
for 2 deity entertainment

When two deitys were bored with the fantasy world they created so they decide to spice and things up by summoning to humans and giving them the ability to create the Baseline of something new. come view the story of two brothers shaking a fantasy world to their very core.

The_Abyssal_seer · Fantasy
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the grind part 2

I stayed silence for a few moments then I noticed my Goblin Scouts seem to have returned I looked over to it and began to speak.

" did you find a cave?"

the goblin nodded its head I simply gave a mental command to make it lead us all to it as the gallon Scout let us my brother seemed to follow me seeing me leave as he began to speak.

" where we going brother?"

I start to hum to myself quietly as I made my way I decided to speak to my brother.

" quite simple brother we're heading to a place where we can set up our base camp. because after all we do need somewhere to sleep though I do need to tell you quite a bit of things about what will occur when we sleep."

my brother nodded his head as he looked at me with rapt attention.

" when we sleep we will appear in a strange place a dream like place where when we level up there will be a book which will contain all the options we could get from our classes by leveling up and that book is the closest thing we'll get to a system panel. Oh and before I forget every class has an advanced class ours is going to be no different but they are created by the black and white beings. but anyway besides that it in this dream like place that will be able to see how far we are from leveling up. but don't think we'll be able to see our status because we won't be able to. but we will be able to see how far our skills and abilities are from leveling up. and once again when those skills or abilities hit maximum level which is level 10 that skill or ability will evolve and we will be able to pick exactly which Evolution we want in that dream like place. but for now I will just refer to that place as the dream Nexus."

as I was explaining this my brother paid attention to me I then look to the rest of my Undead and began to speak.

" And what you all to go out and eliminate as many groups of undead as you can and bring me their bodies."

the other end began to move as I commanded out after a few minutes of walking we arrived in front of a cave we seem to have come across a small encampment of goblins about 40 of them to be precise I started to think to myself.

" well I didn't specify I had to be an unoccupied cave Oh well just means me and my brother will gain even more experience which will be extremely useful."

I looked over to my brother who had his hands tightly gripping his hammer. I couldn't help but chuckle as I speak to him.

" go ahead and kill them just make sure you don't destroy their head otherwise I can't turn them into minions."

I said this as I unshaved my Katana from its Scabbard. I decided to charge in with my brother for once instead of taking the air superiority of course I use life Tedder to put 10 links from 10 different goblins to my brother and the remaining 10 I have left I can do to myself with different set of 10 goblins. quite suddenly for these creatures they were easily slaughtered from the history I got the chance to learn about while I was waiting for my brother to Die the greenskins only have a kingdom because they breed like rabbits and overwhelmed their enemies with numbers typically very rarely do they do any type of legitimate military tactics besides keep throwing bodies at the enemy until they die. either from exhaustion or the latest wave actually done them in. sadly for the goblins they are the most physically frail out of all of them. typically a goblin becomes some sort of assassin or Shaman or they will evolve into a hobgoblin or bug bear to be more useful infantry troops. as I snap myself out of these thoughts I noticed one of the Goblins had a staff goblins had a natural Affinity towards Magic it's a reason why they have Evolutions towards be using Magic. I quickly launched in air slash at that pacific Goblin and within a blink of an eye that Goblin dropped dead when a goblin cancer enters the battlefield you should only do the casters because they are the easiest to kill and are practically easy XP. and then re diverted my attention back to the rest of the goblins and I already had noticed that my brother had already killed 3/4 of them I quickly increase my pace and soon we had killed all the Goblin. I am mainly pulled my lantern from my hip and began using raise dead.

I started getting flooded with notifications but I ended up with 6 Undead Goblin assassins 14 Undead Goblin Warriors 10 undead goblin Rangers one undead goblin fire-caller and the remaining 9 we're Undead Goblin Scouts.

I couldn't help but smile at this because now we finally have another caster. though I am a slightly disappointed that it's a fire-caller I wasn't hating on the fire School of magic. it's just I was hoping for something a bit more different since my brother had fire breath but we are magical attacks were more diverse but I won't complain of having another Caster in the group.

I then hitched my Lantern back onto my hip. as I walked around the cave I was mainly looking around to figure out how big the cake was. because this will play a part if we stay here for long driven maybe a few weeks. because the more defensible it is the easier would be for us to live here in case someone tries to attack us. my brother approached me and started to ask me a question.

" brother should we try and sleep now?"

I put a finger to my chin as I start to think about it after about a minute of thinking I decided yes. I looked at my brother and nodded my head calmly.

" all Undead stand guard and wake me up in maybe 4 hours or if the rest of your Undead here and for the Scout that led us here go out and bring the rest of the troops here."

I saw one of the Undead Goblins Scouts ran out of the cave I started making my way towards one of the makeshift events which was just a pile of hay and laid down on it I started to think about how much until my raise dead levels up or has it already leveled up. as I started to fall asleep my Consciousness nearly infinite blacks out as soon found myself in the middle of a ruined Castle I figured this was the dream Nexus or perhaps my own version of it I started to walk around the Nexus. as I was looking around I noticed there were two books on a table right in front of a pillar that looks like it's made of pure obsidian would seem to be a mixture of black and purple.

As I approach I look at the two books one is called level up and the other is called ability level up After I touch the ability level up I received a notification.

" Congratulations raised dead has lowered up to level four. the benefits received are monocost has been reduced from 25 to 10 and Undead created have an increase by 10% of Maximum HP."

I'm not in my head at this because it was a pretty good increase in this ability strength. then I touched the remaining book as it disappeared I received another notification.

" congratulations you have leveled up from Level 1 to level 4 benefits are increase in HP MP stamina and stats."

I was shocked I went from level one to level four but I appreciated this. I start to notice the ruin Castle was shaking I noticed what seemed to be bricks seeming to latch on to the broken parts of the buildings repairing it a little bit not enough to say it's full of restored but enough to say it's definitely improved. which made me think that the stronger I become the more refined unless destroyed this Castle will look like. I then noticed I was hearing a voice as I turn my head I saw a portal where my brother fell through. he stood up and looked at me with a smile.

" well big brother I think we share this Nexus thingy oh and I leveled up to level four but sadly only two of my abilities leveled up Whirlwind and charge but they only increase to level two what about you."

I smiled as I nodded my head as I decided to speak to my brother if it was true that we shared the same Nexus then perhaps this place has a significant importance to the world or at least to me and my brother. perhaps there been other people sent to this world before and those two figures created this place to facilitate those people and we're just the latest additions to walk this place.

" well little brother just like you I leveled up to level four but my raise dead spell has increased to level 4."

my brother nodded his head he probably understood why my spell went up so quickly since I've been practically constantly using it all day. I noticed after a few minutes of my brother looking around that a new book appeared on the table near me it had written on it level up I'm assuming my Undead have killed a lot of enemies to gain me another level as I touched the book I received a notification.

" congratulations you have leveled up from Level 4 to level five benefits received increase HP MP and stats."

what's that notification I assumed that my stamina will not always increase when I level up considering I am mainly a support that makes sense. I noticed I was starting to wake up and my brother did as well after us waiting for a few seconds I blacked out and appear in the waking world. as I was looking around I noticed I had a massive sea of Undead waiting outside of the cave. I then realized I had 131 Undead minions I unconsciously wondered if there was a limit to how many minions I could create. I've been looked over to a pile of bodies mostly zombie bodies but there were three orts in the pile I'm assuming my Undead encountered the Orcs who try to attack them

but there were about 50 zombie bodies I use my Lantern again to use raise dead. with that my 131 minions became 184. I didn't notice the Orcs were three different classes besides the one Berserker that I originally had in my Army.

" congratulations you have created Undead orc Shield Bearer."

" congratulations you have created Undead orc shaman medic."

" congratulations you created an undead orc Guardian"

after I receive those notifications I noticed that all of the undead were lining up and what would be considered a military assembly I noticed the three new work Undead had all their equipment still was equipped to their bodies the undead Guardian seem to be a very heavy tank with practically no offensive capabilities. well the shield Bearer in the terms of an RPG probably would be an off tank meant to only take over when the tank needs to back up and heal. the medic probably was their healer though I don't know if healing magic will work on an undead.

I spoke loud and proud as I looked over my assembled undead.

" all right I want all of you to cause as much destruction as death as possible if you find a village gather up all together and make sure to bring me and my brother to that location so we all may attack it"

all of the undead of mainly follow orders and heading out me and my brother started walking out towards the mountain nearby to see if we can find any decent enemies to fight.