
Freaky Friday Gone Wrong

I hate you and i wish you were never my sister you would never understand what misery means because you have such a perfect life. Ayra screamed furiously. Alice told herself not to think about the word "hate" which her sister had used on her people said a lot of things they didn't mean when they were angry. You think my life is perfect? well be my guest I wish you my perfect life, I hope you would walk in my perfect shoes . Whatever ayra muttered walking away. That's what you always do walk away, shy away from confrontations for crying out loud you are the intelligent one mom is always proud of you I mean everyone speaks highly of you. The perfect life you accuse me of you are the one that actually has the fucking perfect life. Ayra turned around and was surprised to see the amount of pain on her sister 's face for the first time ever Alice wasn't wearing a bored expression but she ignored it, it could be one of her Trump trick and said Christ you are so sick to think that. Maybe I am.

Macky_starr · Urban
Not enough ratings
55 Chs


Take a deep breath Alice commanded. 


Release it now, but slowly she warned. 

Weheeeeeeee ayra breathed down slowly keeping her eyes on her sister for approval. 

There you are all good, look it's not a big deal just walk up to him. 

But he is with his friends, she whined . 

You walk up to him and repeat what am about to say, Alice continued speaking as though she hadn't heard say a word. Jack you asked me to be your friend and am sorry for running off, I was merely taken by surprise because of your reputation but fortunately for you today am in a great mood, therefore my answer to your humble request is yes. Alice said in a heartbeat unblinking, it's easy right? 

I know am gonna forget half of what you said once I look into his eyes. 

Then don't look him directly in the eyes kiddo. 

You have been surprisingly very helpful, thank you she said meaning it. 

Maybe I am so helpful because I might have another assignment she said in a low voice. 

Omg Alice, seriously you have the morals of an alley cat, color me stupid right now. 

Oh come of it please, it's a win win situation you scratch my back, I scratch yours that's what sisters are for she argued. 

No, sisters are meant to stand besides each other through thick and thin regardless of weather one party was gaining or not. 

Hmm are we gonna stand here and argue about sisterhood or are you going to get your little ass and go talk to your little crush. 

Can you stop shouting, gosh where is jack I thought he was right there with his football friends. 

When you would be talking like a parrot, of course he left already. 

Alice maybe I should forget about it, what if he really didn't mean it or what if am gonna blow everything, I mean he hadn't even tried talking to me this morning. 

Hey come here Alice held her face a little to tightly, I know you are an over thinker and like everything being perfect and nice like your grades but am sorry to break it to you lil sis but unfortunately life isn't like that, you have to take risks and -

What if I get hurt? 

Then you heal and try again no one gets through life without scars my love. 

You are actually smart and intelligent why the hell do you make people believe otherwise? Ayra asked genuinely impressed with the words of wisdom her sister was dropping this morning. 

This isn't about me ayra, you are the smart one in the family and getting back on track you disturbed my beauty sleep yesterday over this and now you wanna back out? Not happening young lady, look I have to go my friends are coming i-

Right leave me to my plight, can't you ditch them for my sake. 

Alice gave her the look. 

I mean they don't even li-

Stop stop Alice held up her hands in the air like a strict principle, I won't hear any derogatory remarks about them they are my friends. 

I hear you. 

Now go get your crush, don't embarrass yourself or me remember everything I told you, byeeeeeeeee lil sis. 

It's up to you now ayra, and you can totally do this but first I need a toilet break, after giving herself a pep talk and washing her hands properly she walked slowly and carefully to where she thinks she would find jack, can't afford to bumb into him again she had been doing to much of that lately. Taking a deep breath she rehashed her lines or maybe Alice 's lines again in her head, was it even worth it? To go through all these troubles for a boy that maybe didn't even like her and was probably playing around but Alice was right nothing ventured, nothing gained she had to do this and no matter what happens she would always be grateful to jack, because of him she had a full blown sister conversation with Alice and had thoroughly enjoyed it, therefore she had already gained something valuable already. 

Jack here I come, hope you are ready for this tornado she muttered getting a surge of confidence, as she saw her reflection in the mirror she looked beautiful today Alice's handwork of course. 

Excuse me, please where can I find jack? She asked a janitor politely. 

Why are you looking for him? 

It's a little personal sir, but he is usually here right? Can you tell me the particular room to find him? 

Go straight to the other hallway, seems a little busy though he added smirking. 

Oh thank you, ayra wondered what he meant by "a little busy" it's still morning well he can't be too busy for what I have to say. Sprinting to the direction given to her, she hummed a little tune in her head the door creaked as she opened it, jack she called in her softest tone . 

I have som- oh and met the biggest shock of her life, jack was in the arms of a blond or rather the blonde was all over him, swallowing hard and hating herself for the wetness in her eyes, she stormed off the last thing they would see was her broken and crying. 

Am sorry for interrupting, she muttered before seeing herself off and started a soft run when she heard jack call her name. 

Ayra please, wait it's not what you think jack said going after her, Fuck!!.