
Forceful Reincarnation: Version Slow Love (A DxD fanfic)

I died of lung cancer when I was at the ripe age if 28, I lived a good life, tried to be a good person, I wasn't perfect I did a lot of bad stuff had a lot regrets here and there but who didnt. All I wanted was to go heaven a cuddle with puppies are go to hell for my sins. But I got reincarnated as Issei Hyodou and the same morning he woke up to Rias sleeping beside him. Hey at least I got a system. That should help. - - - - - - This is an alternate version of my other fanfic with a similar name. That one is to fap to this one is different.

SilverZerothFox78X · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 12: Round 2

"I really hate these things." I said as I trying to fix my tie, right now I'm getting ready to attend a party, held by the Gremory family to commemorate her first win in a rating game. But this fucking tie won't do what I wa- Oh it's okay now.

I then heard a knock come from the door "Issei are you finished?" said Asia from behind the door. "Yeah I am." I opened the door and saw Asia in a beautiful green dress with red lipstick and two beautiful ear rings "Asia your beautiful!" I said as she blushed.

"Thank you Akeno and Rias picked it out for me!" she said happily "Well let's go!" I gave her my arm, to which she locked it with hers and we activated the magical circle teleporting us to the some building in the Gremory territory where the party is currently held in, making our way in we saw Rias, Akeno, Kiba and talking with various other devils.

"Hey Issei you made it." said Kiba as he walked over to us. "Yo Kiba sorry I made Asia and I a bit late my tie gave me a bit of trouble."

"Hahaha! That's so like you." he laughed Kiba has been a true bro. "Yeah at least we made it." I retorted

The party was okay though, I never attended these type of parties in my past life, it was kind of boring that and they ran out of strawberry cake, so I ditched, well I tried to. I was interrupted when fucking Sirzechs Lucifer came in along with Rizer?

What the fuck is going on?

"Attention!" said Sirzechs I don't why but I couldn't hell but pay attention.

"Rizer Phenex came to me and suggested a rematch." This caused many murmurs across the entire hall. "Rizer please explain why you'd like a rematch?" asked Sirzechs.

Rizer stepped up and bowed "Lord Lucifer Thank your for allowing Rizer to do this." Smug prick!

"Rizer simply had and unfair match, they had special swords that could've killed Rizer, not only that Rizer was ganged up on. Don't you think Rizer deserves a second chance."

This bastard. THIS BASTARD!!! After all that training after fighting so hard!

"Fine then you shall redeem yourself." Hearing this Rias and everyone from the ORC were as surprised as I was this isn't supposed to happen.

Rias however tried "But brot-" Sirzechs stopped her. "However it must be a one on one battle. Do you accept these terms?"

"Rizer agrees as long they don't use those swords." Said the smug prick Rias suddenly gains a look of horror as tears started to her eyes. This bastard made Rias cry!

Sirzechs then suddenly looked over to me gave me a small but almost unnoticeable nod.

Wait what?...

I get it now.

"Rizer Phenex I'd like to be your opponent." l stepped up "Issei?!" said Rias I looked over to her and gave her a smile. "I'll win." this seemed to cause her to blush for some reason. Fucking anime logic man.


I stood in front of Rizer who's wearing the same thing he wore when he and canon Issei fought in the anime, hell we were even in the same location.

"Hmph! Your rather lucky. Rizer will make this quick!" said the prick as he dashed towards with a huge amount of flames at his hand.

"Good bye Mongrel!" he shouted as the flames surrounded me.

*BOOOOOOM!!!* A huge explosion erupted causing a cruel smile to form on Rizer's face.

"Hahahaha! Take that low class trash." he laughed.

"Issei no!" said Rias as she looked on in horror at the smoke surrounding the field. Koneko, Asia, Kiba and Akeno were equally as terrified there was an incredible amount of power behind that attack most of them wouldn't have survived.

"What did you just call me?" said voice with rage very much clear in it, so much so that Rizer stopped gloating and looked on along with every one else.

"You know I've just managed to gain at least some form of respect for the child!" the smoke cleared and revealed Issei with blonde hair and crimson red eyes, he was donned in golden armour and had his arms folded.

"What is this?!" said Rizer in astonishment but the only reply was a sword that took his foot.

"What?" he exclaimed as he looked down to his regenerating feet. It was so fast he didn't notice but he didn't panic he only smiled.

"Rizer doesn't understands your change, but did you really an attack such as that could hurt Rizer you low class trash!?" Said the Phenex as he dashed towards the servant possessing Issei, with huge amount of flames in his hand however he was met with hundreds of golden ripples each launching swords, spears all manner of weapons faster than the speed of sound at the Phenex family heir, ripping his body to shreds only for it to regenerate.

Rizer smiled again and began to gloat "Ha! Are you-!" but a flying spear through the face stopped him from talking any further.

"That was the second time you've insulted me, mongrel!" said the golden king as he stared down Rizer. "But still I wonder how long can your magical power last. After all your regeneration has been slowing down." continued the king.

"W-wait a minute why are you doing this don't you know how important this is!" shouted Rizer.

"I honestly don't care. But when you call the child a mongrel, I felt as if it was an insult upon myself, so I took over." replied the king.

"But then who are you?!" he asked, but the servant simply scoffed "Hmph! Why should an ant not even worth being stepped should know my name." said the King until he cuffed his head in pain.

((Hey give me back control this is supposed to be my fight!)) shouted a voice from with in his mind.

"Dammit mongrel but out of this! I'm busy teaching this insect a lesson!" he shouted. ((No way! He's supposed to be fighting me.))

"Tch! Fine do whatever you want. But if you lose to this flaming pigeon. I'll make you pay." said the king as the golden armour vanished and Issei's hair returned back to normal.

"Sorry about that, the old man can be bit of prick sometimes. Now then where were we." said Issei as he flared his demonic power, causing the eyes of everyone to widen again.

"He's demonic power it's at least peak high rank!" said someone watching.

In an instant Issei dashed toward Rizer and his fist came smashing down into his face send the heir flying, however Issei disappeared and arrived right at the side of the flying heir and kicked him upwards.

Rizer though managed to recover midair with the help of this flaming wings. "Rizer doesn't know what happened before but, Rizer will definitely win!" shouted the heir as he fired a huge amount of flames towards Issei.

Issei however took a stance and summoned his Boosted Gear in gift mode of course. And began charging a dragon shot.

"[Dragon Blast!]" Issei punched the ball which extended into a giant wave of energy which swallowed his opponents attack, the blast knocked down Rizer who barely managed to dodge, but he lost half of his body which was slowly regenerating.

"Damn you! Why do you stand in my way!?" he shouted in frustrated. "Because Rias Gremory is mine!" he said dashed towards his opponent and kneed him in the face, but Rizer tried to counter with a wave of flames which Issei dodged and countered with a punch to the gut.

Issei was then about to throw the final punch until Ravel Phenex jumped in the way. "Please stop!" she shouted and Issei did he even used the chance to use his [Pheromone Manipulation] and a bit of [Lust Manipulation] on her.

"Not until I defeat him or he forfeits." I said sternly as a blush formed on her face, though it was probably hidden by the tears and almost sad look on her face.

Rizer took a look at his sister then at Issei "Rizer forfeits." said the heir calmly as he staggered up but was caught by hi sister, the two the left quietly.

- Later -

I slowly walked back to my peerage when suddenly Rias came running into me and gave me hug.

"Issei!" she said as she hugged me. "Told ya I'd win." I said to her with a small smile.

"Congratulations on your win." said Sirzechs as he walked towards us with Grayfia. "Brother I have to ask why did you humor Rizers demand?" asked Rias very angrily, she is right not to be pleased.

"Haha! I'm sorry Rias but, the council weren't very happy with the result of the rating game and I had to break Rizers spirit in some way, now they can't complain and Rizer will give up. I'm sorry I had to do it this way I had no other choice." said Sirzechs, but what I got from it is.

Politics. Great, I need to leave this world as soon as possible.

"Though I'm curios, during your battle what happened to you? Your hair and eyes changed along with your temperament." said Sirzechs and now all the attention was on me.

"I have no idea." I said bluntly.

"I see we!"

"Brother I think that's enough for tonight." said Rias looking a bit pissed. She's really not in a good mood isn't she?