
Fourth Soul Fragment : Savior Of The Spiritual World

A young man wakes up after almost losing his life in a strange situation. Where he gains memories of another world different from his own, where conflicts spread everywhere, and the one with the strongest fist is the one who decides everything. How will he behave after obtaining the memories, and how will he take advantage of his ability and do what he must do in his world. I will apologize to you in advance for the many linguistic errors that you will find in the novel because I used google tradiction , and I have not reviewed it yet Tell me in the comments if you want me to continue publishing in this state or to stop and publish chapters only after reviewing and improving them

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 13 : Slaughtering the bloody hyenas

'Eh, it seems that our new weapons, despite their power, are very light? '

Long Ruru and Long Wan thought about how easily they could move their weapons as they fended off the hyenas charging towards them after Tian's attack.

Wan directly raised her shield and hit two charging hyenas with it, stopping them immediately. Then Tian intervened, stabbing the left hyena with his spear in the head, while Ruru cut off the claws and head of the right hyena, then they quickly moved back, while Wan moved forward and stabbed the giant hyena that jumped on the two brothers in the head, repelling the attacks of the two hyenas. Others with her shield then moved back to quickly close their formation

With the three of them relying on the cliff to protect their backs, their good teamwork, and their excellent weapons, and seeing the results of the first engagement, their courage instantly swelled many times and they prepared to fight more focused.

While for their part, the ferocity of the hyenas increased after they saw their food killing three of their companions instead of them dying obediently, so they jumped on them and attacked more brutally.

The three continued to confront them violently and focused on defense, moving quickly and accurately, and targeting their heads to maintain their stamina and prevent the hyenas from completely surrounding them, separating their formation, and penetrating between them.

The benefit of the first part of the Asura Body Immortal level technique that they had practiced for about a month had come to light greatly

Their endurance, strength, and reflexes were much better than they thought

Their bodies also moved with great flexibility and amazing speed and accuracy, and after five minutes of fierce and continuous fighting, the three were able to eliminate more than half of the hyenas, leaving only five bloody-looking hyenas in front of them. They roared at the three fiercely, and their eyes became red, and they prepared to attack. The three of them, who weren't in much better shape than them, fought to the death


The movement of the five hyenas suddenly stopped, their ears moved, and they turned to a specific side of the forest. Then they let out an excited howl, and they looked back at the three and prepared to attack, and this time they seemed to have absolute confidence in winning.

"Be careful, the leader is coming!!"

Wan forcefully raised her shield, holding it tightly with her exhausted left arm, and focused on the red light within the forest coming in their direction at an amazing speed, while the two next to her took a similar position and prepared to support their sister.

Tian had previously had the opportunity to pick up his axe, so he grabbed it tightly and threw it forcefully at another hyena, piercing its head at a time they did not expect, which caused their momentum to be broken slightly and increased the trio's chances of survival.

In this battle, the two sisters were completely impressed by Tian's fighting with them. He was simply very excellent, his strikes were very precise, and his movements did not hinder them in any way, but rather eased the pressure on them greatly and helped them to retreat and regain the position of their feet many times and also prevented He prevented the hyenas from penetrating among them, as he made good use of the range of his large spear to the utmost

Good ! Life on Earth may have been peaceful, but it was not devoid of conflicts, side battles, strong people, and amazing martial arts masters. It seems that Tian was a person with rich combat experience and expertise on Earth, and this is what explained why he had such an excellent martial sense.

The three of them breathed heavily and quickly regained their breath and waited for the second round of this battle to begin

Less than half a minute later, the red hyena quickly emerged from the forest and a majestic hyena appeared at them with an extremely deadly and ferocious aura seeping out of it.

He looked much larger than other blood hyenas and much more powerful and ferocious than them. With many scars covering his extremely tough black skin, and nearly two meters tall, he truly looked like a terrifying war machine.

The moment the hyena saw the three brothers and their exhausted appearance and then his dead followers lying around them, he could not control himself and roared fiercely and then ran towards them with all his might.

Then, as soon as he approached them, he jumped violently and rushed forward with his back knees, which gave him a terrifying momentum

Wan quickly stood in front, raised her shield, and tried to disrupt his charge with all her might, but as soon as it hit her, she felt all the bones in her body trembling, and she was thrown, hitting the cliff wall hard.


The two brothers shouted quickly and rushed to support her

"Don't worry! Focus on others."

Wan shouted at them to pay attention to the four remaining hyenas that began to surround them from both sides while they quickly got up and rushed to fight the leader.

The giant hyena attacked again and engaged in an intense battle with Wan, who did her best to stop him while the other two took care of the remaining hyenas.

Because the hyena did not rush from a distance and engaged in a battle close to Wan, it was unable to gather the momentum of its previous attack. Therefore, Wan was able to defend against his attacks and repel them, albeit with difficulty.

As for the two brothers, they were afraid that their sister would suffer under the attacks of the giant hyena, so Ruru rushed towards the two hyenas on her side.

She kept her body with unnatural flexibility after one of the hyenas jumped on her. She raised her sharp blade and quickly cut into his stomach. Then she held her other blade in a backward position and quickly turned around and stabbed the other hyena who had crept up behind her in the neck and dropped him to the ground. Then she ran quickly and supported Wan from the side and removed it. It has some pressure

As for Long Tian, he quickly rushed at the two wolves and pulled his spear from the side very quickly, creating a quick and sharp arc of blood that hit the two hyenas in their front feet.

Then he did not give us time to feel the pain, so he quickly pulled his spear back, then stabbed the head of one of the hyenas forcefully, and before the other hyena made any sound, he repeated the process and Tian's spear penetrated his brain.

Tian then looked at his sisters and gritted his teeth

"What the hell is a level 2 monster and his herd doing in this part of the forest?"

Tian saw the speed and strength of their movements and quickly realized that his blind intervention would not help them, but might hinder his two sisters and put them in danger.

He quickly moved to pick up his axe as he racked his brain to think of a way to help them

"Damn, he's so fast! Their attacks can't hit him!"

'I need a way to slow it down!' '

' Trawl ? pregnancy ? trap ? '

'Yes, a trap!' We have already set two traps! '

Tian's eyes lit up and he quickly looked around

' Yes ! The spring is near! '

'Hey! How will I lead him there? '

Tian couldn't find a perfect way to lure the hyena, then he stared at the bloody sight of his two sisters and gritted his teeth!

'Damn it Tian!! How do you hide behind two little girls? Do you call yourself a man? '


The leader of the hyena pack easily realized the level of the three since the start of the battle, and that is why he remained focused on the two sisters whose attacks might pose a danger to him, while Tian was relatively neglectful and thought that he was freezing in fear in a corner and would find him after he took care of the two in front of him.

That's why Tian was able to successfully sneak up behind him, then pulled out his spear with all his might and stabbed him in the butt after Wan stopped his movement with her shield.


The hyena howled fiercely and felt severe pain that made him lose his concentration

For their part, Wan and Ruru did not waste the opportunity. Wan hit him hard on the head with her shield, then cut off his front legs with her sword, while Ruru moved to the side and cut the muscle ligaments of his left back leg, so he lost his ability to move it and almost lost his balance.

The hyena quickly felt the danger of his situation after the attack of the three, so he gathered all his strength and pushed Wan away, despite his pain because she had cut off his legs and injured them severely. Then he turned to attack Ruru and found that she had already fled after Wan.

Tian took advantage of this opportunity again to move to the right side of the hyena, and as soon as the hyena turned towards him, Tian threw his ax at him with all his might, hitting him in the jaw and getting stuck in his mouth, causing him to suffer much more severe pain than before.

The three continued to take advantage of every available opportunity. Wan repeatedly hit him on the head with her shield and then after she pulled it out, Tian stabbed him directly in the eye and pierced his skull while Ruru stabbed her blade this time into his side, targeting his heart and internal organs.

Immediately after their joint attack, the three withdrew to avoid the hyena's violent reaction from their attacks and then continued to repeat this process.

"Aaujuja'a ~~~ !!

The leader of the hyenas howled frantically and looked extremely miserable. He struggled constantly, trying to escape from the encirclement of the three, but sustaining injuries to his three legs, vital organs, and head prevented him from mustering his strength and thinking properly, so his brutal instincts took over and he attacked the three recklessly, which aggravated his injuries. And he quickly defeated him

The three continued to press and trap the monster to prevent it from escaping, and after five waves of precise and ferocious attacks, the giant hyena fell dead.

Once the three realized this, they quickly approached him and stabbed his brains thoroughly before falling to the ground exhausted

I think I described the first real battle in this world perfectly

Richmaster2000creators' thoughts