



Ashley's POV

The growls were no match for mine at that moment cause I was livid and heartbroken. My eyes shifted to the wolf who killed the boy that I never got to know his name and stepped forward, running towards it as the others ran behind me.

With good force, I leaped off the ground and sat on a branch. They all growled as they watched me and I waited for them to take the next step so my plan would play out.

And as stupid as one was, it did jump towards me. I hurriedly cut the upper branch at the same time and forced it through its chest, causing it to fall back to the ground heavily.

The others growled and I jumped on the branch, breaking it. As I landed, one more tried to jump on me, but I caught it by the throat and threw it toward the two others.

I ran towards the boy and saw him shaking with his neck bleeding, he still seemed alive but he couldn't turn his neck to look at me, it also looked broken.