
Flirting With Fate: A sudden tryst

[ Mature Content. ] Daniel Sy, a wealthy playboy who has a one-night stand with a young woman named Aaliyah Mendoza. What was meant to be a fleeting encounter leaves Aaliyah with unexpected consequences and a life of hardship. Three years later, when fate brings them together again, Daniel discovers a shocking secret that Aaliyah has been keeping from him. As he tries to help her, his cousin falls in love with the young woman, leading to a dangerous love triangle that threatens to tear them all apart. This passionate and suspenseful tale explores the complexities of love, family, and secrets in a world where money and status can't buy happiness.

mskyot_11 · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 9

Aaliyah's Pov

When I entered our office, some of ny colleagues was whispering, talking about something on their cellphones. I'm used to them being like that because even me, they gossiping about me face to face.

I just ignored them and do my work.

Omg they are a thing!

Yes they are! It must have been a lavish engagement party! There must be many artists who will attend!

Yes! I am excited!

Ms. Trixie is so beautiful! That's why I saw her go to sir Daniel's office several times!

Yes, I heard about it too! Rose said in the past that Ms. Trixie was all sly with sir!

Not only that, she said that trixie was often at sir's condo!

I am not a gossiper, but because of their rather loud conversation, I heard their topic. Suddenly my chest heaved.

I quickly opened my cellphone and went straight to social media, then the number one trending and hot topic of the day appeared to me.

Daniel Sy And Trixie Chua Engagement Party

Then many photos of them together appeared, some in a cafe , in a restaurant, in a condo, and mall. It is also written here that they have been dating for a long time and now they are getting married and the date when they will get married is also written.

I can't explain how I feel about this time. My heart hurts so much. It's heavy. I wanted to cry and release the pain but I stopped because I was in the office. I hide my cellphone. I calmed myself down.

I know I have no right to be hurt like this because we only have a child. And what do I expect? After almost four years, is he still single? Wrong. Why didn't I think that there could be another woman in his life, even when something happened to us before, did I know if he was single because we only met once.

I'm a fool. What did I expect?!

Almost until Liam grows up, I still think about him? Fuck.

I'm angry with myself. Why does my heart hurt so much like this?! I want to slap myself to wake up to the truth.


'Are you okay?' Vince asked me who was waiting near our office.

'Yes' I answered him sluggishly.

'Coffee?' He asked

'No. Is it beer?' I told him.

'Deal. Let's go' he said smiling at me. We walked to the elevator.

I was thankful that vince was there. I don't expect that I will need him in this moment..

I texted mom that I can't come home early because Vince and I are going somewhere. He understood and one more thing, I'm not a teenage girl like before that won't be allowed.

I need beer right now. I'm thirsty.

We quickly arrived at a place that was quite classy and only rich people seemed to go here. At the very end is my chosen seat. The bar is nice because there is a live band that doesn't sing rock songs. It's love songs and their vocalist's voice is so beautiful.

'Just beer for you?' I didn't notice that Vince was already ordering our drinks.

'Ah yes' I told him and mentioned the beer I was drinking to the waiter.

The service was fast so Vince's order was also delivered to our table quickly. Beer for me, whiskey for him. He also ordered some foods.

As I drank my beer, I looked at Vince. He's staring at me as if he wants to say something, or ask a question, but he prefers to remain silent, which is what I like about him more. My best friend Lyca is the same.

They knew the problem, but because that problem is the cause of my heartache, they prefers not to talk about it.

'Why?' He asked with a smile. He must have noticed that I was looking at him for a long time.

'Nah. You're handsome' I jokingly told him and we laughed together. He is used to the jokes between the two of us. We are used to each other. But it's true that he's really handsome. I think it's run in the genes of the Sy family.

It turned out that I had nine bottles without realizing it. I only noticed when the waiter was removing the bottles from our table.

'Ah, bring us another round please' I said to the waiter before he turned his back on us.

'That's enough, you're not used to drinking.' Vince said to me.

'No it's okay' I said and smiled at him. I feel like I'm a little drunk, but that's okay. I like the way I feel now than earlier.

'No, we're okay. I'll call you later' he said to the waiter.

'No. One more round' I insisted. The waiter was confused but of course I still won.


Vince Pov

I don't know what to feel when I see her like this. It's just that I'm not used to her being like this. When we're hanging out together, she's always smiling. A genuine one. But today she's not. She's smiling but a fake one.

I didn't argue with her no matter how many times he repeated the order of her beer.

Fuck. I know, why is she like this? But I don't want to ask anything. It might just be hurt her more if it comes directly from her.

Yes I admit. I really like her, since day one. And I didn't fucking know that my cousin and I had a complicated story. At first I don't want to believe because it's impossible. But I thought, they only had a child. And even though she was just a story with us before, we know Daniel kept her in his heart for long. I know that.

And for Aaliyah I thought that she didn't feel the same.

But now, seeing her being miserable right now because of him. It's fucking killing me. My heart aches so much. I don't want her to be like this.

'Vince. W-why don't you drink anymore?' she asked me. She's drunk already. I have to take her home

I stood up.

'Come on, I'll take you' I said while grabbing her arms.

'No. A--I don't want!' she said angrily. She took her arm back from me. I just let her.

'Vince?' she called me while staring at me blankly.

'Yes?' I answered her.

'sit here' she said while pouting. She's tapping the space next to her.

It was a long time before I followed her.

Hearing her voice calling my name like that, It makes me feel so happy.

'Maybe your mom, and grandma will worry. Let's go home' I said to her.

She still hasn't taken her eyes off me.

'Why?' I consciously asked.

'Kiss me' he said seriously.

I frowned.

'What?! Please don't be like this' I said to her. I really liked what she's asking but I know she's drunk.

'I said kiss me!' Her voice has authority.

Vince just calm down. She's not in her self.

'Please' she said. I don't know why but my hand moved on its own, I held her face, and kissed her.

It's not our first time but right now, she's responding while her hands in my neck. She's very aggressive.

I was surprised by her kisses.

Our kiss went deep like we're the only people here in the bar. It's a good thing we're at the end and it's dark everywhere.

I'm not drunk because I didn't really drink too much earlier because I knew I was going to drive. But right now I'm getting drunk because of her.

We both stopped for a moment, but I was surprised when she herself kissed me again.


She's getting wild. I didn't know she had this side. Now I know why Daniel can't forget her.

Her hands caressing all over my back.


Someone's POV

Vince can't control his feelings anymore. He knows why Aaliyah is acting like this with alcohol, but he can't stop himself, especially since Aaliyah is the one who asked for it.

The simple kiss earlier, now deeper and deeper. Aaliyah's hands roamed all over Vince's body.

Aaliyah became more and more passionate, she brought herself closer to the young man and locked his neck in her arms.

Vince could no longer hold back the sensation.

The young man pulled away for a moment and stood up. Aaliyah's face was dissapointed when their lips parted.

'Not here' begged vince seriously.

He saw Aaliyah's childlike face as if she didn't buy the desired toy. You can see the disappointment on her face.

He took Aaliyah's arm and pulled it. They walked away, until they could no longer hear the noise of the live band.

They went up the stairs, until they reached many doors.

'This way sir' A waiter pointed them to a door with a VIP room.

When they entered Vince was surprised by what Aaliyah did. When Vince locked the door, he immediately presented it to him and started a passionate kiss again.

Aaliyah is so wild. Vince feels different. He likes Aaliyah's behavior but he is afraid of what could happen to them.

Aaliyah's kiss earlier moved to her neck until he felt her unbuttoning his clothes. When Aaliyah finally took off his clothes, she kissed her chest, shoulders, and neck indiscriminately.

'Fuck' Vince whispered softly to Aaliyah.

She's being wild and careless. Vince couldn't help himself.

He gently pulled back Aaliyah's head and then kissed her more passionately which she liked. They sat together on a very soft couch in the VIP room. Their lips did not part.

He felt Aaliyah's hand crawl into his pants and tried to remove the button but he stopped her hand.

That's wrong. He suddenly woke up to the truth. Aaliyah is out of her mind. She doesn't want to regret it in the end of the girl he likes. The respect for it still prevailed in him.

Aaliyah stopped and looked at him.

'Let's go home' Vince said then stood up.

'Let's go' Vince said and quickly put on his clothes before going out.

Aaliyah washed her face and leaned on the couch.

'Shit. What am I doing?!' She whispered to herself.


Aaliyah's Pov

Vince and I didnt talked the whole time until he dropped me off our house.

'Sorry' I said softly to him before I got out of his car.

'No. I'm sorry' I was stunned when he opened his car door. I turned to him but he wasn't looking at me.

'It's not your fault. Drive safe' I said and got out of the car. I waited for his car to leave before I finally went inside.


'What time is it? You always come home at this late hour with a sick child?' I stopped walking when I heard the familiar voice.

I turned to him. He is sitting on the bench here in the veranda of the house. Why didn't I notice his car outside earlier?

'Where have you been?' He asked. This time, he stood up and approached me. I averted my gaze from him.

'It's none of your business.' I just said it because I didn't like the first thing he said.

'It's my bussiness because you are Liam's mother' he said.

'Yes. I'm just Liam's mother. And don't you worry, I know what I'm doing. For the past three more years the child grew up well, I did not fail. I don't even know where he got that fucking sick of him but it wasn't because of my negligence. Don't you ever question me being a mother to liam.' I answered him. I am mad. My brain was hit by alcohol so I let out what was inside me. Add to that that I am disgusted with myself today.

Me getting hurt because of him!

And almost make out with vince!


'I know, I didn't say it was your fault that Liam was sick, I didn't say anything that you were careless. What I'm trying to say, what time is it? You shouldn't be coming home at this time' he calmed down a bit. What does he care about? Who is he in my life.

'So what do you want to happen? I'll say sorry for being late? Who are you? What are you to me? You're just Liam's father' I told him firmly. I don't know where I got the courage to talk to him like this.

I tried to turn around. I don't want to talk to him anymore because what else can I say to him.

'What's your problem?' I heard him say.

'What's wrong with you?' I asked him back. We're staring at each other and almost no one looks away.

'What's your relationship with Vince?' He asked directly.

'Why are you asking? Did I ask you about your fucking future wife?' I also answered him directly.

'Why don't you ask?' He said

'I don't want!!!' I answered him.

'Why?' -him

'I just don't want. I have no right to interfere in your personal life' I said and looked away from him.

'Did you ever think of me before?' He said weakly. I looked at him.

Did I hear him right?

I swallowed.

'Your always on my mind' He said. I don't know but I don't know how to react, for what he says.

'Answer me.' He said and came closer to me.

'Can you please stop?' I'm a little teary eyed. I was confused by him. He is getting married, and he has a girlfriend! Why is he doing this to me!

'Why?! I need to know! Did you ever think of me?!' He repeated his question while holding both of my arms. He's being emotional too.

'No.' I lied to him even though the truth is that I missed him too much.

He slowly removed his hands and dropped his shoulders, moving away from me.

'Okay, fine. That's all I need to know' he said while nodding.

'I'll go ahead.' He said the last thing and turned his back on me and left.

My two knees suddenly went weak.

The second time, I became weak again. For the second time, I pushed him away like the first time we met again.

Tears fell from my eyes.

Why is that, it's always painful to push him away! Guess why this is! I'm such a coward! I couldn't admit to him that every day I wished I could see him again, and I dreamed several times that when I saw him, I would hug him tightly, kiss him like before, and never let go of his hand!

Why now!!! It's a mess!!

I sat down on the bench and covered my face with both hands. I let out everything I was feeling earlier, including the tears that were falling spontaneously from my eyes.

I feel so heavy at the moment, I want to chase him and tell him my true feelings, but my cowardice prevails.



'aaliyah, are you awake? There is someone outside. Looking for you.' I heard grandma say outside my room.

'Yes grandma, I'm coming down.' I just said because I'm done with everything and will go to work.

'Oh okay. She is sitting in the garden and doesn't want to go in,' added grandma.

I'm suddenly curious.

Who is she? If it's Daniel and Lyca will go up suddenly here. As for Vince, he will come in because he will be ashamed of grandma and mom. It's because he's afraid to say no, especially to mom.

I suddenly thought.

I took my bag and left the room. I went to Liam first to kiss him and say goodbye. That's our routine when I come to work. I can't not say goodbye to him. This is also where grandma made him have breakfast upstairs after sunbathing at seven o'clock. It's not allowed for him to be too tired because of his illness so going up and down the stairs will not allowed with him.

After I said goodbye to Liam, I went down.

'Hurry up, she was standing there a while ago, and she looks an artist!' my mother whispered to me.

'Alright mom, I'll just go and eat later' I said to mom.

'Sister, I signed an autograph with your guest artist. It's cool.! Imagine that Caroline of (There will be tomorrow) went here! It's going to be on TV now' my sister said excitedly.

Who's actor is she? It's surprising. I don't have a famous actor friends?!

I put my bag on the couch and headed to my guest at this time. And what??! An actor?! Maybe she just got lost.

When I came out, I immediately saw the back of a woman.

A sophisticated woman, and I think she is quite old..

'Good morning' I greeted her. She slowly turned around and then I saw her beautiful face.


Amelia Ramos. I know that artist! I suddenly smiled because I know her, I can watch her play as the mother of the stars in the show!

Hey, is it really true? Is she really here at our house?!

'Good morning' she greeted with a smile. Wow, it looks even better! I'm really starstruck.


'wow ma'am? Please sit down. What can I do for you? Do you know me? Is it really true?! Are you really madam Amelia Ramos? I'm your fan!' I happily told her while still covering my lips with my hands. I really can't believe that one of the famous artists is in front of me now.

'Yes I am. Amelia Ramos Sy. I'm Daniel's mom' She said while smiling.

But what? M--ommy of Daniel??!

The joy I had earlier, gradually disappeared and then was replaced by nervousness.


To be continued