
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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42 Chs

10 years Later

In a bar, in the center of Ataraxia city, two men were drinking peacefully while talking casually.

-I haven't seen you in a long time- a man said as he drank the contents of his glass.

-About 3 years perhaps, it's not too long, Rafael- Lucas responded with a dark expression.

Rafael was a man with blonde hair and green eyes, he had a defined physique, neither very muscular nor very thin.

-It is certainly very little time for us-

-We don't have something like a useful life, Mr. Ángel- Lucas said with a small mocking smile.

And he is certainly not wrong among all the races that inhabit the supernatural world, the angels, along with the demons, were one of the longest-lived species that existed and it was not a joke to say that they could be considered immortal.

While saying that, Lucas remembered the moment he met Rafael, approximately 6 years ago, 4 years after they returned from their little adventure through Greenwood, a certain Angel had the idea of hunting a certain demon that was beginning to gain renown in the world. supernatural world, to gain recognition

Although it was annoying and Lucas immobilized him very easily, he decided to leave him alive, of course, it was not free.

From the moment Lucas returned to Earth, he constantly trained to get stronger, since Luna had taught him the basics to continue getting stronger, it was not that difficult to continue training.

It was between one of those many training sessions that Rafael decided to attack him without prior warning.

At that time Lucas did not have anything in particular that he wanted, although he lived in Lilith's apartment, he made tons of money, due to the companies he managed to found with the money he had raised, although the biggest investor was a certain sheikh whom Lucas told had saved life

 However something occurred to him, he let him go on the condition that he became his training partner (Punching bag)

After letting him go, Lucas did not expect him to appear again and continued entering as he always did, however, a couple of days later, Rafael appeared to train with Lucas, although he was too weak to face Lucas directly, he was still constant. and he did not give up, after receiving so many unilateral beatings, not even now 6 years later, he is still not strong enough to do anything against Lucas, but not everything was negative for Rafael, he undoubtedly benefited from his training

As the days went by, Rafael began to get stronger and his position within his Kingdom began to rise and the moment signs of arrogance began to emerge, Lucas unilaterally massacred him to prevent him from continuing on that path, it wouldn't be a lie. say that Rafael considered Lucas his teacher, even though they are of different races

Rafael placed the glass on the table and looked towards Lucas.

-I don't think you called me just for this- Rafael asks.

-You're right- Lucas left the glass on the table and continued.

-Do you know how things are going in Greenwood?-

For a moment Rafael felt confused, but after thinking for a moment he responded

-They have lost some secondary cities, but they still maintain their defense line almost intact, and that hero remains in constant movement and reconquers the fallen cities-

-It doesn't seem like they are going to lose- Lucas concluded.

-As long as the Hero remains firm in his position that would be the case, but are you worried about that Kingdom?-

Lucas shakes his head.

For Lucas Greenwood it is insignificant, Lucas' concern is with the Kages and the invasion in which the Kingdom has been involved, if that Kingdom falls and is destroyed, which one will be attacked next?

That's why Lucas, from the moment he returned to Earth, actively began to search for the jewels that live on Earth, although Lilith was not very happy about it. After a few months, she found the whereabouts of 5 jewels and constantly monitored them. , in addition to taking care of potential dangers

-I'm just curious-

After all, among all the beings that Lucas knows, Raphael is the best source of information, among the ranks of his Kingdom he has the rank of Division Captain, only below the archangels and their commanders, he also usually receives information from hell, but it is not as specific and detailed as the invasion in Greenwood

The last relevant information I got from hell is that Lucifer was sentenced by the King and must be under restriction for 50 years and cannot leave hell.

-I understand. Don't you come today with that girl and Lilith?- Rafael said while he looked around.

Rafael was curious about Lucas' constant questions but decided to change the subject out of respect for his teacher.

-They should be here in no time- Lucas responded indifferently as he motioned to the waiter to refill his empty glass.

-Still I'm surprised that you have a daughter-

-A daughter you say…-

While Lucas's glass was being exchanged for another, a voice was heard.


A small girl with light blue hair and blue eyes like the sea appeared, she seemed to be about 10 years old and was running with her small legs towards Lucas.


Lucas took her in her hands and sat her on her lap. Rafael looked at them with a warm look, but he was still confused since he doesn't know the girl who is on Lucas's lap.

The girl with light blue hair looks at Rafael for a few seconds before introducing herself with a smile.

-I'm Aqua Valentine-

Of course, "Lucas' Daughter" was none other than Aqua who had transformed into a little girl, approximately 5 years after Lucas returned to earth, suddenly Aqua gained her human form while watching Lucas train and maintains the ability to return to her ancestral beast form, as if that were not enough, she has the ability to change the age of her body at will however, she prefers to stay as a girl for comfort, plus she evades the imminent danger called Lilith Leviathan, not even Lilith who is categorized by Harriet as a closet Yandere, would deliberately attack a little girl

-Oh, how polite, I am Rafael Aurelius-

Aqua and Rafael introduced themselves

-What happened to Lilith?- Lucas asks

-She went to finish shopping- Aqua responded.

-I understand-

After spending a few more minutes talking with Rafael, Lucas and Aqua left the bar, Lilith was waiting for them near the place in the car to return to the apartment.

Aqua took Lucas's hand and they walked together. After a few years, Lucas got used to this routine. At first it seemed strange to him, but as time went by, he took it as something natural.

-Hum Aqua, do you like being my daughter?-


Aqua nodded without hesitation for a single second.

The moment Aqua obtained her human form, Lucas asked her what she wanted to do from now on, whether to keep her human form or keep her ancestral beast form, she finally decided that she wanted to spend most of her time living as an ordinary human, but of course it was not as simple as just saying it, they managed to obtain a false identity so that Aqua could live peacefully with Lucas and Lilith, she herself asked to be legally their daughter, and they both agreed without hesitation, with the help of the sheikh. that Lucas had met managed to get an identity for Aqua and adopted her during the process, since legally Lucas is 32 years old and so is Lilith, and they still have the appearance of when they were in their 20s, they had no problems getting it, of course, The one who was most delighted by all this was Alexia, as Aqua had an eye color similar to Alexia's, she was delighted and was sure that she is the daughter of Lucas and Lilith.

And since Aqua adapts her body to have constant growth, they had no problems with the explanations, they had said that Aqua was their daughter and that she had been in the care of Lilith's parents, given the year they were away, there were no problems with that.

-I am glad to hear that-

Aqua and Lucas walked together to a sports car that was parked next to the sidewalk.

-They arrived-

It was Lilith who spoke to them as she watched them from the driver's seat.

Aqua and Lucas got into the car, anyone who saw them would think they were an ordinary family, however they couldn't be more wrong, two demons next to an ancient beast

-Did you do everything you wanted?- Lucas asks

-Yes- Lilith stated

This has been their routine for the last year, going out together and spending time at ease, they had all the money they needed, they were together and happy, however, there is something that neither of them can forget.

It has been 10 years since Lilith saw her parents, although for the demons 10 years are nothing, for Lilith who was always with them, and Lucas who still maintained the sense of time of an ordinary human, it was too much.

They both could go to hell without problems, but they still haven't had a real answer to go, if Lilith asked him, Lucas would do it without hesitation, after all, Lucas keeps his jet black medallion and Lilith still keeps her personal medallion, they didn't hesitate. that they still had permission to go, but neither of them has taken the first step or suggested it.

-Glad to hear it-

But without a doubt, everything comes in due time.


A couple of days have passed since Lucas had his encounter with Rafael, Lilith who was lying next to Lucas in bed, had her head on Lucas's chest, she felt calm every time she did that and it is one of her favorite places

-You know- Lilith spoke.

Lucas turned his gaze to Lilith.

-I like that quiet life, after spending a year away from you and all those problems we had to go through, I really appreciate these 10 years that we were together like this-

Lucas just looked at her while he listened to her in silence.

-But... I think it's time to go back to hell and face the repercussions of what we did that day-

Lucas had murdered Lucifer's son and others, while Lilith abandoned a traditional ceremony for Demons.

Lucas kissed Lilith's forehead and said

-If that's what you want, then that's what we'll do-

Just the two of them, without Harriet, without Aisha, without Anastasia, doing what must be done, is what Lucas thought.

While they both enjoyed a moment of pleasant silence, alarms began to ring in Lucas's head.

-They destroyed a barrier…- Lucas murmured

After Lucas found the jewels of the earth, he had put several security measures in place to keep them away from danger, including several barriers that protected the area where they resided and one of those barriers was destroyed.

Lilith, who heard Lucas's murmur, turned her gaze toward him, sensing her problem. She spoke.

-I take care of this place, if something happens call me, go-

Lucas nodded and his body was surrounded by a light amethyst glow.

It was one of the spells he learned from Anastasia, although mana and energy are essentially different they still share certain similarities that allow for a similar use but to a lesser extent, Lucas had used his energy to create clothing on his body.

A set of simple black clothing and over that a long coat of the same color

It was after midnight, the sky was dark and everything was being illuminated by artificial light generated by the city.


Lucas thought for a moment about taking Aqua with him, but decided to leave her alone.

-Be careful- Lilith replied.

Lucas smiled and went out the window

He quickly rose into the night sky of Ataraxia and began to move towards the destroyed barrier.

I must thank Anastasia for teaching me how to fly, Lucas thought.

The place in question was not that far away, it was 200km to the south, in a small city surrounded by a lush forest, it is not a place that is frequented by all types of people or supernatural beings, if he accelerated at maximum speed he should have be able to arrive in a couple of minutes

Without further hesitation, he began to move

Since the moment Lucas placed the barrier it had never been destroyed or had interference, however today was the exception

As Lucas headed towards the destination, Lilith's words began to run through his head, he knew that she was right and that is why he would support her with everything he could, and above all he feared what Luna could do to her.

Lucas is aware that Luna's love for Lilith was almost obsessive, but that type of love did not worry him, he knew that it was sincere and would not try to harm her, and he could say the same about Lilith, the love that Lilith felt for Lucas rosy the madness, Lucas had already lost count of how many women had died because of ignoring the warnings they received from Lilith and Lucas, the moment they insisted Lilith would blow off their heads and freeze them and then break them into pieces.

But above all he knew that Lilith's love for him is sincere, all the women who died were because they were bitches in heat who wanted to fuck anyone in front of them and even more so when it comes to a man like Lucas.

However, a scream brought Lucas out of his thoughts.

He was a few hundred meters from the location

There were several hooded figures walking in a kind of procession, and looking in the direction they were moving, Lucas immediately realized that this was the place he was going to and a little beyond his vision, he could see several beings that were trying to break the next barrier that Lucas had placed around the two-story house where the jewel lived.

-I should move quickly-

Lucas knew that something else was missing, the barrier he had placed should not have been destroyed with the strength they were showing, even if the barrier had been several years old and had less power when he decided to place it, that would not be enough to destroy his barrier, not to mention that was destroyed in one blow

Without wasting any more time in unfinished thoughts, he moved towards the house, landed stealthily on the roof trying to hide his presence and entered by making a hole in the roof.

But the screams he heard were beginning to bother him.

-Saint of Arias-

It was what Lucas listened to constantly, non-stop over and over again.

The moment he entered the house, he could see a woman with silver hair and eyes as blue as the sea, standing next to a window as she looked cautiously outside, her expression was one of fear, even though it was dark. , Lucas could see his face clearly

The girl seemed to be about 23 years old, she had a good physique and her body was proportionate, and the dress she had on her body left nothing to the imagination. Lucas cautiously approaches her and quickly moves her away from the window and covers her mouth. with one of his hands

The woman began to struggle trying to get out of Lucas's hands.

-Calm down, calm down, I'm not trying to hurt you-

Even though Lucas said that, the woman still tried to break free from his grasp.

-I'm here to help you, please, calm down-

He repeated once more

After a few more seconds the woman stopped struggling with Lucas.

-Okay, I'm going to let you go, but please don't make a noise or those people who are outside the house will notice, shake your head if you understood me-

Almost instantly the woman shook her head, affirming


Lucas let go of the woman who slowly turned around to see Lucas face to face, her eyes were full of fear, Lucas understood the meaning of her look and tried to explain himself as quickly as he could.

-I'm Lucas, I'm something like your protector and I came to help you-

Lucas tried to be as brief and concise as possible

Of course the woman did not understand Lucas' words, for her, he was just a man who arbitrarily entered her house and is trying to persuade her.

-You… -

Lucas interrupted her.

-We don't have much time, decide, come with me or stay to see what kind of atrocities those bastards outside will do to you-

Of course Lucas had no intention of respecting her decision if she refused, she is a gem and she should not die, although that word "Saint" bothered him.

The woman thought for a few seconds before speaking again.

-Please help-

-Good- Lucas stated satisfied and continued.

-Can you tell me your name?-

-I'm Rene-

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thanks for reading :D

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