
Fourth Soul Fragment : Savior Of The Spiritual World

A young man wakes up after almost losing his life in a strange situation. Where he gains memories of another world different from his own, where conflicts spread everywhere, and the one with the strongest fist is the one who decides everything. How will he behave after obtaining the memories, and how will he take advantage of his ability and do what he must do in his world. I will apologize to you in advance for the many linguistic errors that you will find in the novel because I used google tradiction , and I have not reviewed it yet Tell me in the comments if you want me to continue publishing in this state or to stop and publish chapters only after reviewing and improving them

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 12 : The first battle in the spiritual world

"Wan! How strong are the monsters in this area? Can we handle them?"

Tian saw many spiritual herbs in the area and desperately wanted to collect them, so he asked his sister. He didn't want to leave and leave them behind, especially since most of them were extremely rare, and since they had finished setting traps, they had plenty of time for that.

"Most of the monsters in this area are common monsters, but some first- and second-level spiritual monsters, such as bears, tigers, spiritual leopards, and others, come to chase and hunt animals near the spring."

Wan continued speaking quickly after she guessed what Tian wanted to do

"We may be able to fight these monsters in theory, but our weapons are fragile and unsuitable, and will break once they collide with the hard skin of Spiritual Beasts."

" That's it ? "

Tian thought for a while and then came up with a suitable solution

He looked at their various weapons and after finding that they were upgradeable, he smiled happily and chose to watch them, which cost him 30 energy points, but put a big smile on his face.

They are in dire need of medical supplies at this time

They can eat it directly to strengthen their bodies or give it to their aunt to make extracts, pills and medicines from it that will have better effects after they consume them or it will generate profits and a good amount of spiritual stones if they choose to sell them.

"The probability of large and dangerous monsters appearing is not very high, and with our current weapons we have the ability to protect ourselves. So we must take advantage of this opportunity and take all the herbs and medicinal materials we find with us, so that we can continue to improve."

The two sisters acted after Tian's words and prepared their new weapons, then the three immediately got to work

They had all memorized the complete copy of the Mysterious Continent's Medicinal Materials Book One and had a comprehensive understanding of these medicinal materials, how to select them, and the preferred terrain and environment in which they grew. So the three of them moved quickly and started harvesting like healers and herbal gatherers with years of experience

"Ten-year-old ginseng!"

"Metallic String Grass! Damn she's thirty years old, she got it!"

"Is this the Blood Grass? Why is it so old? He must be a hundred years old right? Haha, great!"

"Look, there is a Spirit Strengthening Grass!"

"What, this thing is growing here too? How could the spirit beasts not find it?"

Tian approached the small grass in front of him and smiled

"This herb strengthens the spirit and increases the trainee's understanding of martial arts, alchemy and crafting skills, and also helps spiritual beasts raise their intelligence, which is rarely available in the market and most of it is consumed by beasts that cannot withstand its temptation?"

"She only slept for a year!"

"This must be why the monsters failed to find her!"

The three of them did not expect that the types of medicinal materials within the Great Forest would be so rich and in quantity

Their sizes are large and their quality is very good

Because many people do not care about knowledge and want to blindly gain power, hidden herbs are rarely picked up by ordinary fighters.

As for the giant organizations in the manufacture and sale of medicines and spiritual herbs, they have their own farms, which is why many of these herbs within the great forest have grown well for long ages and their medicinal properties have become much better!

After a while, the three of them collected most of the common medicinal and spiritual materials in the area. As for medicines, bronze materials and above, they are relatively rare and are only found in the inner areas of the forest, which are rich in spiritual energy.

Seeing that their work was almost finished, the three of them sorted and separated the materials they had collected into different categories, then carried them and prepared to leave.

"Let's leave the area!"

" OK ! "

The three of them were about to leave the area when they suddenly heard the roar of spirit beasts!


"Huh? What is this?"

Tian frowned and his expression became extremely serious

Wan suddenly shouted

"Move! There are spiritual beasts coming!"

After speaking, the three immediately ran to get away from the area

One being a first-level martial cultivator and the other two being second-level martial cultivators, the three of them were extremely fast, running a distance of 100 meters in the blink of an eye.

But before they could run any further, they faintly saw several monsters rushing over and surrounding them with blood-red lights in their eyes.

"Watch out, there are spirit hyenas ahead of us!"

Long Wan was stronger than the two of them and had better senses and vision than the two of them, so she was able to quickly find the spiritual hyenas hiding in their path.

"Don't continue! Let's change course quickly."

Tian knew very well that they could not allow themselves to be besieged by the hyenas, otherwise they would not be able to escape easily so he immediately alerted them.

" To the right !! "

Ruru shouted loudly immediately after she noticed a suitable path close to them

They quickly turned around and did their best to avoid obstacles and miss the hyenas and not let them catch up with them

Fortunately, the hyenas don't seem to have enough numbers to form a circle and surround them otherwise they would be in very serious trouble.

The three ran for a while, until they could not hear the hyenas howling and stopped in front of the edge of a steep cliff.

"Huh~! Ho~! This area should be safe right?"

Tian panted hard to regain his breath and then carefully scanned their surroundings and found no signs of hyenas

"Tian! Take a rest and leave the hyenas to us, then leave the area immediately!"

Ruru spoke with concern and fear for her brother after she saw his condition and remembered that he was weaker than her and her sister and might suffer greatly if they were unable to protect him.

"No rest! Al-Jarf is a dangerous area! They will surround us if they find us! Let's leave quickly!"

Tian regained his breath and picked up his medical materials and weapons, preparing to move

"Get ready! It looks like we can't leave!"

Wan shouted in a harsh and sharp voice, put her shield forward and held her sword in her right hand very tightly

The two of them acted quickly after hearing Luan. Tian prepared his spear and held it with his left fist after hanging the ax on his right side while Ruru gripped her dual blades tightly and a sharp light leaked from her eyes.

"Hyenas are here!! Beware!"

Turn them around! Dozens of spirit hyenas, with blood-red eyes, shiny black and white fur, and an extremely powerful body, silently emerged from the dense trees and stared at the brothers fiercely.

Tian frowned and clenched his fists on his spear, not daring to move rashly and focusing intently on the movements of the hyenas in front of him.

In front of them were 14 giant bloody hyenas

They were much larger than the hyenas that Tian had imagined in his mind from the images of his previous world, and they reminded him once again that he was not in the same peaceful world.

They seemed to him very strong, with bulging muscles, thin limbs, and raised shoulders of about a meter to a meter and a half.

In this world, children learn from a young age a lot of information about goblins, orcs, various monsters and even other races so that they can deal with them well when they encounter them.

From what he knew, creatures that lived in groups would always produce a king or leader of their pack who was much more distinguished and powerful than them and easily recognizable.

But after examining these hyenas, he found that they were all the same size, so he secretly sighed

"As long as there is no leader, there is hope for relatively easy escape!"

Tian held the metal spear in his hand defensively. Then, under Long Wan's orders, the two brothers approached either side of her and pointed their weapons forward at the hyenas while Wan placed her shield in a cross position to protect a wider surrounding. They prepared for battle, and there were no signs of hesitation on their faces.

   [Name]: Red Steel/Spiritual Spear

   [Introduction]: Forged from pure steel with special technology, high quality, cuts iron like clay. It has the effect of increasing strength, sharpness and reducing weight

   [Status]: Cannot be upgraded

    [Energy Points]: 474

"Hmm?! Reduce weight?"

Only now did Tian focus on his weapon and realized that its weight had not increased since he upgraded it, but rather it had become much lighter, and even their other weapons had as well, and they had not realized this until this moment because they were busy and focused on work, harvesting spiritual herbs, and then escaping.


Tian did not want the hyenas to take the initiative, so he grabbed his ax with his right hand, pulled his upper body back as much as he could, and rested on his left foot firmly. Then he threw the ax with all his might at one of the bloody hyenas, who seemed dangerous to him for some reason, especially with the terrifying claw mark that covered his face.

Tian targeted his head directly, and because he moved quickly and decisively and the hyena stopped moving, he was unable to muster the momentum to maneuver, so the ax hit him directly in the head and pierced it, and he fell dead immediately afterwards.