
Freaky Friday Gone Wrong

I hate you and i wish you were never my sister you would never understand what misery means because you have such a perfect life. Ayra screamed furiously. Alice told herself not to think about the word "hate" which her sister had used on her people said a lot of things they didn't mean when they were angry. You think my life is perfect? well be my guest I wish you my perfect life, I hope you would walk in my perfect shoes . Whatever ayra muttered walking away. That's what you always do walk away, shy away from confrontations for crying out loud you are the intelligent one mom is always proud of you I mean everyone speaks highly of you. The perfect life you accuse me of you are the one that actually has the fucking perfect life. Ayra turned around and was surprised to see the amount of pain on her sister 's face for the first time ever Alice wasn't wearing a bored expression but she ignored it, it could be one of her Trump trick and said Christ you are so sick to think that. Maybe I am.

Macky_starr · Urban
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57 Chs


What do you think of the new girl? 

Ella smiled ready for the question, girl I think I like her I mean it's the first time that we have a black student not just from any nationality but from frigging "Nigerian", I think it's super cool. 

Ayra sipped her juice while concurring to her words, I feel exactly the same way am very curious about her and did you see her hair? 

Yeah it's different and beautiful, gosh I can't believe our classmates are such jorks and jerks they are clearly rascists. 

Oh that's a big word , I don't think it's that bad. 

Don't excuse their silliness, they were clearly being mean to her that on her first day of school!! . 

Yeah they were pretty rude. 

Not pretty rude, they were downright disrespectful to her and her culture. 

Calms babe, oh here she comes ayra suddenly wishpered. 

Am calling her over right away. 

Uhm wait what? What if she doesn't want to sit with us? 

Nonsense why won't she want to sit with us ? 

Ayra merely shrugged, don't know. 

Look she isn't gonna mind and most of our narrow minded classmates are treating her like plagues, therefore it's left to us to make her feel welcomed. 

Ella waved her hands widely with an alluring smile at kachi and motioned for her to come over, which she did. 

You can sit with us if you wish Ella said when she advanced towards them. 

That's if you want ayra added we wouldn't wish to impose our presence on you, Ella internally face palmed herself on her friends choice of words, gosh she sounded like a damn headmistress. 

Oh of course I would like to join you guys thank you kachi enthused sitting quietly and focused on her food . Silence regained in the table as the three girls were suddenly at loss on what to say to each other, though they had plenty on their minds. 

Ella unable to bear the silence anymore cleared her throat loudly, so kachi I pronounced it correctly right? 

Yes she replied glad that one person wasn't indirectly calling her "cash ". Say it again? 


My name she replied just as fast. 

KACHI ella said fluently with pride. 

Yeah you got it again, she cried and felt like hugging her , because so many people couldn't call her name she had pleaded with her mom to change her name to an English one but her mom had made her understand it was her heritage and value as a human, and she should never change herself for society or to conform to the dictates of some people just because she was different now she was glad she listened to her mom. 

Unfortunately I am still unable to get the right pronunciation ayra said, upset at the simple fact she wasn't the best in this category. 

Don't worry , you will still get the hang of it later Ella consoled her maybe I got it right immediately because I have a diphthong oh and remember that last summer I traveled to South Africa, so am kinda used to these names. 

You have been to South Africa? Kachi asked in awe. 

Yeah it was a beautiful experience. 

Omg I like you already. 

I know right I like you too Ella replied and ayra felt like the odd one out, she picked at her food and thought of what to say. 

What does it mean? 

Come again I didn't get you. 

Your name what does it mean? Ayra asked loudly this time. 

Who cares what it means Ella said offhandly. 

It actually has a meaning, like I said it is an igbo name , it means "what God wants ".

Oh ayra and Ella said at the same time. 


Why did you choose this school? What made you leave your country? this time the question was from Ella. 

Am here on scholarship, my parents have always wanted me to study abroad. 

Oh so you are the nerdy type, you would get on like a house on fire with ayra she is also a nerd. 

Elllaaaaaaaaa, you are embarrassing me. 

That's great, I love intelligent minds. 

Seee she even sounds like you already, Ella said turning to ayra and they all giggled. 

Unfortunately am not that great with books so before this conversation gets anymore educational, your parents they left their lives and came with you just for "education"

Oh no no am the only one here, am staying with a relative here. 

That must be hard for you, being away from your family and everything that is familiar to you. 

Yeah you can say that again, plus this place is so cold and I mean that both literally and metaphorically. 

Ella gently massaged her arms, don't worry you will get used to the cold in no time. 

Yeah thank you. 

I would never understand why blacks want to study in abroad so much ayra said. 

You won't because you are not a black woman, you would never be able to comprehend our drive nor pains in lives. 

Ouch that sounds deep. 

I didn't mean it in a bad light - I mean I respect blacks and their movement. 

It's fine your comment just rubbed me off in a wrong way. 

Oh am really sorry if you felt that way, I apologize sincerely. And your hair -

What's wrong with my hair? She was almost scowling now. 

Oh no nothing is wrong with it, I like it a lot. 


What plans do you have for the weekend? Ella deftly changed the topic, maybe the two nerds wouldn't get on with each other like she has hoped but there was still enough time to get to know each other. 


Me and ayra have a tradition, we always go somewhere every mid weekend and guess what it's that time of the week. 

Oh I have a huge lot on my plate and I wouldn't like to barge into your tradition, it's between the two of you right? 

Yeah but I don't mind involving you and am sure ayra doesn't mind right? Four pair of eyes turned to stare at her. 

Of course I don't mind, we -I would like you to come with us. 

See everything is settled. 

Nothing is settled, I don't have my time I have to check my schedule plus I have a job. 

Gosh, really? 

How are you gonna cope with both studies and a job ?ayra asked genuinely concerned 

I am a black woman, I would survive we always thrive no matter the situation. 

Right , did she really have to turn everything into a battle and being "black " Gosh she was gonna be sick she thought to herself. 

Excuse me I would be back shortly. 

Where are you going? Ella asked her surprised. 

To the ladies and for air , getting to the toilet she slumped on the seat and took a deep breath. Don't think about anything, she warned herself because her thoughts were starting to spill over, once you get home ayra then we can sort out our thoughts she said to herself and tried smiling but it came out as a grimace. If she stayed here one more min she would run mad with her thoughts, determined she stormed out of the toilet before her feelings got in the way and bam ran into a wall. 

Omg am so sorry, she seemed to be saying that a lot today. 

It's fine I don't mind running into you all the time. 

She raised her head slowly jack? 

Yeah me, you don't want to see me? 

Uhm no that's not it hmm forget it, catching her breath she said am sorry for running into you she started walking off. 

Wait ayra, there was a hint of desperation in his tone. 


You are just gonna leave, just like that? 

I don't understand. What else is there to say? 

I mean we could have a proper conversation without you always running away. 

She snorted," jack if you are bored you know where to get company" have a conversation? we ain't even friends to start with. "

Yes you are right and I would like to change that. 

"Change what? "

"Fuck ayra stop being deliberately obtuse, please will you be my special friend? 

Uhm feeling out of sorts with the events of the day and unable to construct a sensible sentence, she did what she knew how to do best she ran.