
Flirting With Fate: A sudden tryst

[ Mature Content. ] Daniel Sy, a wealthy playboy who has a one-night stand with a young woman named Aaliyah Mendoza. What was meant to be a fleeting encounter leaves Aaliyah with unexpected consequences and a life of hardship. Three years later, when fate brings them together again, Daniel discovers a shocking secret that Aaliyah has been keeping from him. As he tries to help her, his cousin falls in love with the young woman, leading to a dangerous love triangle that threatens to tear them all apart. This passionate and suspenseful tale explores the complexities of love, family, and secrets in a world where money and status can't buy happiness.

mskyot_11 · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 8

Someone's POV

Daniel entered the office early today. His heart was happy with everything that happened. Becoming a father is not yet in his mind but knowing that he already has a child and with a woman that he has hidden in his heart and mind for a long time.

He feels so much joy at this moment and promised himself to get back to his mother and son, that's why he started with their future house.

One of his properties that he immediately put in Aaliyah's name.

He was currently in the car going to the office when his cellphone rang. But he shook when he saw the caller.

It's Trixie.

He remembered one of his pastimes. It's been a week since he called her but because he was busy taking care of the house he gave to Aaliyah, he didn't have time for other things.

When he didn't answer the call, a text came.

'What happened?! I miss you so much. Why don't you answer my call?' Text from Trixie.

'Tss' was all he said and put his cellphone in his pocket. In an instant, he suddenly lost his appetite because of this woman.

He got out of the car and walked directly inside their company followed by his driver. Some of his assistants immediately met him at the main entrance.

Everyone who met him paid respect, while others just stared at his good looks.

He was about to go to the VIP elevator when he suddenly saw Aaliyah waiting in the elevator.

But he noticed that she was talking to someone. He thought to approach her and then he noticed that it was his cousin who was talking to her and she was smiling.

He felt bad. His mood suddenly changed during this moment. He remembered Nik's story to him that Aaliyah was the girl they were talking about last time. That the girl Vince likes is exactly Aaliyah, the mother of his child.

He's irritated right now.

'Vince' he said as he approached the two but his eyes were only on Aaliyah.

'Hey. Good morning.' Vince said.

'Yeah' he nodded his answer to this.

'Why are you here? There is a VIP elevator' he asked his cousin.

Meanwhile, Aaliyah bowed slightly and faced the elevator because she was surprised that Daniel was here. He doesn't even want to talk to her because others might talk about her again and what will they think about her.

'Ah, yeah I bumped into her, I just said hi.' Vince explained and pointed out that Aaliyah was not looking at them now because other employees were looking at them from somewhere and was surprised to see them here in the public elevator.

He looked at Aaliyah. She really had no intention of paying attention to him, the CEO.

'Let's go' Vince said to his cousin when the elevator suddenly opened.

Aaliyah moved to the side because she intended to warn her bosses because in her mind she was just an employee.

Daniel entered the elevator without taking his eyes off Aaliyah. She was surprised by this and she couldn't even look at him, while when she came to Vince earlier, she was comfortably smiling.

Daniel is annoyed.

Aaliyah entered with some of the employees who were also going up to their office.

Until Aaliyah entered her office floor, she didn't even look at him.


Aaliyah's Pov

It was almost lunch time when our supervisor suddenly took me up to the CEO's office. At first I didn't know why but I felt that Daniel was going to tell me about a personal matter. I wish he had at least postponed it because I don't want anyone to know that we met here at the office. I like to work quietly without others talking about it.


His secretary was not there when I arrived at his office. I knocked twice.

'Come in' I heard him say from inside.

I slowly opened the door and entered.

He was standing and leaning on his table while taking a nap. He was looking directly at me with no reaction. What's wrong with this man.

'Ahh good morning. Do you need anything?' I said politely because we are in his office. And he's my boss. I need to respect him'

'What's your problem??' He asked seriously.

'what?' I said. I frowned. Him? What's his problem too..

'Am I wind or something to you?' He asked.

I don't understand him.

'I don't understand,' I told him.

'I know you said that you don't want to know anything else here that we know each other, but that doesn't mean you hardly pay attention to me, but for Vince you have an ear-to-ear smile!' he said seriously.

I was stunned. Ah, that's it. Because I didn't even look at him, then he saw Vince and I talking earlier.

' A-ah, that's stupid, I'm sorry because I suddenly felt lost when you came. But maybe that's better than talking and smiling with the CEO of this company 'I just told him.

'But Vince can?' He asked.

Come on. What's the problem with that one?

'It's not like that, but many people already know that we know each other, even before I joined the company' I told him.

'Fine. You may go now.' He said to me irritably and walked to his seat. He sat down and held paper works and I didn't look at him again.

Is he jealous of Vince?

Sadly, I turned my back and was about to leave when the door to his office suddenly opened and a sophisticated and beautiful woman spat out. She looked at me but only for a moment.

'Why didn't you answer my calls? How busy are you to ignore me like this? I miss you' he asked Daniel a little seriously but smiling. She sat on the couch.

I felt like I was nailed to where I was. I just looked at the girl. Only then did I realize that I was about to leave when I saw Daniel looking at me.

'I'll go ahead now..' I said and quickly went out and closed the door.

I pressed the elevator button down.

The strength of my chest beating. What is this?! What am I feeling?! Why does my heart suddenly ache?


Go home. I was dumb all day and couldn't work properly. I don't know why I felt like this when I saw that woman in Daniel's office.

Who is she? A wife? Daniel's girlfriend? I was too busy with other things and I didn't even think that Daniel might have a wife or a girlfriend because more than four years have passed.

'Let's go?' Vince greeted me with a smile as I left the building. He didn't realize that I was out because I was thinking too much.

'Okay' I said smiling and we walked together to his car.

While he was driving, I thought of asking him about Daniel because they are friends and cousins.

'I had something to ask vince' I asked him. He turned around for a moment.

'Yes, of course' he said with a smile and looked again at the front of the road.

'I was just going to ask if Mr. She has a girlfriend or a wife.' I asked, so he turned to me.

'Why did you ask?' He asked again. He didn't even answer directly. Maybe my suspicions are right.

'I'm just curious, I'm supposed to know because he's my son's father, so I'm aware just in case, right?' I answered him.

'I don't think I can answer that. Didn't he mention anything to you?' He asked.

'No' I just said. Based on his answers he knows but he chose not to say anything because it's something personal about Daniel. And I can't blame him for not telling me. The important thing is to know. Whether girlfriend or husband, I need to distance myself from him.

But why is that, I suddenly feel sad that I don't understand.


'Did you eat a lot of it?' Grandma asked Vince. I introduced Vince to them and they knew he was Daniel's cousin and one of my bosses.

'Yes, grandma, thank you. The food is so delicious.' Vince said politely to grandma. Mom was already busy upstairs after we ate because she had a video call, maybe her new boyfriend. My mother has been a widow so she is single and ready to mingle.


'Oh, I'll go up first, to Liam's room, take care of your guest first' said grandma.

'Bye, uncle Vince' Liam said to Vince with a smile.

' Sleep well, nice to meet you liam' -vince

Even on the stairs, liam is still waving at Vince and Vince does the same to him.

'He's so cute.' Vince said smiling.

'I hope he gets better so he can go to school' I told him. He was still smiling while looking up.

'Let's go to the garden and have a drink' I said and pulled him to the garden. There's a coffee table there and it's airy so it's nice to drink.


'You stay there, I'll just get a drink and some honey' I said to him and went to the kitchen.

Just a few minutes later, I was able to return immediately with our drink and fruit. But I was surprised that he was with someone. Lyca, Nik and Daniel are here.

'We were already on our way here when you called that Vince was here.' Lyca said. Because I called him earlier and said that Vince is coming to visit and we might have a drink.

'Hi Aaliyah'- Nik greeted me with a smile.

I looked at Daniel. Both of our eyes met but I immediately avoided it. I shouldn't talk to him and pay attention to him if it's not about Liam.

'Liam?' He asked.

'hes upstairs to his room. Grandma just brought him there he was still awake, I brought him milk just now' I answered him. I will act normal as if nothing happened. I shouldn't affect by him.

'I'm just going to see Liam' He said and went inside.

'Let's order some food?' Vince said.

I can only shake my head at them.

Tease here, tease there, they are fun to be with. Especially Nik is ready to tell a different story, then it's just a joke. No wonder why Lyca likes her so much.

We've all had three beers each, the food that Vince ordered has arrived but Daniel hasn't come down yet.

'I'm just going to get some ice inside' I said to them while taking our bag of ice and then I went inside.


I was about to go back outside when I saw Daniel. He is going down the stairs. He blankly stared at me. I stopped for a moment but I chose to go straight outside.

'Are you avoiding me?' He asked. I stopped. But I didn't look at him.

'I thought we couldn't pay attention at the office? Is it also here?' He asked again.

I couldn't answer.

Yes, he is right. Just at work. But since we don't have anything to talk about, I'm doing the right thing, so I don't step on someone else's feet just in case. I have to put myself out in a bad situation just in case.

'Is there something we should talk about? Maybe it's better if we just talk about our son. But since you have a girlfriend or wife, maybe it's better to distance ourselves from each other' I said turning my back to him. Maybe it was because of the alcohol that I got the courage to say what was on my mind, shit. There's no brake on this mouth


'What?' He asked while frowning.

'What are you talking about?' He asked again.

'Is it because of Trixie? The woman in my office earlier?' - Daniel

'Yes.' My short answer.

'Are you jealous?' He asked.

'H--huh?! no no! And why should I be jealous? I don't have the right' I suddenly stuttered at his question. I feel like my whole face is red. It's annoying. He caught me off guard.

'. You like Vince?' He asked again.

'We're just friends. I'll go back outside.' I said and rushed out to escape him..


Am I jealous?!


Am I jealous?

I sigh..


Someone's POV

'Thank you Trixie. Let's have dinner at home okay' said Amelia Sy, Daniel's mom to Trixie.

Trixie is now in front of her while drinking coffee in the living room of their mansion.

She called her friend's daughter because she has decided to set up of the engagement party date with his son Daniel, which he has been telling his son for a long time.

'Yes aunty. Thank you for inviting me today' Trixie replied with a smile..

'I also called a publisher friend of mine, I already sent your picture together. Maybe tomorrow they will publish that with engagement caption' said the lady to the girl.

'Wow, really aunty? Thank you so much aunty, the girl is very happy.

No one can stop Daniel's mother from marrying her son to Trixie.

She found out what was happening to her son today and she was angry to know that her only son had a child with a poor woman. She also found out that Daniel transferred one of his properties to that woman. She knows everything, even the child's illness. She was updated on everything that was happening to Daniel.

She couldn't believe it at first, so she ordered the secret DNA test on the child and Daniel but ninety nine percent came out so she just accepted that she is completely a grandmother but until that's all. She can't allow a scumbag woman to use her son to get what that woman wants from her son!


Since the Sy family is a famous and influential family, the news that the CEO of the Sy company . Along with a photo of Daniel and Trixie together while entering Daniel's condo. Many pictures of them spread because Trixie is also the daughter of a famous actress, and a politician which is why their engagement party was really talked about a lot. There are also different pictures that Trixie herself took from inside Daniel's condo when the young man brought her there several times.

The whole Sy company is talking about Daniel and Trixie's engagement.


'Mom!, Why'd you have to publish that engagement without telling me?' Daniel was shocked to see that he was getting married all over social media, so he quickly went to their mansion. He doesn't come home here much anymore because he often stays at his condo.

'And why didn't you tell me that you had a son with that girl?' He asked her in return.

'Mom please. Can you unpublish that? It's not going to happen anyway!' Daniel insisted

'And why?! I know that things have happened to you and Trixie several times. How many times have you dated? I know you like her! She's a decent woman! Stop being so stubborn, Daniel, we've talked about this a few times. I don't want to know whose girl you are linked to. Trixie is the girl I want for you!' Amelia shouted at her son.

'No mom!. I don't like her!' was Daniel's only answer to his mother while turning away.

'Where are you going?!'- Amelia

'Daniel come back here!!'

'Daniel! Come back here!' she shouted several times behind her son who gradually disappeared from her sight.

The lady was holding her head as she was angry. In her mind, she will not let her son be with that scum bag woman.

Her son's engagement with Trixie will continue no matter what happens.


Meanwhile, Aaliyah does not know how she will feel while reading and looking at the photos posted on social media one by one.

She didn't know but there was a pain in her heart. Tears welled up in her eyes. She went to the comfort room of their office.

And as soon as she closed the door, that's when tears started to fall from her eyes. Tears that she didn't know where they came from. A feeling that she couldn't explain to herself why she reacted like that when she saw the news.

She only thought of one thing.

She is hurt.


To be continued