
Freaky Friday Gone Wrong

I hate you and i wish you were never my sister you would never understand what misery means because you have such a perfect life. Ayra screamed furiously. Alice told herself not to think about the word "hate" which her sister had used on her people said a lot of things they didn't mean when they were angry. You think my life is perfect? well be my guest I wish you my perfect life, I hope you would walk in my perfect shoes . Whatever ayra muttered walking away. That's what you always do walk away, shy away from confrontations for crying out loud you are the intelligent one mom is always proud of you I mean everyone speaks highly of you. The perfect life you accuse me of you are the one that actually has the fucking perfect life. Ayra turned around and was surprised to see the amount of pain on her sister 's face for the first time ever Alice wasn't wearing a bored expression but she ignored it, it could be one of her Trump trick and said Christ you are so sick to think that. Maybe I am.

Macky_starr · Urban
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56 Chs


He said he wanted to be your friend and you ran?? 

Yeah kinda of ayra nodded. 

Are you mad? No that's not a right question, you have a serious problem. 

Don't you think I know that? Tsk I knew telling you was a big mistake. 

Somehow by the miracle of fate, ayra had gotten home safely and had decided to ask help from her sister because her mind was in turmoil both from shame at how she behaved and awe that jack of all people wanted to be friends with someone like her. It seemed so surreal, without thinking she had run to Alice for help and utterly regretted it now. 

Don't you dare regret coming to me, you disturbed my beauty sleep with your petty problem. 

That's right, thanks for the help it's just a "petty problem" for you but for me my life is literally falling apart. 

Tsk, you are so dramatic for a ner- okay what made you come to me for help? She asked serious for the first time ever. 

Ayra knew she was about to say the word "nerd " a moment ago and appreciated the fact she refrained from doing so . I don't know she shrugged her shoulders, you are, I mean you are one that has a boyfriend and all these guys in school are always worshipping the floor on which your feet walks, therefore I figure you might know plenty about boys and what makes them tick. 

Why are you asking me all these questions instead of providing a solution for my "petty problem"? Omg Alice why in Pete sake are you tearing up? 

Oh no no am not. 

Your eyes is misty. 

There are not, it's just contact I wore messing with my eyes why the hell would I cry? She sassed all Alice like. 

I thought as much, you scared me there thought you are growing a heart. 

Alice giggled heartily and ayra had the sudden urge to tell her to laugh more but she stomped the need down. 

Okay jack obviously has a crush on you and -

You really think so?? She asked like her life depended on it. 

Don't interrupt my flow again. 

Oh sorry sorry. 

As I said it's not a big deal, he asked you to be his friend you just have to give him an answer which is yes or no. 

What if I had blown it away by running away like a little child? 

Yeah your running was really childish and uncalled for but you can always tell him you got an emergency such as your period. 

Ewwwwwwe, definitely can't tell him that. 

Then look for another alibi then. 

Oh okay so what -do you think my answer should be? She asked tugging her hemline and starring at her foot . 

Are you really asking me that question? 

Duh? Yeah. 

Do you like him? 

She nodded gingerly unable to say it with her mouth. 

That settles it then, Alice said laying back on her lush pillows. 

But I - 

Please shut the door behind you Alice said closing her eyes clearly dismissing her. 

Alice, this is so not fair I still have a bunch of worries. 

I know that's why I am sending you away, you always love over thinking stuffs for once in your life go with the fucking flow. 

What if I get swamped. 

"Then you stand up, and dust yourself up. 

"Easy for you to say, you are strong and have a legion of lovers. "

"How delusional you can be sometimes baffles me. "

Enjoy your beauty sleep she said making her way towards the door and stopped abruptly, "Alice what are these fliers doing in your table? You are not interested in these kinda of stuffs. "

"Uhm how many times have I warned you to stop snoping around my stuff? 

I wasn't they were just lying on the table, and there is no need to get angry over them. 

Am not and they are for a friend. 

Oh am sorry for the friend. 


Ayra looked at her like she had two head and had asked the most ridiculous question of all times." These are leukemia fliers, it is very sever and the patient would get worse by the months that's depends on the body immune system tho but it's baddddd. "

Byeee she muttered and didn't notice how Alice turned pale and swallowed hard at her words.