
Forbidden Fortune

Anabell, the last child of the St. Claires' discovers that she is the price her father paid for a favour. In a glitzy realm of relentless ambition and insatiable desires Anabell is trapped in the cold embrace of an arranged marriage but fate has a wicked sense of humour, for the billionaire tycoon she is forced to wed is Ethan Cresswell, the very man who shattered her world years ago. As their lives are entangled in a load of complex misdirection, lust, and treachery; revenge dances on a tightrope, threatening to consume them both. Each step taken to exact revenge brings them closer, whispers of an ancient curse echoing through their shared desires. Hidden agendas are unveiled and devastating secrets are exposed, the stakes skyrocket to a level unimaginable. Can love survive the wild storm of forbidden desires and shattered illusions? Or will the ruthless pursuit of revenge eliminate their chances for redemption? CHARACTERIZATION Protagonist Annabel, Twenty-Four years old. Backstory: She's the last child of a millionaire. Initial Desire: To turn her father's company into an international conglomerate. She sees Ethan as an opportunity to achieve this feat. Antagonist: Ethan Cresswell. 25 years old. Backstory: The first son and heir of a billionaire.

kintundejoe · Urban
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5 Chs

A Honeymoon Scandal pt. 1 

"What do you mean?" She asked, refusing to remove the smile on her face. 


"Let me make one thing clear," he said coldly. "This marriage is for convenience. You do not have to pretend to like me. We will continue to live our separate lives just as we have been doing before marriage, okay? Do not act all sweet around me. It's disgusting." 


"But I do like you," she said with a shrug and if not for the sinister smile lurking in her eyes he would have believed her. "You can live a life separate from me but I will continue to be devoted to you. Marriage of convenience or not I intend to make it work." 


Ethan groaned in frustration and sighed. "Suit yourself" he spat, storming away into his bedroom. She followed him. 


"There's another bedroom across the hall, why won't you let me be? Is it your plan to weary me?" Ethan was frustrated, this marriage had been a mistake. If his father had not threatened to take away all his privileges he would not have considered it. 


"Shall I scrub your back for you?" Annabel quipped. Ethan wondered if perhaps she was in need of a hearing aid. 

"Get out," he whispered harshly. "Whatever you're playing at, it's not working." 


He turned to face her and she batted her lashes at him, posing with her naked body. When had she removed the singlet? She was making him insane. 


"I'm not playing at anything my love," she said as she patted the space beside her,  "you sure you want me to leave? Your little guy says otherwise," she had on that seductive smile. 


"Stop trying to seduce me with your body." He gritted his teeth. "Get. Out!" 


"I'm your wife, Ethan," 


"Get. Out!" He ordered. 


He watched as her naked form bent down to pick up the singlet she had shed. 


"I can keep this right?" She asked. 


"Do whatever you want," he muttered. 


"What I want?" She whispered loudly. 


"I'm exhausted, please just let me be," Ethan said even though his body craved her touch.  


Pretending to look heartbroken she walked out the the bedroom. Just before leaving the room, she dropped his singlet on the floor. 


As Annabel took a shower in another bedroom, she grinned wickedly to herself. Ethan was stuck with her and she was determined to get everything she wanted from him and that included sex. Maybe she was a narcissist, she had actually enjoyed sex with a man she was looking forward to destroying. After her initial experience with men in high school she had understood that men were really very simple beings and to be fair to her younger self she had been dealing with boys then not men. She had never been able to relate with her friends who complained all the time that men were difficult to handle. 


They loved sex, food and attention. She was going to give him the best of everything so she could get everything she desired from him. Her thirst for incredible wealth and revenge was going to be satiated. 



When Annabel woke up the next morning Ethan was nowhere to be found. He did not join her at the table for breakfast and when she knocked on his door there was no response. With little to do by herself, she decided that it would be nice to explore Hawaii. She had been here several times but on business trips and had never had the time to properly explore. She put on a black short velvet dress and a pair of gold slippers. She put on some light make-up and ventured outside. 


"Madam, where would you like me to drive you?" It was the same driver from yesterday. He had a youthful face and a sturdy body maybe just maybe she would fool around a little. She was married but she was positive Ethan had no intention of dropping his promiscuous lifestyle to play faithful husband to her. 


"You know any good shops around here?" she asked eyeing his muscular body. 


"Yes, ma'am there are a couple of..." 


"What's your name?" Annabel smiled sweetly at the driver. Ethan had left her horny last night perhaps it would not be a bad idea to indulge? Would he even care? 


"It's John ma'am," 


"You're not married are you?" She asked almost closing the space between them. 


"I... No ma'am," John had never had any of Ethan's girlfriends hit in him before but even if they had this was different, she was his boss's wife but that did not stop blood from rushing into his... 


"John? I'd like to have a good time while I'm here. Why don't you take me somewhere Ethan usually frequents when he visits here?" She asked smiling at him. 


"Yes, ma'am," he opened the car door for her and said a little prayer to God to give him the strength of Joseph not to fall into sin with his boss's wife. 


They arrived at a clothing mall. It was a small place and did not have a lot of designer items. Annabel wondered why Ethan would frequent such a place when there were so many places to go to. She wondered if he came here for the shop attendant. Maybe she was hot. 


Annabel ignored the sign on the door that read closed, the door opened with ease. It was then she heard it; the sound of two people breathless with lovemaking. A smile lit up Annabel's face, wasn't it a little too early for Ethan to be cheating already? The two bodies had not noticed her and were humping away at each other. She took a few pictures on her iPhone and quietly exited the building. 


When she returned to the car, she examined the pictures she had taken. They very clearly showed Ethan's face and the woman he was with was not hard to recognise. She was Amanda Stanley one of the highest paid models in the world. A sinister smile tugged the corners of her lips. 


The next morning, the gossip column on page six read: Young Billionaire Heir Cheats On His Wife Within 24 Hours Of Their Honeymoon.