
Forceful Reincarnation: Version Slow Love (A DxD fanfic)

I died of lung cancer when I was at the ripe age if 28, I lived a good life, tried to be a good person, I wasn't perfect I did a lot of bad stuff had a lot regrets here and there but who didnt. All I wanted was to go heaven a cuddle with puppies are go to hell for my sins. But I got reincarnated as Issei Hyodou and the same morning he woke up to Rias sleeping beside him. Hey at least I got a system. That should help. - - - - - - This is an alternate version of my other fanfic with a similar name. That one is to fap to this one is different.

SilverZerothFox78X · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 13: A squishy morning!

I woke to red haired beauty sleeping at my side completely naked. So it's this type morning huh?

Staring at her sleeping peacefully I couldn't help but move my hands closer and closer to her boobs. Now you may be saying that this is sexual harassment. It is!

But she chose to sleep in the perverts room, if I have to sleep with her naked in my bed I will at least get some action out of it!

My hands finally reached the soft mounds of flesh, that we're Rias's boobs I gave them a soft squeeze, to which my hand sinked into them like a pillow and damn were they soft.

Probably softer than any tits I've ever groped. "~Moan!~ Oh my I didn't think you were so bold!" said Rias seductively.

"Hey I'm not to blame for this, an attractive girl sleeps naked in my bed and I'm expected to just hold back urges hell no!" I said as I shamelessly kept squeezing her flesh mound, when suddenly a smirk came onto my face and I used [Touch of Pleasure].

Rias eyes widens as I began to massage her breast "~Moan!~" she lets out a moan as kept playing with them.

But I heard the door open standing there was Asia, Rias and I both looked over to her "Um! I'm sorry!" she apologized as the poor girl slammed the door shut.

"I wondered if she would've wanted to join?" I said as I kept kneading them. "Ano! ~Moan!~ as good as this feels don't you think we should be getting ready for school." said Rias.

"Fine." I said as I stopped and got up off the bed, "But Sunday you are mine." I said as I turned up her lust with [Lust Manipulation].

"Morning Mom, Dad." I said as I went to take a seat, Asia was currently learning how to cook from Mom and Dad was reading the news paper. "Morning." replied Dad when suddenly Rias also came down.

"Uh! Issei did, she?" asked Dad "Yup, don't worry we didn't have sex or anything." I said but Rias took the opportunity to say "Though he did grope me." Gorou turned to me and gave me a thumbs up.

I returned one as well, you know in canon Issei's parents were great wingmen, his Mom even taught Rias and Asia to do the naked apron can't wait for that!

After that Rias joined us for breakfast and asked if she could live here which Mom and Dad accepted.

And so we made our way to school. To which I began questioning Rias about her [Power of Destruction].

"So Rias have ever tried creating weapons out of your [Power of Destruction]?" I asked her.

"No I haven't I'm more if a magical fighter." She replies "But can't devils grow stronger at a faster pace than humans? I mean what if you run out magical power in the heat of battle you'll have to rely in your physical strength."

"So your saying I should start training my body?" I nodded and turned to Asia "And maybe you too Asia you should learn how to defend yourself just in case we're stretched too thin during a rating game or in battle."

"I guess your right, I don't want to keep being a burden." she says with determined look, but I gave her a head pat "Listen Asia never say your a burden, your one of the most vital member of our team, all I'm saying his we should branch out of our respective roles."

I've grown to really care for these guys as my friends, I can't really tell them about the future battles so I'll have to get as strong as I can. But if only I knew the what the stats for each of the classes were. Then I could know where in the power rankings I'm at.

[The Class rankings are:

Low class - 1 -> 100

Mid class - 100 -> 450

High class - 450 -> 1,500

Ultimate Class - 1,500 -> 5,000

God Class - 5,000 -> 10,000

Heavenly Dragons - 15,000

Ophis(Full power) - 60,000

Great Red - 70,000]

Holy Shit does the system has a consciousness?

[Yes but only if you want me to host. I can go offline or online whenever you wish.] said the mechanical voice. I honestly don't want to deal with a conscious system so only go offline when I don't need you, but I have a few questions.

Where do the Satan class and Evils dragons rank on this?

[The Satans border from Ultimate and into the God class a bit, but Sirzechs is able to mitigate this with his humanoid Power of Destruction form and the evil dragons it depends on the dragon.]

I see thanks you can go offline now. [Thank you for having me host.] said the system as it went offline.

I the opened my status

[Name: Issei Hyoudou

Race:Reincarnated Devil






Combat Points: 1,789 \ Sex Points: 0 \ Shop points: 1,778]

Not bad but I still have a few gacha tickets when I won the battles in the rating game along with the ones from the quest but first let's allocate some points.

I let's add 700 points to MP and three hundred to my other stats, which left me with 189 stat points.

For my skills I added 15 points into [Fire Magic] maxing it.

[Fire Magic MAX skill evolved into Pyrokinesis.]

Cool So skills can evolve! I then added 34 points to [Arc of Embodiment], 9 to [Sword Mastery], I added 77 points into [Intimidation] leaving me with 54 points to which I added 44 points to [Stone Skin] Maxing out most of my skills.

[Due to your mastery over the sword, you've a reached a level never seen before with the sword, you've awakened Sword Intent - 1% Mastery]

[Stone Skin is Maxed stone skin evolved to Iron Skin]

[Intimidation has evolved into Bloodlust]

Not bad Not bad, I'll definitely become the strongest in this universe! Then move onto others.

Now then let's roll some Gacha!