
Forceful Reincarnation: Version Slow Love (A DxD fanfic)

I died of lung cancer when I was at the ripe age if 28, I lived a good life, tried to be a good person, I wasn't perfect I did a lot of bad stuff had a lot regrets here and there but who didnt. All I wanted was to go heaven a cuddle with puppies are go to hell for my sins. But I got reincarnated as Issei Hyodou and the same morning he woke up to Rias sleeping beside him. Hey at least I got a system. That should help. - - - - - - This is an alternate version of my other fanfic with a similar name. That one is to fap to this one is different.

SilverZerothFox78X · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: Game On!

I was about to go to bed, but I wanted to take a leak when I suddenly saw Rias sitting over the railing of the balcony, not to be a simp but I can admit when a woman was beautiful and she was beautiful. It was like a painting.

"Hey Boss are you okay?" Rias looked toward with a bit of surprise on her face. "Oh Issei I didn't know you were up."

"Yeah I just wanted use the bathroom...." I replied as an awkward silence fell for a bit "Are you nervous?" I asked her.

"Honestly speaking, yes...I am." she replied while closing her eyes, but I smiled at her and gave her a determined look "Don't worry we'll win! Everyone's been working really hard for this. We'll beat that Phoenix reject!" I told her, this surprised her but she smiled "Thank you Issei."

"Good night Boss, see ya in the morning." I told her as I went back to my room, I layed down on my bed with a sigh. Rias Gremory is mine and mine alone. I won't let some spoiled brat take her!

Calming down I started up the Gacha. Maybe I'll get something good this time

[Congrats you've gained Broken clock]

Or not. Let's see if my second ticket is any good.

[Congrats you've gotten System Add on: Sex system!]

My eyes widened as a huge smile cams upon my face.

[Would you like to install add on?]

Yes Of course!

[System Add on Installed. You have gained add on Sex and Perk 3× increase when learning sex skills.]

[New points gained Sex points, to gain these points you'll have go through intercourse, you'll need them raise your sex skills]

[You've gained a few of Sex skills

Lust Manipulation - You are able to manipulate the arousal of anyone including yourself.

Touch of Pleasure - Self Explanatory

Pheromones manipulation - You are able to manipulate your own pheromones to attract and arouse those of the opposite gender or attracted to men in general.

Semen Manipulation - Your able to completely manipulate your semen from it's look to it's taste to the fertility rate or the gender of your child.]

Holy Shit! With this I'll gain a harem in no time! Ladies here I come!

With that I went I to sleep as I we did our final day and we began to discuss strategy to which I brought up something.

"Hey Kiba with your sacred gear you can make any type of sword right?" I asked Kiba to which he turned to me and nodded "Yes I should be able to unless it's not too demanding." he replied which brought a smile to my face.

"Then why not make a sword that can nullify a persons regenerative abilities like Rizers or a sword that can nullify all magic an anti-magic sword perhaps." Hearing this Kiba's eyes widened along with everyone else's .

"Also why not make a sword that can heal when it hit's you." I told him again. Like seriously why isn't sword birth a Longinus already, that thing is seriously OP in the right hands, Kiba seems to not really have much creativity with his sacred gear, but if you were to give it to your average anime fan, let's just chaos will ensue.

"I...never! How do you even think of these things?" he asked me "Kiba I watch a lot of anime when I see a awesome power, I try to think of new uses or how I could use them differently."

Everyone was speechless to think that my anime obsession will be saving them. After that Kiba began practicing creating the swords.

- Later -

Right now it was time for the game and Kiba, Akeno and Koneko went off to set the traps right now Rias is just about to release the power I have sealed.

[Due to Rias Gremory unsealing your power you've gained an additional 150 to your stats]

I then went off to rejoin with Koneko as we head to the Gym and like in canon we ran into Ile, Nel, Mira and Xuelan.

"Be careful that Rook is strong." said Koneko assessing Xeulan "Hey Koneko can I take her? As a Martial artist, I want to see how I fair against Chinese kung fu." I said as I turned to Koneko. "Fine, but if you get your ass kicked don't say I didn't warn you."

"Yeah yeah whatever!" I said as rushed towards her "So you'll be my opponent little pawn!" she taunted rushed towards me as well.

*Boom!* A small shockwave went off as my fist met her flaming leg, due to having a dragon type sacred gear and fire magic, I have some fire resistance, it didn't even hurt.

"Not bad, but you should try harder!" she said as she threw a onslaught of attacks which I either dodged or parried, slowly she was getting frustrated "Quit running already!" she shouted as she threw on flaming punch to which I dodged and countered with a elbow strike to her chin sending her flying upwards but she was able to land safely.

"I've already learned enough from you." I said as I went into a Chinese kung fu stance specifically her stance, which surprised her.

"You think you can copy my moves!" she said as she ran towards me.

She threw a palm strike to which I countered with my own, then we both did a flaming kick, to which my won, the resulting shockwaves sent her flying a bit.

"This is impossible!" she said as she ran towards me even more frustrated. While I closed my eyes and stood straight, began to calmly breath in and out when she reached just a few feet of me...

*Boom!* I released a punch straight to her gut which released a shockwave, the attack rocked her entire body and sent her flying out the building. I then looked towards a specific skill in my status.

[Martial Art]-(MAX)/+Chinese Kung Fu]

So it got maxed out. Now your probably wondering how did I copy her moves like I had a fucking sharingan. Simple my perk allows me to comprehend and find flaws in different fighting styles. I noticed this when I sparred with Kiba it was like I instinctively knew it.

"Xeulan!" shouted Mira as she ran towards me, letting Ile and Nel get bodied by Koneko, the only reason the two lasted as long as they did was due Mira being a partially skilled fighter.

Too bad I just instantly knocked her out [[Issei Koneko leave the gym now.]] said Rias over the com's we just did as she and we got out as Akeno eliminated them easily turning the gym into rubble. "Damn Akeno you have some serious fire power!"

At my words she smiled "Thanks for the compliment!" she replied. I then turned to Koneko and smiled "You were awesome out there Koneko!" I said as I used [Lust Manipulation] at a small amount and [Pheromone Manipulate ] to make me seem more desirable to her, this caused a small blush to show up on her face when suddenly....


Koneko was almost hit with an attack from Yubellana, but I was able to get her out of the way. I held her in my arms, I noticed her blush increased.

"You okay?" I asked her she just nodded. As Akeno engaged her, we then met up with Kiba to who we congratulated on his three victories. We were then intercepted by Karlamine and Isabella along Ravel.

"My name is Karlamine a Knight of Lord Rizer Phenex!" the female Knight announced, Kiba smirked and replied "I've been wanting to fight another Knight!"

"Great another sword freak, just when I thought I found a cute boy!" said Ravel displeasure clear in the tone of her voice.

"So are you gonna fight?" I asked her but she scoffed "Like I would Isabella!" said Rook attacked but Koneko intercepted her. "I'll take this." she said as the two began fighting.

"But I wanted to fight her!" I said with a depressed sigh that was when I dodged an attack by Ni and Li. To which I blitzed them an knocked them out with one attack, but I was then attacked by Siris one of Rizer's knights, but I was to dodge her attack.

"Your strong incredibly so, it will be a joy to fight you!" she said with a huge smile on her face. "I guess it's time I end this." 'canon Issei this better work!'

I summoned the [Boosted Gear] and tried to use my emotions for a power up like Issei did. Honestly speaking, I cared for the ORC. I know i make fun of anime logic a lot but I need more power Ddraig please!

[Second Liberation!]

The Boosted gear changed as it gained golden spikes and it became more bulkier. I guess it's time to try that. "Hey Kiba through the biggest attack you can right at me!" I told him while he blocked another attack from Karlamine.

"Are you nuts!" he shouted back as he and Karlamine began to fight at high speeds "Just trust me!" I replied back and he reluctantly did as I wanted as I boosted a few times before.


I transferred the power to his attack causing hundreds of blades to erupt eliminating most of Rizer's peerage except Ravel? Somehow?

*Boom!* We looked over to see Akeno injured my eyes widened as I ran as fast as I could over to her. I then took out a small silver sword with a green gem inside of it, I stabbed Akeno with it as her wounds disappeared.

Her eyes slowly open "Issei?" she said "Akeno you okay, I had to use my rejuvenation blade." she got up "I see thank you, but I think I deserve some revenge." she said as she shot off with her usual smile, but the tone of her voice kinda scared me.

"Guys let's go support Boss." I told Kiba and Koneko who flew up to the roof where Rias and Riser who were currently, I just jumped, still amazes his much stronger I am from a regular person.

"Well well Rias! Rizer is impressed, you managed to defeat most Rizers peerage, congratulations are in order." said Riser like the smug prick he is.

"Everyone we're sticking to the plan!" said Rias as me, Asia, Koneko and Kiba nodded.

Koneko went up to engage Rizer while Rias attacked from a distance and Asia healed any damage they might've gotten.

Kiba then began to focus as he made two sword with dark blades and handed me one. Kiba and dashed towards Rizer and struck him with our blades, him being the confident asshat he is didn't try to block or dodge so he ended up losing both his arms.

"Do you really think such useless attacks will hurt -!" but his words were stuck in his throat as he started bleeding.

"AAGGGGHHHHH!!!" He screamed in pain as he looked at us in a mix if rage and pain "What

.. what did you do!" he shouted.

"Simple as you know my Knight sacred gear has the ability to create swords, so we just made a sword that nullifies your healing, it only last 3 hours but who knows how long you'll last with how much blood your losing."

Rizer grit his teeth as he looked at us rage and reluctantly "Rizer forfeits!" he said as he disappeared, many fans don't give Rizer credit but he's far smarter than some might think, it's good his youngmaster syndrome isn't as bad as a Chinese cultivation character.