
Our Lives Pt 2

"Really? She screeched with excitement, she will be able to attend the party after all."

Thank you! thank you! my sweet brother, she crooned to her brother. I promise we won't stay long.

"Fine now leave me alone and go take care of what girls normally does before a party, I'll talk to Dad."

"Of course, thanks again mase, you're the best." she walks to where her brother was sitting, gave him a peck on the cheek as a sign of gratitude and then she was gone.

Mason signed and picked up his phone to call their father to tell him about going to the stupid party, he didn't want to go but he knew his sister would've hound him tirelessly until he agreed to go with her.

His father picked up on the third ring.....

"Hi dad, he says as soon as his father picked up."

"Hey buddy what's up? his father's voice boomed through the phone."

"I was wondering if Maggie and I could go to this party from school tonight, he tells his father."

"A party?! his father asked surprised. That's strangely out of character, whose Idea was it? His father asked.

"Maggie's of course, you know I don't fancy those kind stuff, but the party was for one of her friends and she knew she wouldn't be allowed to go if I'm not there. He told his father honestly."

"I knew it, Samuel mused with a soft laugh. Ok you can go but make sure to keep her in your sight at all times and don't stay out too long; he tells his son."

"Alright then I have to get back to work now buddy, his father affectionately called out. Bye."

Bye dad, he replied before he hangs up.

Margaret was in her room preparing her outfit for the party for the party, when her phone rang. She stopped what she was doing to check her phone and saw that it was her friend Jenny calling. she had promised to call her as soon as she was able to get her brother on board, but between the unusual timing it took for her to convince her brother and her giddiness over his acquiescence, she forgot to call her friend back.

"Hey Maggie, what's up? Did you manage to get your bookaholic brother to agree to go to the party with you or do we need to plan a rescue mission to get you out of that house?" Jenny voice filled the phone with a hint of laughter in her voice.

Everybody in their circle knows her brother too well by now, he is not a party freak and he's made no secret of it.

Earlier when they were talking about the party, her friends had made jokes about how it would be easier to swallow a piece of glass ware than it will be asking her brother to attend a party. She'd laughed it off, saying he's not that bad but she knew better.

The only thing that gave her the confidence to even ask him was the fact that he rarely says no to her and even that had almost failed. She is just glad that everything is back on track now.

"Oh come on Jen! I told you he is not that rigid and guess what? He's agreed to come with me to party"

"Yeeeeeees! Jenny screeched into the phone making her to temporarily move the phone away from her ear, so she wouldn't damage her eardrum."

"That's wonderful news Mags, how did you manage such a miracle?" Jenny asked

Margaret wasn't about to let her know that she almost failed to convince him, so she gave her the short version.

"I just appealed to his protective instincts; and he agreed to talk to our parents, so we can go to the party. You know he's always been protective of me, and that's how I got him to agree."

"Honestly, I hadn't expected that you would be able to convince him but I'm pleasantly surprised. Your brother is one of the most broodingly handsome 17 years old I have ever met."

That mysterious calm aura he always carry about him gives him a crazy irresistible look but still, it wouldn't kill to be a little less rigid sometimes.

"Yeah yeah I know, my brother is handsome and boring, margaret replied sarcastically to her friend's description of her brother's look. Can we talk about something else; like what are we wearing to the party?"

"I don't know mags, I'm sure you'll find something for that your gorgeous body like you always do. Its only those of us with lesser endorsements that needs to be worrying about stuffs like that."

Margaret laughs at Jenny's rambling, her friends have made comments like that about her looks and body several times and it always make her feel good about herself. That's she has never been conscious about her looks and body, cause she knows she always look good.

"Ok Jen, thanks for the vote of confidence, I need to get to finding what I'll wear to that party now or I'll be late. I'll meet you and Alice at the party, bye."

"Bye Mags, Jenny replied and clicked off."

She went back to raiding her closet for the perfect dress and ended up settling on a red dress with a fitting bodice that goes a little below her knees. She laid the dress on her bed, found a nice pair of shoes that goes with it and went to take her shower.

After showering, she put on her robb and went to see if her brother was getting ready to go too.

She found him completely absorbed in the book he was reading and the fact that she had actually expected him not to take getting ready for the party seriously didn't make it any less annoying. But she had to tamper down her anger, so he wouldn't have the excuse to change his mind at the last minute.

So she took a few calming breath before speaking;

"Aren't you gou to get ready?" She asked him

"I don't need any ceremony to get dressed, just let me know when you're ready and we'll go, I already took a shower."

She knew her brother has zero fashion sense but she's still aghast at the thought that he might actually be considering wearing what he had on now.

It's a plain old round neck with faded jeans, not exactly the best outfit a party. He is not a fashion horse but he has lots of good cloths In his wardrobe that their mother got for him.

"Don't tell me that you're wearing that; she pointed to his shirt and jeans, to the party?"

"Why, what's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Nothing but please change and get ready to leave, we're already going to be late."

"Yes mom, he replied jokingly."

"Thank you, she forced out before she left his room to finish getting ready."