
The Therapy

It's been two months and Alicia has been receiving treatment for her to recover her memories. Courtney couldn't be more than happy their daughter is back for good.

"I'm really happy today,our long lost girl is back. She's back and back for good...and to the well wishers that attended, I'm grateful". Alexander said, smiling.

Donald, Jasmine, Bella and most of Valerie's classmates were present at the party. Who would want to miss Alexander's invitation?.

Mr Blake also came home to celebrate with their daughter and has gone back again after a week. Everyone is happy Valerie is back. They danced and had fun.


"Sincerely, I will miss you sis". Charlotte pouted and she smiled. She looked at Valerie who dared not look at her. She battled with the tears that threatened to fall.

"Common..Ali..Valerie, I will make sure I call you once in two week". Bella was sent back to school to complete her education sponsored by Mr and Mrs Blake and she is ready to go. She tried consoling the sad Valerie. She's trying her best getting used to calling her Valerie.

"You see...once in two weeks". She said sadly.

"Okay..how about once a week..huh?".

"It's manageable". She mumbled.

The mask on Valerie's face was removed and she is now bearing her real name Valerie. She is so happy she is back to her family but sad that she hasn't recovered her lost memory. Today is the last day she's going for the treatment in the hospital.

"Can you remember anything Valerie?". The doctor thought for a while.

"Oh yes I remember everyone... Alexander that is my brother". She said, That was the first person she remembered.

"Wait let me call them in". The doctor said and a few minutes later they entered the ward.

"Who is he?"The doctor asked, pointing at Alexander.

"He is Alexander Blake, my annoying brother, I know that". She replied and Alexander winked at her.

"What! I'm not annoying anymore I love you sister". He said smiling.

"So who is she?". The doctor demanded pointing at Courtney's mum and she replied correctly.

"I'm your new sister Charlotte". Charlotte said smiling and Valerie looked at her confused.

"Who are you?"She demands looking confused.

"You don't remember me? just tell me you're joking". Charlotte said unbelievably.

"Well I don't remember you". Valerie said meaning business.

Charlotte gave her a light knock. "Ouch fine I still remember you Charlotte how can I forget such a crazy girl?". She said smiling.

"Thanks doctor, can we go home now?". Courtney asked.

"Of course Mrs Blake and congratulations to you Valerie".

They went home and organised a small party. Valerie couldn't be more than happy.

~~Few months later~~

It's the end of the semester and the students are now reading for their exams. Charlotte, Donald and Jasmine are not excluded. They get crazy fans only when they're in public places. The company they are working with gave each of them a car and a magnificent house to live in. They are currently in the living room studying.

"Charlotte, why did you even choose to study law?". Donald asked.

"Ssh I'm studying". Charlotte tried covering up the topic.

"Tch you are always giving an excuse any time we asked such a question". Jasmine retorted, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever I'm currently here because I came in search of my dad and at the same time wanna send him to jail". Charlotte said smiling.

"You have a lot of Secrets so how will you send him to jail and why?". Jasmine asked and Charlotte smiled.

"Don't be in a rush dearie just wait till then and see if you will excuse me I need to study". She said going back to the book she was reading.

"We are going for a concert immediately after we finished the exam, you better start rehearsing". Donald said.

"Concert!?". Jasmine and Charlotte asked.

"Yep the director told me yesterday sorry for not telling you guys on time". Donald apologized and they looked at him suspiciously.

"What?". He asked.

"You need to be spanked". They both said and pounced on him hitting him with a couch pillow.

"I'm sorry". He yelled but they paid deaf ears. They left him after some minutes.

"You Jerk you reminded him we had concerts you can't imagine being done with exams and venturing into one damn concert again". Charlotte said annoyed.

It's Saturday. Charlotte, Jasmine and Donald decided to take a break from studying. They visited their parents and are currently in Charlotte's house.

"Where is Valerie and Mum?". Charlotte asked.

"They went shopping,'' Alex replied and she nodded.

"Charlotte baby, I'm going for a model shoot next week. Will you like to tag along?". Alex said and she rolled her eyes.

"Baby my left toe". She said even though she likes the way he calls her baby.

"Valerie will be there also what do you say?"Alex asked even though he knows the answer.

"I will be there for sure". She replied smiling.

"We are home". Valerie said, opening the door. She shouted excitedly when she saw Charlotte.

"Hi Val-lerie". Charlotte stresses the name. She's just trying to adapt to calling her Valerie. Valerie ran into her arms.

"I miss you baby girl". Charlotte Said.

"So how many days are you spending with us now that you came around". Valerie asked.

"Days? I only came to say hello to you guys. Hi Mum". Charlotte said, embracing Courtney.

"Come on Charlotte I've got a lot of gists for you and I'm sure you don't want to miss". Valerie said.

"We can hang out next week Alexander said you will be coming to the shoot next week". Charlotte replied.

"Coming to where?". She looked confused and looked at Alexander questionably.

"Sorry hi guys". Valerie greeted Donald and Jasmine.

"Too early so you just noticed we are here".Jasmine said and she smiled.

"Alex what did you tell Charlotte?". Valerie asked.

"Nothing Charlotte is following me to the studio tomorrow will you like to tag along?". Alexander demanded changing the topic.

"We ain't going, we want to hang out together". Valerie said and Charlotte nodded.

"All right guys, can you keep my company next week?". Alex pleaded.

"Now you are being humbled". Charlotte teased.

"Whatever, come on guys, what do you say?".

"Alright". Valerie said.

They left the mansion late in the night tired.