
Forbidden Fortune

Anabell, the last child of the St. Claires' discovers that she is the price her father paid for a favour. In a glitzy realm of relentless ambition and insatiable desires Anabell is trapped in the cold embrace of an arranged marriage but fate has a wicked sense of humour, for the billionaire tycoon she is forced to wed is Ethan Cresswell, the very man who shattered her world years ago. As their lives are entangled in a load of complex misdirection, lust, and treachery; revenge dances on a tightrope, threatening to consume them both. Each step taken to exact revenge brings them closer, whispers of an ancient curse echoing through their shared desires. Hidden agendas are unveiled and devastating secrets are exposed, the stakes skyrocket to a level unimaginable. Can love survive the wild storm of forbidden desires and shattered illusions? Or will the ruthless pursuit of revenge eliminate their chances for redemption? CHARACTERIZATION Protagonist Annabel, Twenty-Four years old. Backstory: She's the last child of a millionaire. Initial Desire: To turn her father's company into an international conglomerate. She sees Ethan as an opportunity to achieve this feat. Antagonist: Ethan Cresswell. 25 years old. Backstory: The first son and heir of a billionaire.

kintundejoe · Urban
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  Playing The Paparazzi 

They were going to spend their honeymoon at a private vacation house of the Cresswells. It was a one-storey mansion overlooking the ocean. 


Last night had been a one-time mistake Ethan decided he was not going to make again. He had slipped, he had fallen for the seductive prowess of Annabel. Never again he promised himself although his body begged to differ. Sex with Annabel had been unlike any he'd experienced with any woman. What had made it different? The fact that they were married? Did holy matrimony elevate the pleasures of the body? If so his married friends had lied to him. Whatever it had been, whatever she had used to enchant him he was going to break the spell by having sex with another woman, one he'd never been with. It suddenly occurred to him that he had not had sex since dinner with the St. Claire's perhaps that was why sex had felt great with her. 


If that was not the case it had to be the wine; he would not be surprised if she had put something in the wine. That would explain her constant filling of his cup. 


"Sir, please prepare for landing," a who stood just outside the cabin door informed them.  Ethan was only too pleased he could not wait to get off the plane. 


Minutes later they had touched the ground. He dressed up in a hurry and watched from the corner of his eye as Annabel put on his singlet that hugged her slender frame. 


"You're not going out like that," Ethan said as she made for the door. 


"Watch me," she gave that same seductive smile that had undid him just hours ago. 


Annabel was confusing him and he knew she was doing it deliberately. Surely after all the horrors he had made her go through she had still allowed him to touch her. He had been convinced that after they were married there would be no talk of intimacy between them except if they wanted to have a child. Besides, this was the twenty-first century they did not need sex to have babies. 


Why don't we find out who wins this round? 


Perchance this was a game of sorts she was playing with him or else what would she have meant by that? Whatever had happened between them was now in the past, it had happened years ago. Surely she did not mean to exact revenge for something he had done in his teenage folly? There was no way she had forgotten what had transpired then but was there a chance she had forgiven him? 


"My love," she smiled leaning into him as they approached the limousine that waited to take them home, "how do you feel?" she asked. 


It was then he noticed the paparazzi; she had leaned into him on purpose. For goodness sake, she had in only his singlet and she was posing for some hungry journalist. He was angry at her but he played it cool because they had company. 


"What the fuck did you mean by that?" Ethan asked no longer unable to contain his fury once they were locked in the car. 


"What do you mean?" She was feigning innocence. 


"You know what I mean. Wearing my singlet, the paparazzi, my goodness was that you? You're using this marriage for cheap fame, isn't it?" 


"I don't know what you're talking about, why would I want the paparazzi..." Ethan swallowed. She was saying something but it was lost in the list that consumed her mind. Her nipples were jutting out... He shook himself back to reality. He needed to get away from Annabel, she was going to be his ruin. He tapped the partition, "drive faster." He forced his eyes shut for the rest of the trip, he had not known before that it was possible to despise someone you were strongly attracted to. 


They arrived at the vacation home which was more beautiful than Getty Images had given credit to. There was a pool carved out from the ocean in front of the house with flower petals floating in it. On the left, a small walking bridge travelled into the ocean. Ornamental flowers ran round the almost glass house in a delicate manner. A butler was waiting to show them in. He received their luggage from the driver and welcomed them in. 


The house smelled wonderful, like pine, lemon and roses all in one place. The white marbled tile reflected the silver chandelier that swayed slowly in the living room. The couch was an elegant grey colour. A black glass stairway stood afar off. The butler showed them upstairs. There was a balcony with a clear view of the ocean below and coconut trees scattered everywhere. There were also three rooms upstairs. Each one en suite and tastefully furnished. 


"Dinner would be served soon," the butler announced before they entered their room. 


"I think we'll be having each other for dinner," Annabel winked at the embarrassed-looking butler. 


"I'm not hungry,  Sturgis," Ethan said. "I had plenty to eat on the flight," 


"So did I but I am still very hungry. I have a large appetite you see, but not for the food you're talking about," Ethan thought Annabel must be crazy. Did she enjoy making people uncomfortable? 


"Sturgis if we need anything, we'll send for you." 


"We'll be using separate bedrooms of course," Ethan said with a firm voice. 


"Why? I don't snore," 


"That's not the point," 


"Do you snore? I mean I don't mind." 


"We are using separate bedrooms," Ethan said as he walked off in the direction of a bedroom. 


"Why don't I get a say in this?" Annabel's voice stopped him. 


"What's your deal?" He asked with anger in his voice. "Tell me, what in hell are you up to?" 


Annabel remained calm. She knew she had to exact her revenge with patience so she was willing to put up with his ill attitude for as long as she needed.