
Forbidden Fortune

Anabell, the last child of the St. Claires' discovers that she is the price her father paid for a favour. In a glitzy realm of relentless ambition and insatiable desires Anabell is trapped in the cold embrace of an arranged marriage but fate has a wicked sense of humour, for the billionaire tycoon she is forced to wed is Ethan Cresswell, the very man who shattered her world years ago. As their lives are entangled in a load of complex misdirection, lust, and treachery; revenge dances on a tightrope, threatening to consume them both. Each step taken to exact revenge brings them closer, whispers of an ancient curse echoing through their shared desires. Hidden agendas are unveiled and devastating secrets are exposed, the stakes skyrocket to a level unimaginable. Can love survive the wild storm of forbidden desires and shattered illusions? Or will the ruthless pursuit of revenge eliminate their chances for redemption? CHARACTERIZATION Protagonist Annabel, Twenty-Four years old. Backstory: She's the last child of a millionaire. Initial Desire: To turn her father's company into an international conglomerate. She sees Ethan as an opportunity to achieve this feat. Antagonist: Ethan Cresswell. 25 years old. Backstory: The first son and heir of a billionaire.

kintundejoe · Urban
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5 Chs

A Game of Seduction

"I never knew you too were well acquainted with each other." This time it was Annabel's father St. Claire who spoke. "It's a good thing then! I am looking forward to this union! You two would make a wonderful couple." 


"Oh, it shall be grand!" Mrs. Cresswell exclaimed, the prospect of planning a big party lit up her eyes. 


"I shall see to it that we get the best wedding planners!" 


Ethan rolled his eyes, "Actually I would prefer a small wedding. You know, keep things quiet." 


"But..." His mother protested but was interrupted by Annabel. 


"Anything you want my dear," she said batting her lashes. "This piece, it's less adieux by Beethoven is it not?" Annabel said changing the topic. 


"Ah yes!" Mr. Cresswell grinned. "You listen to classical music?" 


"I enjoy it a lot!" She smiled. 


Ethan cringed inwardly. Annabel's attitude was suspicious. He gave her that she was good at acting; he did not know yet what she did for a living but he would not be shocked if she turned out to be an actress. He surmised she was faking because of the presence of the older folks at the table. He could not wait until they were alone so she could reveal her true self. 



Much to the disappointment of the two mothers, they held a quiet wedding at one of the many private halls owned by the Cresswells. It was quiet; no large crowd, only close family members and best friends were invited to witness the event alongside the priest who officiated the ceremony. Although not many people were in attendance the wedding still went overboard on exuberance, everything about it screamed wealth. 


When it was time to walk down the aisle, Annabel did so grinning from ear to ear on the arms of the man that had sold her off in order to save his business. As she walked down the aisle she admired her husband I'm his white tuxedo that hugged his muscular body. She did not care for him but it was still nice to know she had bragging rights of a sexy husband. She had every intention to enjoy the privileges that this marriage could afford her. She walked down the aisle with her father, grinning from ear to ear. This marriage was going to be a blessing. She was going to make sure he ate from her plate of revenge till he was satisfied. By the time she would be done with him, he would passionately pray to turn back time to undo the humiliation he had put her through in their teenage years. 


Ethan watched his bride approach the altar. She was smiling he was sure for the sake of the guests that surrounded them. He was still convinced her smile was a decoy for whatever sinister plan she might have for him; he smiled back. He hated that his smile came on too easily, he almost did not have to fake it but he could not help himself; Annabel was stunning. In her white lace dress, she looked like she had stepped out of a fairy book. For a brief moment, lust clouded his eyes and he wondered at the things he could do to make the angel approaching him become a demoness.  back as he watched her walk down the eye in her expensive white lace dress. He had to admit that she looked beautiful as a bride. 


Once the party was over and the guests had all left, their parents saw them off to a private jet that was waiting to whisk them away on their honeymoon. Annabel wasted no time, once they were aboard and had taken off she found an en suite cabin and had her bath. She then drenched herself in sweet-smelling perfumes oils and body sprays. She put on a dark red negligee which she matched with a red lace jacket; she then wore a bathrobe. 


She re-entered the cabin only to see Ethan looking out the window; she walked towards him with measured steps.  


"Isn't fate funny? Who knew we'd become husband and wife?" She whispered into his ear. Ethan who had not seen her approaching was slightly startled. She laughed at him. 


"I'm so happy we finally get our chance to be together alone. Think about all the things we can do for each other," against Ethan's best senses he was aroused. What perfume did she have on? And suddenly he was curious to know what she wore under that bathrobe if at all she wore anything. 


"We're meant for each other, don't you think?" She continued talking but Ethan said nothing, he was finding it increasingly harder to concentrate. 


"Dear husband, you're hurting my feelings. Look at me would you?" She said and Ethan was forced to look. 


When she had his attention she slowly undid the rope of her bathrobe shedding it off to reveal the red she wore underneath. It was a sign for Ethan to run; she really did stand for danger. 


"Tell me you didn't forget our love story, remember that poem I wrote about our undying love?" She whispered seductively, leaning into him. 


Ethan's face turned beet red. Sure, he had seen several naked women and had affairs with them but he had to admit that Annabel was sexier than any woman he had come across. Her body was in front of him was a forbidden fruit that hung dangerously low on its branch. 


She took off the red lace jacket and stood directly in his front, tracing her perfectly manicured fingers along his angled jawline. Her red hair cascaded down her back in soft waves. She bit her lips, "Tell me, my love, don't you look forward to growing old together?" 


"Nobody plays me and wins, ever," he said in a frustrated hiss as he bent down to her level. 


"Why don't you find out who wins this round?" she replied but her voice was lost in his throat.