

As the night grew darker and darker, Seliana and Sullivan eventually decided to get some sleep. They headed to their tent after cleaning up the remains of dinner. The two dosed the night away, the sounds of cicadas and birds making their presence known all throughout the night.

When morning came, Sullivan was the first one up. He quickly got to prepping to make his bowstring, he'd broken of and split the strands and coated them in the beeswax to make them ready to be tightened into a bowstring. He listened to the birds fly around and pick at grass and trees for food, he could hear the rustling from the tent as Seliana awoke and began to move about. He began to weave the strands together making knots and adding new strands whenever it seemed necessary.

"Hey, I think its about time you told me where that water is, i'd love a bath." Seliana said as she came out of the tent on the verge of yawning.

"With how tired you look, you should be careful not to drown in the water. Its over that way, just follow the stream till you reach the part where it widens up." He said pointing in the direction of the stream "Try and pick up so fish while your at it." He said as she began to pack up and walk away.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." She said waving her hands back at him nonchalantly. After weaving almost 4 inches of bowstring, he set it down deciding his hands needed a break from precision work. He got up and went off to find a proper piece of wood he could make into a bow.

Sullivan searched the forest weaving through trees and pushing aside low hanging vines until he finally found a suitable adolescent oak with few branches on the part he'd need. He cut it down and used his survival axe to begin carefully removing any branches that were on the tree. He began removing material from belly side of the now shortened tree, lightly chopping his way down. Once it bent nicely, he took it with him back to camp. As he got to camp he once again borrowed one of Selianas blades, this time a knife. He used it to carefully carve the belly side of the bow further. Once getting it to a way that seemed fitting for him as it bent nicely on both sides and was even with slimmed ends, he began delicately carving the ends of the bow so that he could fit his string to it. He spread out all the different parts of his bow and lied down in the grass beside it closing his eyes as he stretched out his hands and put them under his head, drifting into sleep.

Man did this one require a bit of reasearch, I really hopped you guys enjoyed the video because I had to actually reasearch how to make a bow with all natural materials and its pretty cool and respectable but probablly not something i'm going to use to soon. Still I had a great time writing this and it'd be a huge help if you guys left a comment and rated the book. Thanks for reading!

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