

When he was forced to marry you....

taekooksmom · Music & Bands
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13 Chs

Part 9

Taehyung: Are you ok y/n??

I nodded my head as yes...

Y/n: Thanks for saving my l-

Before i could finish my words he started shouting at me...


Taehyung: Can't you walk properly??

Taehyung: What if something bad happened to you??

Y/n: Then you will be happy...

Y/n: Because you want to be free from this marriage...

Y/n: And it's only possible if i d-

Before i could finish my words he hugged me tightly....

Taehyung: Don't you dare to say that...

Taehyung: Nothing will happen to you...

Y/n: Taehyung..

Taehyung: Hmm??

Y/n: Please don't break the hug...

Y/n: Just stay like this for a while ..

My head was on his shoulders...

I was feeling so safe in his embrace...

I want to be like this forever..

Suddenly taehyung started speaking...

Taehyung: We should go home now..

Y/n: oh ok...

With that saying i broke the hug...

Y/n: Let's go...

With that saying i was about to walk but suddenly...

Y/n;What are you doing Mr Kim??

Taehyung: shh...

Taehyung: Don't talk...

Taehyung: I will carry you home...

I was feeling butterflies in my stomach...

And then he started walking towards home..

When we reached home we both bowed to Taehyung 's Mom...

Y/n: How are you mom??

T/M: I am good...

T/M: But first tell me is everything good between you and Taehyung??

I gulped when mom asked that...

Taehyung: Yeah mom.. Everything is fine between me and y/n...

T/M: Then why do you both live in separate rooms??

When she said that me and Mr Kim looked at each other confused...

Y/n: Mom i think you misunderstood...

T/M: Oh really??

T/M: Then why are your things in another room??

Now there was silence between the three of us...

T/M: You both can fool others but not me...

T/M: From today you both will stay in the same room...

T/M: If i saw that you both are not listening to me then it will not be good for both of you...

With that saying she made her way towards her room..

T/M: I will stay here for one month...

Taehyung and Yn: What!!!

Taehyung and Y/n: It means that we have to stay in the same room for one month???

Taehyung: No way...I am not going to stay in the same room with this girl....

T/M: Who are you calling girl??

(In an angry voice)

T/M: Don't forget that this girl is your wife...

I noticed taehyung 's mom was angry on taehyung..

So i took that as an advantage and started speaking...

Y/n: Mom..Your son always misbehaved with me...He always hurts me...

With that saying i started fake crying....

T/M: Taehyung!!!!

Taehyung: Mom..She is lying..

Taehyung: I never hurt her physically...

Taehyung: Please mom trust me...

T/M: Shut your mouth taehyung...

T/M: I know y/n will never lie...

T/M: How dare you do that to her??

With that saying taehyung 's mom started scolding him...

I was enjoying the view because that's what i wanted to see...

Mr Kim was sending death glares to me...

Taehyung: Mom... are you done scolding??

Taehyung: I am tired mom..

T/M: Ok..You can go now...

T/M: If i again heard from y/n that you misbehaved with her..Then i will hit you with my heels...

Mr Kim rolled his eyes and went towards his room...

T/M: Y/n..

Y/n: Yes mom??

T/M: Go and keep your things in taehyung 's room...

Y/n: O-ok mom...

With that saying i made my way towards my room..

After packing my stuff i went to Mr Kim's room..

But when i went in front of his room..

Taehyung: Welcome y/n...

Taehyung: I have been waiting for you for so long...

Taehyung: i was waiting..when you will come ..I will teach you a lesson...

Y/n: Why??

Y/n: I did nothing...

Taehyung: Oh really??

Y/n: Yes..I did nothing...

Taehyung: Stop acting innocent...

Taehyung: Because of you i got scolded by my mom...

Y/n: oh..you are mad at me for that reason??

Y/n: I was just kidding...

Taehyung: You can fool anyone but not me...

Taehyung: Now you have to pay for this...

Y/n: Ok..ok..

Y/n: Can i come in now??

Taehyung: Hm..Come in..

When i entered his room I threw myself on the bed..

Y/n: Ah..This bed is so soft...

Taehyung: What are you doing mam??

Y/n: I think you don't have your eyes with you...

Y/n: Can't you see that i am laying on the bed??

Taehyung: You can't sleep here miss y/n...

Taehyung: Go and sleep on the sofa..

Y/n: I will never sleep on the sofa..

Y/n: You will sleep on the sofa..or else..

Taehyung: Or else what??

Y/n: Or else i will tell everything to your mom...

Taehyung: Are you trying to blackmail me??

Y/n: Maybe or maybe not...

When i said that he remained silent for a minute...

Seems like he was thinking about something...

Taehyung(mind): I thought she was dumb..

Taehyung (mind): But i was wrong..She is very smart..

Taehyung (mind): Day by day she is getting clever...

Taehyung (mind): For now i should listen to her...

Taehyung (mind): Or else she will tell everything to mom...

Huh where is he lost??

What is he thinking about??

Y/n: Hey Mr Kim..

Y/n: Hello??

Taehyung: What??

Y/n: Where were you lost?

Y/n: I have called you many times...

Taehyung: You can sleep on the bed..

Taehyung: I will sleep on the sofa..

Y/n: Woww...

Y/n: Glad to hear that...

Y/n: so good night...

Y/n: Sleep well Mr Kim..

He nodded and took his pillow from the bed and replied...

Taehyung: Good night Mrs Kim...

With that saying he made his way towards the sofa and laid on it...

And then he closed his eyes..

Seems like he is sleeping...

He looks so innocent when he is sleeping...

I was staring at him without blinking...

He is so handsome that any girl can fall for him...

I can't take my eyes off you Mr Kim..

Why are you so handsome Mr Kim??

You always misbehaved with me..

But..This stupid girl still loves you unconditionally...

Why my heart only beats for you...

I know that you will never love me..

Because you already have your heart for someone else...

I keep staring at his face...

Suddenly he started speaking..

Taehyung: How long are you going to stare at me?

Immediately i looked away and replied..

Y/n: I was checking whether you are comfortable on the sofa or not...

Taehyung: Oh really??

Y/n: Ahmm...Or else what??

Y/n: Don't think i was staring at you..

Taehyung: But i was loving the way you were staring at me...

I blushed so hard when he said that...

Taehyung: Y/n...

Y/n: Hmm..

Taehyung: Will you be angry if i ask you something??

Y/n: Don't worry..You can ask Mr Kim..

Taehyung: Plzz be honest with your answer...

Taehyung: Because i need to know the truth..

Y/n: I will..

Y/n: Because i never lied...

Taehyung: Y/n..

Taehyung: Do you have any feelings for me??

Taehyung: Do you love me??

To be continued....