
Fourth Soul Fragment : Savior Of The Spiritual World

A young man wakes up after almost losing his life in a strange situation. Where he gains memories of another world different from his own, where conflicts spread everywhere, and the one with the strongest fist is the one who decides everything. How will he behave after obtaining the memories, and how will he take advantage of his ability and do what he must do in his world. I will apologize to you in advance for the many linguistic errors that you will find in the novel because I used google tradiction , and I have not reviewed it yet Tell me in the comments if you want me to continue publishing in this state or to stop and publish chapters only after reviewing and improving them

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 14 : Return to the village

"Damn it! Why is this Level 2 Spiritual Beast so powerful?"

After the end of the battle, Tian and the sisters remained extremely confused

The three of them were practicing an Immortal-class technique, and even if it had not been for a long time, their foundations currently were amazing and incomparable to those of ordinary fighters.

An unarmed Ruru had managed to take down a Level 2 martial cultivator who had a powerful technique with just two precise attacks

Now she had Wan with her, who was considered the strongest of them currently and could easily compete with third-level cultivators, and with the two of them cooperating, even defeating third-level monsters should be easier than their current battle.

But what happened in this battle?

All three were seriously injured, and if things had not gone as well as they did, one of them could have been seriously injured or even lost his life.

Tian clenched his fists tightly and cursed himself internally

'Screw it! I only broke through one level and did I really think I was invincible? '

'Did I really think that a forest whose boundaries humans had been unable to explore for thousands of years would be like my backyard or my medicinal herb farm?' '

While the three were busy with their own thoughts, they suddenly heard a gentle, familiar voice praising them

"Alright! Alright! Don't make such faces, you did a great job."

As soon as the three heard the sound, they snapped out of their thoughts and stared at each other in confusion before turning to its source and seeing a beautiful middle-aged woman approaching them with a satisfied smile on her face.

It was none other than their aunt Long Jia

Wan asked in confusion as she saw her walking towards them

"Auntie..? Why are you here? Don't you make medicines?"

Long Jia approached her, then lightly stroked her on the head and rubbed her hair lovingly

"Do you really think I'm going to bother with some stupid herbs and leave you venturing into the forest alone?"

Tears gathered in the three's eyes and were almost flowing after they were touched by their aunt's love for them, especially Tian, who is well aware of her injury and the pain it causes her simply by making a simple physical effort, let alone coming into the forest behind them!

Their aunt examined the three's injuries, then faced them and smiled

"I have been watching you since you entered the forest, and you must have already realized how dangerous it is."

"Never forget that all human kingdoms and empires were unable to confront and contain it because of its danger and unpredictability."

"I will not tell you to stop entering, as this is necessary for you in the end."

"Our world is very dangerous, and if you do not have the strength to protect yourselves, you will suffer greatly in the future."

"You may be exploited, enslaved or even killed."

"So make sure to become stronger, but without putting yourselves out there too much, and with Tian's ability, I'm confident that you will definitely succeed in achieving that."

The three heard her words and nodded their heads to her with serious looks on their faces

The three of them then got up and repacked their belongings. Tian then checked the information about each hyena and found that they were very similar and that they were all first-level spirit beasts.

He also found a monster core resembling a colored glass ball in the body of a hyena whose head was split in half

   [Name]: Level 1 Spiritual Beast Core

   [Introduction]: The core produced inside the head of the Spiritual Blood Hyena at the first level after condensing the spiritual energy within his body, can be used in alchemy, forging, and other fields.

   [Status]: Absorbable

    [Energy Points]: 25

"Damn? 25 energy points? That's perfect!"

"Do other hyenas also have spiritual cores?"

Tian held the spirit beast core in his hand and felt the violent power within it

He then quickly opened the heads of all 14 other giant hyenas and found a total of 10 spirit cores

Realizing that it was another 250 energy points, Tian smiled excitedly!

"Haha! Lots of rewards!"

'Hey there's the leader of the pack'

Tian remembered the leader of the herd and was about to run towards his corpse when he heard a coughing sound coming from his aunt

Tian broke out of his concentration and stared at his aunt and sisters. He saw them staring at him and holding in their laughter, so he quickly blushed.

'Ah, damn it, I looked like an idiot in front of them.'

"What's the matter Tian? Are the monster cores suitable for your ability?"

His aunt approached him and patted his head lightly

"Yes, it seems to have the same effect as white spirit stones."

"Mm! How do you compare to her?"

Tian thought for a moment before answering her

"The core of a first-level spirit beast can be compared to five white spirit stones!"


His aunt smiled wonderfully before winking at him and continuing to speak

"Do you know the price of spiritual essences?"

Tian did not understand what his aunt meant at first, before he froze and stared at her intensely, almost drooling as he imagined what she was going to say.

"Haha! Did you realize that? The core of a spirit beast at the first level is the lowest value and costs 10 white spirit stones."

Tian's eyes sparkled as he imagined the profit in energy points from selling Spiritual Cores instead of absorbing them directly

'Dammit, that's 500 energy points! Weakness ! '

Tian's eyes lit up and he directly handed the spiritual bowls in his hand to his aunt

"Hehe! Don't worry Tian, I will give you her money later."

Tian smiled at her, then continued where he left off and went to the body of the herd leader

He used his ax to split open his skull and actually found a larger, brighter core inside, and the energy inside seemed much denser.

   [Name]: Level 2 Transformation Spiritual Beast Core

   [Introduction]: The core of the transformed spirit beast, the leader of the 2nd level blood hyena, can be used in alchemy, forging and other fields.

   [Status]: Absorbable

    [Energy Points]: 75

"So this is why this monster is so powerful!"

The three saw Tian surprised, so they rushed towards him and asked him

" What is the matter ? "

Tian looked at Ruru's urgent look and smiled at her

"Nothing disturbing"

"It seems we encountered a mutant monster, which is why it was so powerful."

The three were stunned at first, then smiled happily

"Haha! Great, we defeated a mutant monster!"

"Yes! Although it was dangerous, it was definitely worth it."

"Heh! Even I don't have anything to say! You have definitely exceeded my expectations this time!"

Yes, the reason behind this giant hyena's strength is actually because it is a mutant monster!

Simply adding the word "transformer" to the monster may seem simple, but all races on the Wild Continent know their danger and tremble with terror and excitement when they encounter them.

The horror of the strength, intelligence, and ability of these types of monsters to plan and fight is far above their level, and this is what they saw in the hyena, which they are confident can kill third-level monsters easily.

As for the enthusiasm, it is because the formation of a transformed monster can only be a result of consuming a herb or at least a bronze treasure, and although it cannot retrieve what it ate from its stomach, the entire body of the transformed monster becomes a hidden treasure after it absorbs the effect of the treasure, from the flesh to the bones. And everything else

The four of them's smiles widened, then Long Jia looked around and ordered them

"Let's leave quickly before other Spiritual Beasts are attracted by the smell of blood."

After realizing that they had a transformed spiritual beast, the three of them quickly tied up the hyena's corpses and carried them on their shoulders. Although they weighed a few cents each, they did not care about that and gritted their teeth and moved quickly while Long Jia carried the transformed hyena that weighed more than three tons and She walked in front of the group

Tian saw how his aunt moved in front of the group and did not show even the slightest amount of pain, despite the serious condition of her body and the severe pain that she would be exposed to during and after this trip.

'Screw it! Screw it! 'My two sisters were almost seriously injured or even killed by the mutated hyena leader.'

' Hell ! Even I might have been killed'

'And now my aunt is suffering terribly, and I can't do anything but watch her back and covet the money of a few monster cores in the lowest martial realms in this world.'

'It seems that I really need to sharpen my mentality to fit this world and not be so shallow or I will suffer greatly in the future! Especially since I have a special ability! Because of her, I may bring disaster on myself and my family without even realizing how I did it! '

Tian's gaze became calmer and more focused, then he hurried, carrying the three wolves on his back, to catch up with his family and not delay them.

Fortunately, they didn't walk far into the forest so it didn't take them more than 10 minutes before they left the forest and then took another 20 minutes to reach the village.

At this time, the guards and some adults saw them outside the village and started talking 

"Eh? Long Jia, did you take them hunting?"

One of the guards saw the corpses behind the group and his eyes flashed greedily, then he stared at Long Jia's body and smiled evilly.

"Stand still!"

"Long Jia, where did you get these monsters? Did you steal them?"