. But instead of backing off, he made more jokes about her that had all the people around us laughing like lunatics.

Obviously too angry to come up with an appropriate rejoinder, she just huff and finally left him alone to seat with her friends and he couldn't be more glad. The lewd jokes and chatters continued and he was starting to really get uncomfortable, so he decided it's time to call it a night.