
Forbidden Fortune

Anabell, the last child of the St. Claires' discovers that she is the price her father paid for a favour. In a glitzy realm of relentless ambition and insatiable desires Anabell is trapped in the cold embrace of an arranged marriage but fate has a wicked sense of humour, for the billionaire tycoon she is forced to wed is Ethan Cresswell, the very man who shattered her world years ago. As their lives are entangled in a load of complex misdirection, lust, and treachery; revenge dances on a tightrope, threatening to consume them both. Each step taken to exact revenge brings them closer, whispers of an ancient curse echoing through their shared desires. Hidden agendas are unveiled and devastating secrets are exposed, the stakes skyrocket to a level unimaginable. Can love survive the wild storm of forbidden desires and shattered illusions? Or will the ruthless pursuit of revenge eliminate their chances for redemption? CHARACTERIZATION Protagonist Annabel, Twenty-Four years old. Backstory: She's the last child of a millionaire. Initial Desire: To turn her father's company into an international conglomerate. She sees Ethan as an opportunity to achieve this feat. Antagonist: Ethan Cresswell. 25 years old. Backstory: The first son and heir of a billionaire.

kintundejoe · Urban
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5 Chs

The Contract Marriage Talk 

Annabel stared at Ethan Cresswell; he was still as handsome as she had once known him to be; with a perfect face and an even more perfect body, it was a good thing she knew his perfection ended with his exterior if not she would be fooled by that sweet smile he had pasted on his face. Well, that would make two of them because while her heart burned with anger for the man who sat across her, her face held a sweet smile that said otherwise. 


She had gathered enough from the conversation of the two elderly men on the table; she was to spend the rest of her life with Ethan Creswell and all because of some stupid contract her father had signed when she was a baby! Seriously what had her father been thinking? That they were in the sixteenth century? 


After much talk and coming to the realisation that there was no getting out of this, Annabel said, "I have no objections."  She was looking directly at Ethan when she said this and she was pleased to see that she had wiped off the smirk lurking at the corners of his lips. He had looked so certain of himself, sure that given their bitter past, she would refuse the marriage but Ethan was in for a surprise. 


She took a bite of the Cole slaw on her plate; it tasted no different from paper. If the marriage went through she was going to start by firing the cook. 


At first, she had her reservations about the marriage but after giving it as much thought as this impromptu dinner would allow her she decided it was for the best. It would be the perfect cover to execute her revenge towards this devil of a man who sat across her. Ethan Creswell had shattered the walls of her pride and she was going to take away everything he loved. What did she have to lose anyway? Her eyes wandered to the posh surroundings; the expensive artwork that was placed conspicuously around the room, the large room that was for dining alone; the furnishings that screamed her father's entire fortune... She had nothing to lose. She had given up on love a long time anyway so while she took her revenge she would enrich herself. 


Ethan Cresswell sat across from Annabel wondering what the hell was going on in her mind. He knew that Annabel hated him and so he had been confident that she would refuse to marry him, contract or not but she had surprised him by saying she had no objections. What did that mean? Had she forgotten how he had humiliated her in high school? Even he would not marry himself, so why? Or perhaps she wanted the Cresswell name for herself? Could that be it? The title and money? He had thought she would be different in that regard but apparently, he was wrong. What was her deal? 


"She's a beautiful one, isn't she?" His father whispered beside him. He eyed the old man, was it because he was getting nearer to the grave that he was behaving senile? He was seething in anger and his father was enjoying himself. He lifted his eyes once more to look at her, she was beautiful but he had had his fair share of beauty so he was not moved. Although in spite of himself, he had to admit she had distinctively beautiful features. She had exceptionally beautiful eyes; blue lively eyes that seemed to grey when they met his. 

"I would like to excuse myself, I just remembered a mail I need to send," he said dropping his cutlery. 


"That's a pity I wanted to get to know you better," Annabel locked her raging blue eyes with his. 


"You should sit son, you should learn to delegate responsibility, that's why we pay salaries," his father said smiling at his son. 


"Dad, it's really important," he pressed, he needed to leave the room, Annabel's sweet smile was unsettling him. 


"Does he do this a lot? You know, place business above family?" Annabel said as she picked at her salad. 


"Of course not. Sit son lest your bride get the wrong idea," Ethan's father was saying to which Ethan reluctantly sat down. When he had an opportunity to be alone with Annabel he was going to ensure he arranged her to death. 


"It's okay really, if I did not know Ethan personally I would've said he was an unfeeling person but he's actually a very considerate person," Annabel was saying smiling at him. 


"You don't say. I've known my son since he was born no one ever said such about him," Mr Cresswell laughed patting his son's back. 


"Really? He's such a sweet man," Annabel crooned. 


"I remember then he mobilised a group of guys including himself to stand up against the bullies in school," Annabel said, her smile never leaving her face. 


"That's wonderful to hear! I didn't know Ethan as one to concern himself with such," senior Mr Cresswell was beaming at his son with pride. 


"Well Annabel aren't you a sweetheart," Mrs Cresswell who had been quiet finally spoke. 


"Not when compared to your son ma'am. I hope to raise my children half as well as you raised Ethan," Annabel said watching Ethan for his reaction. 


"I did a good job, I give myself that," Mrs Cresswell said and everyone at the table laughed. 


"I'm sure all those articles on page six have it wrong," the table suddenly became quiet when Annabel mentioned this. 


"Well you know how people like to feed on gossip," Ethan's father said to break the silence. 


"You have changed a lot, Annabel," Ethan said in a calm voice. If that was how she wanted it well two could play this game. 


"How so?" He desperately wanted to wipe that smile she had on her face. 


"You know, you were never this sweet. I thought you hated me? Remember that allergy prank you played on me?" Ethan hated that he could not change the smile on her face. 


"I was a little rascal wasn't I? I promise I'm all good now," Annabel's smile never left her face.