
Back track

Lester awoke from his sleep to find himself on the floor of his room. From his position and the condition of his bed it seemed obvious that it had been quite the night for him, not that he remembered anything about it. He pushed himself to his feet groggily and nearly fell over as he felt a bit light headed from him suddenly moving his body again. He just stood for a minute letting his body readjust to being awake and active again, and then got to work on fixing his bed. He fixed the sheets and folded his blanket, laying it at the foot of his bed.

He walked about of his room towards the kitchen, his breakfast had already been prepared which he found odd since he usually had to order it. He was given some bread, cheese, chicken, and a cup of water.

"Can you show me what happening to Sullivan?" He said waiting for the A.I's response, all he hear was some static and a voice that he had not heard before.

"The system is being updated, you cant interact with the material world for now, and your food will be assigned for you." A stern and seemingly annoyed voice said to him through the void.

"And just how long is that going to take? what am I supposed to do all day?" He asked sitting down at the table and eating the breakfast that had been prepared for him.

"Just relax or something, I don't care what you do just don't bother me." The voice said back to him, and then a long beep came through the void. Lester stared blankly not sure what to think of what just happened. After finishing his breakfast and feeling much more awake, he pushed his chair back and stood to his feet.

He walked outside of his home figuring that if he couldn't look after Sullivan today he might as well focus on building his body, So he started by using the low hanging tree to lift himself up and work rip his arm muscles. While working out he thought about his power and how it could be applied in certain situation, he was already aware that with enough strain it could reverse time, which could be used as some form of healing. It could also freeze time, which gave him no doubt that he could speed it up as well. He thought about how he could use such a thing in battle and with accuracy, and then he was hit with a brilliant idea. He climbed higher into the tree and ripped out a long branch, he climbed back down the tree and dropped out of it.

He walked to a wide open space in the training field and threw the branch into the sky, he watched as it tumbled rapidly through the air. As it began to come closer and closer to the ground he stuck out his arm and froze in time only the tip of one side of the branch, the other half however snapped off of the branch and tumbled further to the ground while that one piece remained frozen in time. He then released it and it fell to the ground too, Lester had a wide smile on his face as he looked upon the snapped branch.

"Concentrated freezing could become quite useful." He said to himself as he stuck out hid hand to the branch. He reversed the time on it and the branch pieced itself back together as it flew into the sky. He grabbed it from the sky and snapped it again, then only reversed time on the two severed parts and the branch pieced itself back together without flying from his hands.

"I can concentratedly heal with this and also use it to freeze only certain parts of thing in battle. Still, if it takes so much energy and concentration to use it like I am now, how did it do it when Sullivan was shot?" He asked himself. He walked over and sat by his stream again, this time speeding up the flow while twisting the stick in his other hand. He then turned to the tree which he had taken the stick from, and threw the stick at it almost as if throwing a javelin. He sped time up on the stick alone, watching it move much faster than anything that was simply thrown should. It ripped through the tree, leaving a neat hole where the stick had been aimed. He reversed the damage that had been done to the tree, and laughed with joy.

"This kind of ability is beyond useful, I can shoot arrows with my hands! still I doubt it would travel any farther distance than it normally would from me throwing it seeing as i'm only speeding up the time. But if I were to use it on my fist or weapon in a close combat situation.." He said to himself as he walked over to the dummy he had maid to strengthen his fist by beating it. He threw a punch, speeding up time on his body. He watched as a green mist spread behind him leaving a trail as his fist ripped clean through the training dummy, and as he pulled his fist back he reversed time on his body and the dummy. He panted as a realization finally hit him.

"My body feels amazing, but i'm still tired... this ability is drawing from my mind not my physical energy. Which means ironically enough, I can only get better at it over time." He sighed to himself. The need to sleep overtaking him again, he lied down by the stream and dozed off once again.

Im gonna start trying to publish twice a week, thank you for continuing to support and read my story. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and will leave a review and comment.

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Jordan_Futchcreators' thoughts