



Ashley's POV

None of them stopped me, they seemed scared. Even though my wolf wasn't so big, the aura was scary, I stared down as I ran, noticing my red fur, I had no idea I would be a red wolf, I thought I would be midnight black, due to my hair color.

I ran as far as I could, feeling bare and forgotten. I hated myself and Iziah, I hated the pack and I hated the fact that my wolf didn't scar Iziah like she wanted to. My heart brimmed with hate and betrayal. I didn't stop running until I was close to the border and when I got there, I leaped, knowing that I had no connection to the Alpha anymore.

When I did, I kept running, sadness tearing at my heart till I started slowing down. And when we did, we got to a tree and stopped, blinking rapidly because of the pain in my right eye. Then without permission, she shifted back and I started coughing out blood due to the silver.

I could finally breathe and I laid down, tears leaving my eyes. I closed my eyes and talked to her.

Thank you.

/"We need to live. Do not worry, we are safe./"

I looked around the woods and sighed to myself. We were far from safe, we were now rogues and considered unaccepted or unwanted. My head landed on something soft as I tried to get comfortable and I turned around, seeing a pair of shorts and shirts.

Shift clothes.

Packs usually dropped them near trees for wolves who forgot to remove clothes before shifting. My maid clothes were long gone on that stage floor where I left them. But the problem was, packs did it. Not rogues.

I looked around, knowing that a wolf would be here somewhere. I picked up the clothes and wore them, covering my naked body with no stress. They were pretty huge and honestly, I saw no use for the shorts. But I still wore them.

Suddenly, my ears perked up at the drops hitting the surface of a body of water. My eyes widened and I almost started dancing, I was so thirsty.

I followed the sound stealthily, unsure that it was not a trap or anything. Pulling the leaves away from my face, my eyes shifted around from the sky to the back of the trees, I was trying to be careful because, from the smell of these clothes, it was a rogue's.

A soft smile enveloped my face when I saw the clear waters in front of me. The stream was pretty, and it was clear, if it were safe, I would've napped here while healing but I didn't want to lapped up like a snack.

The sound of a low growl touched my ears and I paused, my curls flying a bit due to the wind.


I heard my wolf say something like it was compelling the rogue. My heart stamped in fear and I decided to fight the rogue without my wolf.

I can do it myself. I told her.

/"You won't kill it, please let me protect you./" She replied and I opened my eyes, understanding what she meant. Outside the pack, it meant to kill or be killed.

The growl grew nearer and the wolf ran and jumped at my back. As soon as I felt its breath, I closed my eyes, holding it by its paws suddenly and kicking it inside the lake, as I walked nearer to the water, my eyes already red, the culprit came out and I stopped abruptly when I saw it was a boy almost my age.

/"Stop!/" He shouted with his hands up and I stared at his deep green eyes.

/"Huh?/" I asked when my eyes changed back from their icy blue color to my warm brown ones.

/"I just came to have a bath, I want to go back to my mother alive, please Alpha ma'am,/" He begged and I kept looking at him confused, did he just call me an Alpha? Not even a Luna. /"If it is your stream, I will never step my legs into-/"

I held my hands up and he shut up.

/"Where do you and your mother stay?/" I asked and he shook his head in fear.

I sighed, /"Where am I?/"

/"You're close to the Undead. The Dark Moon is 200km away./"

My mouth dropped in surprise. I had run so far away from Dark Moon in the span of minutes. How strong was my wolf? What was I dealing with exactly?

I nodded softly like I wasn't surprised and almost slapped myself when I recalled the last word.


/"Yes. Aren't you visiting someone there, Alpha ma'am?/" He questioned as he came out of the water carefully, almost like I wanted to jump him.

/"Y-yes, I am,/" I answered and he looked at me weirdly. I stared at him, unsure if I could tell him the truth. /"I'm lost actually./"

/"Really? How?/"

/"I- don't want to talk about it./"

He bounced his head and looked at me, /"Fair point. I'd advise you to apologize to your parents on time. I mean, you're pretty strong for the rogue life but uh- it's not safe./"

/"Thanks, I appreciate it,/" I said, joining my fingers together as he placed his on his naked waist.

/"Well, my mum and I have a full house but I can introduce you to someone in a pack nearby, they're not as strict as the Undead, those guys are monsters,/" He laughed out and I bopped my head when I remembered their dark tales.

/"Yeah, this shirt is pretty long enough for my knees, you should take the shorts,/" I suggested, removing and throwing it to him, which was collected immediately.

/"Thanks,/" He laughed out loud and I nodded.

The blood stain on my face as he was hit down by a rogue was horrifying for me. I screamed, as the boy tried to get up but was pushed down. There was more behind me and I frowned with tears tugging at my eyelids.

This time, I didn't forget.

I pulled off the shirt and stood strong as my heart tugged in sadness at my new friend's death.

They were all going to die today.