

"I passed,I passed". Charlotte continued jumping like a baby. She took the second position while as expected, Alexander was the first. She entered the house with Alexander rejoicing.

"Gosh! Can you just stop". Alexander said, rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, are you jealous? I will try harder to get the first position in the next session". She replied and winked at Alexander.

"In your dreams baby". He replied smiling and her heart skipped.

"Stop calling me baby Alex. I'm a lady". She replied frowning and he smirked.

"We are home mom". He said changing the topic.

"Hi Charlotte". Courtney said smiling.

"I greeted you first mom". He mumbled.

"Mom...I got the second position". She pouts smiling.

"You are just as brilliant as your mom...I knew you were going to cope when you came". Courtney smiled.

"I don't need to check your result cause I know the answer". Courtney said proudly.

"Where is Valerie?". Charlotte demanded.

"She said she wanted to take a nap".

"Time for payback". Charlotte said smiling and ran up the stairs while Courtney just chuckled.

"Alex, come here we need to talk". Courtney said and Alexander groaned.

"I strongly hope it isn't what I'm thinking". He said sitting beside her mum.

"Whatever. So your dad called yesterday". Courtney started and doesn't know where to start from.


"He said...whether you like it or not...you're gonna be getting married". Courtney said.

"What! Who does that? The heck!". Alexander raged. Mr. Blake has always told Alexander he will take after him but he has been avoiding it. There was a great dispute when Alexander got to university about which course he wanted to study because Mr Blake insisted he study office management. His mom had come to his rescue then by supporting Alexander's choice of career. Now his dad is at it again to ruin his music career.

"Calm down son...I pleaded with him and he agreed to wait till you're done schooling".

"Mom,I'm not interested in marriage at all. It's not even in my plan. I'm still very young to get married. Mom, please try to understand. The marriage isn't gonna work".

"You're too young to get married or what did I hear you say?. You fúck a lot of ladies and now you're telling me what. You will be twenty two by then son...you ain't a kid anymore Alex". His mom said.

"It's okay mom. It's okay. All you know is supporting dad all the time...why can't you just reason and support me for once? You were a victim of this kind of marriage and now you want your own son to be like you. Sometimes, I wonder if dad is my real dad. He is so...". Alexander couldn't finish a sentence when Courtney slapped him.

"No matter how cruel you think of him,he is still your father and you have to respect him even if he is acting against your wish the respect must still be there". Courtney said.

"I know you're gonna be on his side, you have always been on his side and saying. I'm not ready to get married and that's final". Alexander said angrily and stormed out of the living room.

Charlotte and Valerie ran downstairs. "what is happening?". They asked Courtney but she just ignored them.

"Wait!". Charlotte shouted trying to catch up with Alexander.

"what just happened?. Why is mum angry and why are you also frowning? Did something happen when I was upstairs?". She asked him and breathed hard.

"Nothing happened".Alexander said quickly and Charlotte looked at him suspiciously but kept quiet.

"Alright... then bye Alex". Charlotte said and was about to go inside the house.

"Wait". Alexander said.

"Yeah...". She looked back.

"Okay this is weird but I need your advice on this matter. Dad wants me to get married, that is contract marriage because he wants me to take over him in his company but I ain't interested in anything office and I'm just too young to get married at this young age and I don't know if I should obey them or just act stubborn especially to Dad". Alexander said sadly.

"To be sincere Alex I'm also confused but if I were you I would just try my best to talk things out with them telling them you are not interested in office stuff". Charlotte said sincerely.

"Okay thanks Charlotte".

"Anytime bro now that we have time when can we hang out? You,Valerie and I?". Charlotte said changing the topic and his face brightened up.

"How about next week maybe in Paris or what do you think?".

"Paris, that would be fine by me and I'm definitely sure it'll be fine by Valerie". Charlotte beamed.

"Next week it is then". Alexander replied smiling.

"Bye Mum ,Valerie see you. Oh I almost forgot about your results or aren't you guys done with your exams?". Charlotte asked Valerie.

"University and High School ain't the same miss". Valerie replied, rolling her eyes. Charlotte left afterwards. When she got home she met no one at home. What's happening? She thought and dialled Donald's number.

"What's up Donald, why is everyone not at home". She demanded

"Oops sorry we did not inform you before we left home we went shopping". He said.

"Whatever". Charlotte replied and disconnected the call. She entered the car and ignited the engine and was driving through the estate. The estate is always quiet. She thought. She drove inside the school to pick a novel which she left in her locker just to keep herself busy. She left the class and was about to enter her car when she heard some noises. She traced the path where the noise was coming from and she saw some guys. They were trying to rape a girl.

She couldn't think fast. She's confused. She took wood and hit it on a guy's back. The guys stopped what they were doing and looked at Charlotte who was trying her best not to show her nervousness.

"Look who we have here, it's Alexander's sister. She has the nerve to even come here and hit a wood on my back...well I'm a big fan of you. An autograph please?". He mocked clapping and the guys laughed.

"Let the girl go," Charlotte said bravely.

"Woah! She has got some nerves hasn't she?". The head of the group said smiling. They charged towards her and tried their best to fight her but Charlotte beat them all to it. She will thank her mom later for forcing her to learn martial arts.

"Get up!". She whispered to the girl as she was fighting the last guy. The girl stood up and ran and Charlotte ran with her but she was held back strongly by one of the guys. The girl looked back and wanted to come meet Charlotte but she shouted at her to continue running and not look back.

Few minutes later the guys were back on their feet and were holding Charlotte really tight.

"You just let the girl escape and now that she has escaped,you will be the scapegoat because you're gonna be the one we will fúck. The head of the group said angrily.

"Please let me go". Charlotte whispered but they only laughed really hard.

"I'm going to make sure all of us cum inside of you because you just let her escape". He said removing his belt.

Charlotte was so scared hearing what he just said. Even though she knew she's going to lose her virginity one day, but not in this kind of way.

"Oh lord save your daughter". She whispered trying to gather the strength left in her.

Charlotte was losing all the strength in her because the guys were already overpowering her. She prayed silently.

"Lord please help me". She closed her eyes.

"What do you guys think you are doing?". That was the last thing she heard before she passed out.
