
Flirting With Fate: A sudden tryst

[ Mature Content. ] Daniel Sy, a wealthy playboy who has a one-night stand with a young woman named Aaliyah Mendoza. What was meant to be a fleeting encounter leaves Aaliyah with unexpected consequences and a life of hardship. Three years later, when fate brings them together again, Daniel discovers a shocking secret that Aaliyah has been keeping from him. As he tries to help her, his cousin falls in love with the young woman, leading to a dangerous love triangle that threatens to tear them all apart. This passionate and suspenseful tale explores the complexities of love, family, and secrets in a world where money and status can't buy happiness.

mskyot_11 · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 10

Aaliyah's Pov

'Yes I am. Amelia Ramos Sy. I'am Daniel's mom' She said while smiling.

I felt like I was nailed to where I was standing.

'A--ah ma'am, what can I help---'

'I will not take any longer. I'm too busy. I just want you to know, that my son and Trixie are going to get married. You probably heard about it because it's all over the social media. I just want to tell you personally, because I know that he has a child with you, and I know it's just a one night stand. I don't mind that. I want to ask you now, will their engagement party have a problem? We already announced it. His Dad and me, we don't want to be embarrassed. You probably know what I mean, as you used to be magna cum laude? Before' She seriously said to me

The smiles on my lips completely disappeared.

'you have nothing to worry about madam. No one is intervening with your son. And you are right. It was just an accident that we had a child.' I politely told her. I couldn't believe what I heard. And from her? Herself. To Daniel's mother?!

'Good. That's all. I'll go ahead now' she said smiling and quickly turned around and walked out.

I was left stunned as I looked outside our gate where Daniel's mom came out. I didn't expect that.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

I couldn't stop it, I cried all the way. But I suddenly wiped it when I saw my best friend.

'Why?!' she asked anxiously when she get close to me.

'Who is the girl who left earlier? She seems familiar. Is that the reason why your crying?' she asked again but I couldn't speak. I just cried all over.


'Are you alright?' Vince asked me when he entered my best friend's condo. Lyca brought me here first because I can't show my swollen eyes right now. I was still crying since last night, that's why the swelling of my eyes is obvious.

'Im okay' I said while drinking coffee. It's already 3pm in the afternoon I just woke up. Vince called me the other day but I didn't answer. I didn't come to work today.

'Vince's juice first' Lyca said while putting down the juice she made for Vince.

'Thanks' Vince said to her. Lyca told him that I was in the condo. He called Lyca earlier when he couldn't contact me.

'Do you feel bad? You're pale' Si vince.

'No. i'm okay I just need to rest' I said smiling to him. You can see the concern in his eyes.

'Daniel's mom, Ms. Amelia Ramos went to their house. She warned her about her son's engagement. She doesn't want Aaliyah to ruin her son's marriage.' Lyca explained. I made a face at Lyca telling me not to say anything but it was too late.

'I'm sorry for what she did.' Vince said sadly. I remembered that it was her aunt because she and Daniel are cousins.

'What's wrong, it's not your fault' Lyca answered. I'm just quiet. I'm not in the mood to talk right now, especially since I'm thinking about what happened with Vince last night.

That's almost it. T__T

'Daniel needs to know this. It might happen again. I know auntie Amelia.' -Vince

'No please. Let's not bother Daniel anymore. As long as I don't go near him, His mom won't go again' I told Vince because I don't want to make it worse.

'But Vince's told me that Daniel's mom is dangerous. Earlier, when we left your house, there was a car following us, but I only lost them my way. And that's not the first time, it happened last time, and there's always the same car hanging around a little far from your house. That's why I feel different, I'm just ignoring it because maybe I'm wrong but this time I know' Lyca said worriedly. I looked at them both. The worry on their faces was obvious.

'Why are they following me?' I asked confused.

'I know Aunt Amelia's background check. And I know that he knows everything that happened to you and Daniel, even Liam. Right now she's trying to secure the engagement party. And to make sure that it won't be destroyed, she warned you.' Vince said. I was suddenly afraid of what they were saying.

'I think you should stay here in the condo first' said Lyca. I suddenly remembered Liam.

'Maybe it would be better if you were here .' -vince

'But what about Liam? And my job?' I told them. I'm a little confused about what's going on.

Maybe she won't hurt her grandchild...


Someone's POV

It's now the third day and two days that Aaliyah hasn't come to work and Daniel is suddenly worried so he went to her office himself.

'Ah, sir?, She submitted a resignation letter, she went up to Sir Vince's office yesterday.' It's Aaliyah's supervisor the headed to the administrative office.

'Okay. Thanks' he answered. He was surprised to find out. He knew that Aaliyah wanted to work so he was surprised by her sudden resignation.

He left Aaliyah's office irritated. He thought of visiting her at her home.


He arrived quickly but Aaliyah was not at home.

'Iho, juice first' Aaliyah's grandmother put down the juice she made for her.

'Thank you, can I please know why Aaliyah is not coming home even in her work, is there a problem?' He politely asked the old woman.

'Her best friend Lyca is with her. Well, I don't understand them, why one day suddenly my granddaughter won't come home. her friend got some things here and Aaliyah just made a video call to Liam everyday. I don't understand what's going on with them..,' the old woman said to him.

'Is that so? Ah grandma, can I go see my son upstairs' he politely said goodbye to the old woman.

The old woman nod and smile at him.

He quickly climbed up to visit his son upstairs.


It took a few hours before he finally said goodbye to his son Liam. He said goodbye to Aaliyah's grandmother. Aaliyah's mother and her sister are not at home now because they visited their old house.

A man whispering from a distance, while leaning against the black car and looking at Aaliyah's house.

When he noticed that he was looking at him, he pretended to look away from her.

His hunch was different.

He got in the car but didn't leave immediately. He dialed on his cell phone.

Calling Nik...

'Hey, what's up?' Nik on the other line.

'Where's your girlfriend?' He asked directly at him

'Why?' Nik asked kindly on the other line even though he already knew what was going on.

'Do I have to say it again?! Tss' is his irritated answer here.

'Daniel, I love my girlfriend, and I don't want her to leave me because of this...'

'Fuck you! Tell me where the fuck is her house!!' He didn't let Nik finish speaking.

'Okay, fine. fine. I text you the address' Nik did nothing but give his girlfriend's address. He knew that his friend was serious in his tone so he can't do anything.

Meanwhile, he immediately noticed, the moment his car started, the black car from earlier also started.


Aaliyah's Pov

Ding dong!

'Bessy! There's someone outside!' I shouted to my best friend because I heard someone ring the doorbell from the guest room.

Ding dong!

It was repeated several times so I thought I should be the one to open the door because maybe Lyca fell asleep or was taking a bath.

I didn't even think to look through the door viewer to see who was outside because it might just be Vince so I opened it right away, something I regretted doing.

It's Daniel with his long face and death stare. He's staring at me blankly. I don't know, what's with his face, he seems angry.

'why are you here? H--how did you know I was here?' I stammered to him. My chest pounded when I saw his face.

Lyca's calling...

I looked at my cellphone when it suddenly rang. I wondered why Lyca was calling. I answered it immediately.

'Where are you? What's happening here?!' I asked confused when I answered his call.

'Bessy Im sorry, I think you need to talk. We made sure that no one followed Daniel when he went there. Nik and I are together so we can get home late. You need to talk to him, have some closure much better so that he is aware of what is happening. Oh, okay, bye, call me later' she explained at length as she hung up. I didn't realize that the door was closed and Daniel was already inside.

Inhale, exhale is what I did while looking at his back. He stood in the living room while observing the entirety of Lyca's condo.

'Why are you here?' I asked him.

'Why do you always have to stay away and push me? Why do you prefer to avoid me?' He asked. There is sadness and anger in his tone.

I was stunned.

'I know why your here. But you don't have to do this. Nik told me everything. Don't you trust me? Why don't you trust me? Why is it so hard for you to tell me what's going on?' He said full of sadness in his eyes.

I can't speak.

'Do I always have to know the truth from others? You don't trust me! Even just once.!' He's being emotional.

When he is like this. I think I'll give in and maybe say things I shouldn't say.

'Tell me, why don't you trust me again?! You trusted me before when we made love and it was your fucking first time, why now that we've met you can't trust me again??!' I can feel the anger in his voice. He's staring directly into my eyes.

Everything he said is true.

The next thing I knew, I was crying. He was surprise.

'Why are you crying?' He asked me worriedly and approached me. He's wiping my tears away.

'Shhhhhh, shhhhhh.. stop crying.' He comforted me and hugged me. I buried my face in his chest. I don't care if his shirt gets wet but I really wants to express all my feelings right now.

I hit her chest as I continued to cry.

Another blow as if I was taking my anger out on him.

'Why are you doing this to me?! Huhuhuhu' I said between crying. He didn't answer me, he just let me do what I was doing, and hugged me tighter.

'You're getting married! You have a girlfriend! Why do you have to do this to me?! Why did you come to see me?! What else do you want?!' I just cried while saying my feelings.

'She's not my girlfriend. I don't have a girlfriend..' he whispered to my ears.

I stopped hitting him and slowly let go of his embrace.

Did I hear it correctly?

I looked at his face but he was just looking at me seriously.

'W-what do you mean?' I asked him. I'm a little tired of crying. I was surprised by what he said.

'About the engagement, I don't know about it. it's because of my mom. And about Trixie, we dated for about a week but it didn't work out. She is the daughter of my mother's friend so she wants me to marry her' he explained.

I looked away and went a bit..

I don't know but the weight I felt earlier, suddenly disappeared in an instant.

And one more thing, it's like..

It's like I'm suddenly ashamed of the way I behaved towards him just now. Shit, Aaliyah!

'I'm sorry for what my mom did. I promise it won't happen again. But you have to promise me, if there's a problem, tell me. Can you just trust me?'

'Please?' He said then lifted my chin a little so I can face him.. His voice, he's very sincere.

Even his eyes, talking. No trace of lying. You know he's telling the truth.

He makes a face as if waiting for my answer.

But I suddenly remembered his mom. I gently removed his arm that was holding my arm and moved away from him a little bit. I'm helpless. Very difficult. I wanted to give in to him at this time but I thought, no matter what happens in our conversation today, it's still not possible.

'I promised your mom, that I won't be an obstacle in your upcoming engagement party.' I said to him sadly without looking at him.

'Forget it. Even without you, the engagement party will not happen because it's me who has the right to decide when will i get married.' He said.

Why is that, almost everything he says will calm you down. But I can't give it to him completely because I'm afraid. He said I should trust him, I believe in him. Because he is right. I trusted him for the first time when something happened to us and how we make liam. I trust him too much. But I don't trust the people around him.


'I won't force you to trust me right now. I know you were surprised by what my mom did. I'm so sorry' he said.

'I'll go now. Get some rest. Go home Liam is waiting for you at home. Do you want me to take you now?' He asked me.

'Not now.' I gave him a short answer.

He nodded in agreement.

'I 'll go ahead' he said then turned around and walked towards the door.

I suddenly felt sorry for him.

My mouth spoke on its own.

'Have you eaten?'I asked. He stopped walking.

I'm stupid.


He slowly turned to me and smiled a little.

Don't do that! Don't do this. Don't smile like that!

'Yes I'm hungry' he said.

My knees suddenly went weak. Omg! what am I doing!

'Ah, wait for me here first.'I just told him and quickly went to lyca's kitchen.

But I suddenly held my mouth when I remembered that the dish that lyca cooked this afternoon had run out. And the bad thing is that I have no talent in cooking! T___T

I grabbed my cellphone and was looking for the app where I can order food but I suddenly thought that it would be embarrassing if I just ordered him food! What will he think of me?! Not wife material yet!


I want to tweak myself! More questions!

I turned to Lyca's refrigerator. I remembered that he and Nik went grocery shopping yesterday so I knew the fridge was full. I opened the fridge and looked at the things that could be cooked.

Just be brave!

What YouTube is doing. I started typing.

How to make creamy pasta with prawns and mushrooms


Someone's POV

It also took almost half an hour when Aaliyah finished the cooked creamy pasta with prawns and mushrooms. She was still plating and carefully arranged Daniel's food on the dining table.

He went to the living room to call Daniel but he was talking to someone on his cell phone so he waited for it to finish.

When Daniel noticed that Aaliyah was there, he quickly ended the conversation on his cell phone.

'A-ahh come?' Aaliyah is embarrassed by him at the dining table.

She smiled and followed him.

'I don't know if you will like what I cooked, I was just looking for yt how to cook it' Aaliyah said shyly to him.

Meanwhile, Daniel was staring at the dining table because this is one of his favorite food. he loves seafood and he loves pasta with shrimps. He didn't know how Aaliyah knew the food she wanted.

He smiled.

'Thanks.' He said here and excitedly spooned some pasta.

He started eating while Aaliyah was shyly waiting for Daniel's reaction to the taste of what he cooked.

It took a few seconds. Daniel's face couldn't be painted but he didn't reveal it because he didn't want to embarrass Aaliyah.

It tasted salty and incomprehensible when it was cooked. But Daniel insisted on eating what she cooked because Aaliyah was looking at him the whole time he was eating.

Meanwhile, Aaliyah was very happy from the bottom of her heart and secretly thanked him because Daniel liked what he cooked.

Daniel kept drinking water just to push the food into his mouth and he could no longer taste it.


A few minutes after the strange food that Daniel ate, he asked Aaliyah for coffee while they are currently in the living room.

'I'll go home tomorrow' said Aaliyah.

Daniel smiled.

'that's good.' he said here and then decided to stand up.

'I have to go somewhere now. I'll go ahead now. Thanks for the food.' Daniel said with a smile.

Aaliyah immediately got up to take him to the door.

They were at the door when the doorbell suddenly rang.

'Be careful' Aaliyah said to Daniel.

'Yes' he answered her.

While Aaliyah was holding the door and was about to open the door when Daniel suddenly pulled her towards her and hugged her..

Aaliyah was shocked by what Daniel did.

He slowly untied and brought Aaliyah to him and looked into her eyes. Whereas Aaliyah can't explain what she feels in this moment. Suddenly her heart beat fast.


Daniel held Aaliyah's chin and slowly brought her face closer to it.

Aaliyah closed her eyes while she could hear nothing but her heart beating as loud as a drum.

The next thing she knew, Daniel's lips approached hers.

Suddenly everyone flashbacks to him when they were in Batangas together.

Daniel is her first kiss. There are no words that can describe what he felt during those times.

And now Daniel is making her thrilled again.

He's kissing her right now. A very romantic kiss.

Her heart was so happy, almost as if all the electricity in his whole body suddenly came to life.

Daniel's kissing her passionately.

They miss each other so much. Daniel hugged Aaliyah tighter. Meanwhile, Aaliyah hugged Daniel's back.

They poured out their long longing for each other in that kiss.

They are no longer aware of the repeated doorbell outside and the loud sound of Aaliyah's cellphone from the table.

Vince calling....

Meanwhile Vince is outside the door and is worried about Aaliyah. His doorbell kept ringing while calling Aaliyah on his cell phone because he thought she might have just fallen asleep.

He noticed that the door was slightly open so he thought of opening it slowly.

It turned out that Aaliyah had unlocked it earlier.

But Vince regretted what he did. He didn't want to open the door and see what he didn't expect to see.

He gently closed it again and sadly turned away.

He can't explain his feelings.

He likes Aaliyah.. No matter how many times he tried to stop his feelings for her, he couldn't do it.

And now because of what he saw, it was like stabbing his heart.

In so much pain.



To be continued..