


Good or Bad?

I ate silently, turning to stare at Corey's sleeping figure once in a while. His mum stayed quiet too, just sitting down in thought. The food was good, and I was enjoying it but I was also thinking of the next step to take.

I had been chased away from my home for a false reason by my mate. My forever. I shook my head in fake humor when I felt a little singe in my throat as I swallowed hard. My eyes were already becoming blurry again and I hated it. I didn't want to cry, I didn't want to admit that I missed my home, I didn't want to admit that I was broken and hurt.

The only person that I could trust right now, was my wolf. We were the ones we had left.

I dropped the empty plate and cleaned my eyes as she turned to me due to the sound. She came closer to me with her face filled with pity, not sure if she could hug me.

/"It's okay, I already rang Daniel's land phone, he will come and pick-/"