
Flash Marriage:99 Days

"I will take responsibility for you" On the night of breakup, Vani met Ansh. Her heart was bleeding and he was the medicine. How did a passionate night change it all for them? What will happen between these two now? To know the answers, read "Flash Marriage:99 Days".

Istilldo · Urban
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12 Chs

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A man who has so many aromatherapy in his home, shouldn't he have any perverted hobbies?

To complain, she still reached out and took an aromatherapy essential oil to soothe tired nerves and dripped it into the water. She took a towel and folded it neatly and placed it under her head. The injured arm was placed on the edge of the bathtub, and her eyes were comfortably closed.

I have to say, Ansh is a domineering man who can enjoy life quite a bit. He even uses a jacuzzi, which is really very comfortable.

Vani sighed, her consciousness became more and more chaotic, and in the end she actually fell asleep like that.

In her sleep, it seemed that someone was moving and fiddling with her body. Vani was about to turn over to avoid the annoying hand, but a sudden sense of weightlessness made her clean and turn back, her hands subconsciously grasping the thing next to her. .

A strange feeling came to her mind, Vani opened her eyes in a daze, and screamed when she saw the situation in front of her clearly.


Vani was naked, with only a bath towel barely covering her important parts, while her feet were dangling in Ansh's arms, and her hands were still tightly wraped around his neck.

The piercing scream made Ansh frown impatiently, and there was a chill in his pupils.

It's a pity that Vani didn't feel the man's anger on the verge of erupting, and pointed at him with a trembling hand, " Ansh, what are you, you, what are you doing?" What a beast, he actually sneaked in while she was taking a bath. take advantage of her. If she hadn't woken up in time, this man would have been ready to put her on the bed or something.

Sure enough, she said why he was so kind, and his feelings were under the pretense of worrying about her injury, wanting to do such a beastly thing to her.

Seeing the accusation and anger that almost overflowed from the woman's eyes, Ansh could guess what she was thinking with her toes, and hummed in disdain, "Woman, put away the messy and dirty thoughts in your mind, You fell asleep in the bathtub, don't you know?"

"Uh..." Vani was stunned, it seemed, it seemed, maybe it was like this.

The bathtub was so comfortable, she just lay down...

"Even if I fell asleep, you shouldn't break in." Vani scolded her righteously, and hugged herself tightly..

Ansh sneered, "If you know you're wrong, you still have to be stubborn, woman, you're really not cute."

Besides, it's not like he had never seen any part of her body. Although he was drunk that night, the joy and touch brought him by the body below him. He still remembers it clearly.

Vani scratched her neck, and wanted to say something tough, but Ansh threw her at random, and she fell out uncontrollably.

"Ah..." The sense of weightlessness made her terrified, the uncontrollable scream just spilled out of her throat, and the person had already landed on the bed like a dead fish.

Vani felt that her lungs were about to explode, "Ansh!!!"

"He died!" The man clapped his hands in disgust, turned and left the room.

The woman who was stiff on the bed lost the goal of venting her anger, and tugged at her hair violently, ravaging the sheets under her.

This damn poisonous tongue, her height of 168 is only 90 pounds, where is the weight, where is the weight? !

He must be blind!

After tossing around for a while, Vani was a little discouraged. She believed that her temper was really good, especially for Raj's deliberate restraint in these years, she could laugh at everyone.

But when she met Ansh, it seemed that all her good temper could be broken in an instant.

She couldn't fight Riya, lost to Raj, and now she can't even handle a man who suddenly appeared...

Vani stretched out on the bed and pulled the quilt to cover her face, feeling a little sad for no reason.

Just when she was complaining about herself, the sound of the phone vibrating suddenly came from beside her. Vani arched, showing a head from the quilt, glanced at the phone on the bedside table, stretched out her arm, took it and swiped to answer it.

Before she could speak, a pleasant and refreshing voice came from over there, "Ansh, tomorrow Piyush said that he will go to the suburbs to play the Reality Tournament, do you want to form a team?"

A woman, and the voice is so beautiful, with such a familiar tone Talk to him and call his name so intimately.

Ansh is a man who deserves to have this. He is quite capable of attracting bees and butterflies.

"I'm sorry, I'm not Ansh." Vani didn't expect that she had answered the wrong call, but she didn't feel any uneasiness about answering someone else's call, her tone was cold, "Wait a minute, I'll call him for you."

"No need. !" The other side quickly stopped, "I'm sorry, I disturbed you, I'm sorry. You continue, continue!" The phone hung up, and the Neha snickered. Whoops, I didn't expect the Iron tree to actually bloom. Ansh's house still had a woman staying at home so late. It's not easy, it's not easy.

Such a wonderful gossip, it would be unkind not to share it with a few friends.

With an exaggerated and malicious smile on Neha's face, she called a few friends, and excitedly spread the news out in an instant.

And in Ansh's bedroom, Vani looked at the hung up phone with a puzzled expression on her face.

Why did she always feel that the last sentence of the woman just now was so strange? Did she think too much?

Ansh, who went back and forth, had a hair dryer in his hand, and when he walked in, he saw Vani lying on the bed in a daze, his face sank, "Lie down with wet hair, do you still want to catch a cold after getting burned?"

The voice full of anger slammed over, instantly causing Vani's dissatisfaction,, "What are you doing here again!"

Seeing the hair dryer in his hand, she couldn't help but startled. Did he just look for a hair dryer for her?

Ansh came over and plugged the hair dryer into the socket at the bedside. His black eyes looked at her coldly, "Come here!"

Vani's mouth moved, but she still didn't say anything. She wrapped herself up with the quilt.

She is naked now, she is really insecure, and she has no confidence to talk to him.

Feeling the man's long, slender fingers running through her hair, Vani couldn't see his expression, but she could feel the gentleness of his movements, so she couldn't help laughing, "Ansh, you blow hair so professionally, Have you blown hair for many women?"

"As I said, I have never served anyone like this in my life, and you are the first." The man's angry voice came from behind.

Vani made it clear that she didn't believe it, "That's weird, I don't believe you didn't cook for your mother or blow her head?"

It's impossible that you haven't done such a professional skill before.

The fingers that combed the long hair paused, and at this moment, Vani suddenly felt an indescribable gloomy aura from him, as cold as a water ghost crawling out of the cold pool, entwined with resentment and anger.

Vani shivered involuntarily, keenly aware that she seemed to be talking about a not-so-good topic, and bit her lip in annoyance.

"That..." Ansh's breath was so terrifying that she almost suffocated, "I just accidentally answered a call from you, it seems that it was from your friend, saying that someone named Piyush asked you to call tomorrow. Reality tournament, I'm asking if you want to go."

"Yeah!" Ansh hummed, his tone indifferent without the slightest emotion.

Vani's heart pounded fiercely, hesitating whether to apologize or something. Judging from Ansh's appearance just now, it seemed that something bad had happened to his mother.

She poked the pain of others, although it was unintentional, but it was always wrong.

Unfortunately, before she could finish her struggle, the man stopped and left a cold sentence, "Okay, rest early!" He got up and cleaned up the hair dryer, strode out of the bedroom, and closed the bedroom door smoothly.

Even if Vani had something to say in her heart, she had no chance at this moment.

Gritting her teeth, forget it, doesn't she want to keep a distance from him anyway, that's just right!